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Ururka Al-Shabaab: Puntland Waxaa ka Taliya Maraykan Iyo Ethiopia

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Muqdisho (RBC Radio) Iyadoo mudooyinkii ugu danbeeyay ay sheegayeen kooxda Al-Shabaab in masuuliyiin ka tirsan ay gaareen deegaanada Puntalnd ayaa maanta Al-Shabaab waxay baahiyeen codka sargaal ka tirsan kooxdaas oo ay sheegeen in uu ku suganyahay deegaanada Puntland.

Sheekh C/qaadir Cali Muumin oo ka tirsan saraakiisha Al-Shabaab oo maanta codkiisa ay baahiyeen warbaahinta Al-Shabaab ayaa wuxuu sheegay inuu haatan ku suganyahay deegaanada Puntland isla markaana deegaanadaasi aysan wax amaan ah ka jirin.

“maanta waad la socotaan xaalka sida uu yahay deegaanadaan waxaa ka taliya dowlada Maraykanka waxaana si hoose u maamula dowlada Ethiopia wax maamul ah kuma laha dadka Soomaaliyeed” ayuu yiri sargaalkaan.

Sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay sargaalkaan ka tirsan kooxda Al-Shabaab in dadka Soomaaliyeed lagu dhibaateeyo deegaanada Puntland isla markaana haatan ay ku xir xiranyhiin xabsiyada ku yaala deegaanadaasi.

C/qaadir Cali Muumin ayaa sidoo kale wuxuu ku eedeeyay maamulka Puntland in uu u adeegayo Maraykanka isla markaana dadka Soomaaliyeed ee Muslimiinta ah ay ka iibiyaan Maraykanka.

Dhowaana yay ahayd markii maalmka Puntand uu qaylo dhaan xoogan ka miijiyay in ay saraakiil sar sare iyo ciidamo Al-Shabaab ah ay gaareen deegaanadaasi Puntland.

Sidoo kale Raysal wasaaraha dowlada KMG Soomaaliya C/wali Cali gaas ayaa wuxuu sheegay in Al-Shabaab markii looga awoodroonaaday deegaanada koofurta Soomaaliya ay u wareegeen Puntland.

RBC Radio

xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho

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Interesting development it seems Alshabaab is very serious about dismantling the garowe clan enclave now lets wait for the reaction of Faroole yanay meesha ka dhicin Maraykanow iga so gaadh Melez zanawiyow iga so gaadh :D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;818164 wrote:
Interesting development it seems Alshabaab is very serious about dismantling the garowe clan enclave now lets wait for the reaction of Faroole yanay meesha ka dhicin Maraykanow iga so gaadh Melez zanawiyow iga so gaadh

Somaliland has complained about the administration of Abdi Mohamud Omar and said its patients was running out and urged Addis Ababa to take immediate action.


:( :( :( :(

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Somaliland is telling Addis ababa contain you're dog in Jigjiga Somaliland is intervening in Ethiopia's domestic affairs, because Iley was waging a clanish war against Ethnic Somalilanders in Ethiopia.


Now lets stick to the Topic what is faroole's next step.

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Carafaat;818174 wrote:
Al Shabaab is so ignorent. Havent they met Qardho or Maakhirian folks yet. war siyaad barre ayaa u talin kari waayay.

Siad barre barkado ayuu sumeyn jiray laakin Carafaadow adeer nimankan Shabaab waxay raban inay ku jannoh tagan reer Budhlayn wa arin kale waleh.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;818180 wrote:
Siad barre barkado ayuu sumeyn jiray laakin Carafaadow adeer nimankan Shabaab waxay raban inay ku jannoh tagan reer Budhlayn wa arin kale waleh.

:D They will be defeated inshallah, just like in 1992.

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That was Al itaxaad a few militia men this is Alshabaab a capable Militant group well trained with international jihadist links. Somalia keep in mind Alshabaab is battling four countries in southern Somalia Uganda Burundi Ethiopia Kenya even Djibouti Joined.

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Adeer Al Shabaab was welcomed with open hands by Makhirian/Galgala folks. Havent you noticed how quite Nassir and other Mkahirians these days are. Only old Xiin still plays the game of Somaliland and Puntland isku ***.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;818183 wrote:
That was Al itaxaad a few militia men this is Alshabaab a capable Militant group well trained with international jihadist links. Somalia keep in mind Alshabaab is battling four countries in southern Somalia Uganda Burundi Ethiopia Kenya even Djibouti Joined.

I know they can't be compared, but this will be an exciting time for you guys, pray for us :(

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Carafaat;818184 wrote:
Adeer Al Shabaab was welcomed with open hands by Makhirian/Galgala folks. Havent you noticed how quite
Nassir and other Mkahirians
these days are. Only old Xiin still plays the game of Somaliland and Puntland isku ***.

They are gone. :D

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