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Mudug Elders Repudiate Fictional Reports (Audio)

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XX, Most of them oppose Faroole. Only some Somalilanders who they are related and Garowe Girl support him, inta kale daacad uma aha.

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Beelaha Mudug warkooda wa cadyahay!:


Beelaha Gobolka Mudug oo Ka Hadlay Muda-kororsiga Xukuumada Puntland [sawiro+Cod]

Updated:- 20 hours ago| 21 Commnets


Shir ay maanta yeesheen beelaha gobolka Mudug ayaa waxay kaga hadleen dastuurka iyo xil kororsiga xukuumada puntland .


Kulan ay yeesheen odayasha beelaha iyo haweenka gobolka oo dhawaantan ka socday magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa maanta lagu soo afmeeray magaalada Gaalkacyo


Shirkan ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay siyaasiyiin iyo aqonyahano ka soo jeeda gobolka Mudug kuwaas oo bayaan ka soo saaray muda-kororsiga xukuumada iyo arimaha dastuurka .


Dhagayso Bayaanka Beelaha Mudug


Bayaanka ay soo saareen beelaha gobolka Mudug ayaa waxaa lagu cadeeyay sida ay uga soo horjeedan muda-kororsiga xukuumada Puntland iyo ergada ansixinta dastuurka Puntland ee joogta magaalada Garoowe.


Sidoo kale beelaha shirkan maanta yeeshay ayaa ku baaqay in isimada puntland ay ka dhaadhiciyaan madaxweyne Faroole in uu xilka iskaga dago mudadiisa isla markaana uu isa soo sharaxo .


kulankan maanta ay yeeshen beelaha daga gobolka Mudug ayaa ku soo beegmaya iyadoo ay magaalada Gaalkacyo ka socdaan shirar looga soo horjeedo xil-kororsiga xukuumada Puntland iyo qaabka loo ansixin doono dastuurka Puntland.

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That's what they (the elders) have repudiated. They added that it is a lie and they don't speak for the people.

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Those are not the elders of Mudug, not every old man that speaks out is an elder.


When some of these men speak out, let us know.



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