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Somali Prime MInister: Al-Shabaab going north

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MOGADISHU: Militant leaders and foot soldiers from the militant group Al-Shabaab are fleeing to hideouts in a mountainous region of northeastern Somalia after facing increasing military pressure around Somalia’s capital, the prime minister said in an interview Wednesday.


The northern flight to the Galgala Mountains in the semiautonomous Somali region of Puntland comes after months of increasing pressure on Al-Shabaab from the militaries of Uganda, Burundi, Ethiopia and Kenya.


“They are weakened. They are now in tatters. Their fighters are now moving to Galgala Mountains, which is an area with a very difficult terrain,” Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohammad Ali told the Associated Press in an interview at the presidential palace. “Al-Shabaab high officials are now also relocating to Puntland.”


Galgala is an ancient mountain town in Puntland that serves as a key stronghold for militant fighters.


The increasing pressure on Al-Shabaab has seen the group cede Mogadishu to the power of African Union and Somali forces. The militants lost control of Baidoa, the country’s third-largest town, in February.


The militant flight to northern Somalia coincides with renewed economic and social life in Mogadishu, where sports, business and the art are enjoying a comeback, despite a suicide bombing at the National Theater last week that killed at least 10, a bombing officials have said was aimed at Ali.


Al-Shabaab relies on several hundred foreign fighters – some with experience in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It joined Al-Qaeda earlier this year, and seeks to recruit new soldiers from Somali communities overseas.


United States and British officials in particular fear that young recruits from Somali communities in Minnesota or London could train in Somalia, and return to those countries to carry out attacks. Ali also conceded that it was possible.


“Al-Shabaab use kids from Minnesota, the U.K., Somalia to kick off war in other parts of the world, I am sure they are coming back to their adopted countries to create problems,” he said.


Perhaps the best known American member of Al-Shabaab is Omar Hammami. The Alabama native recently issued a video tape saying that he feared his life was in danger because of disagreements he had with other militant leaders.


“Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda, just like the other mafia and gangsters, they eliminate each other and I am sure that Hammami has felt a threat,” Ali said.


Asked if the Somali government would kill Hammami if it had the chance, the prime minister said: “If Hammami is involved in violent activities of course we don’t have choice.


“But if he renounces violence and accepts peace then why are you killing him?” he added.


Hammami sits on the list of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives.

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