
The Somalia-Somaliland talks Thread

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Xaaji Xunjuf;964442 wrote:
Matt Bryden Oo Si Qoto Dheer Uga Hadlay Wada Hadalada Somaliland & Somaliya Iyo Caqabadaha Soo Waajihi Kara

Writen by Qaran News | Published: Jun 26th, 2013 at 10:11 AM


Hargeysa(Qaran news)-Mr. Matt Bryden, oo wakhtigan maamula hay’ad cilmi baadhiseed oo ka hawlgasha Geeska Afrika, laguna magacaabo Sahan, ayaa si qoto dheer uga hadlay wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya iyo weliba qodobada caqabada ah ee soo waajihi doona.


Matt Bryden, oo sidoo kale aha madaxdii guddigii kormeerka cunaqabataynta Qaramada Midoobay ee Somaliya, ahna khabiir si dhow ula socda arrimaha gobalka Geeska Afrika, ayaa wuxuu waraysi siiyay Wargeyska Daily Nation ee ka soo baxa magaalada Nayrobi ee wadanka Kenya, ku iftiimiyay inay caqabado badani ku gadaamanyihiin wada hadaladaas. Waraysigaas oo uu Mt. Bryden, sidoo kale kaga hadlay xaaladaha dalka Somaliya, ayaa waxa su’aalaha la weydiiyay ka mid ahayd sida uu u arko wada hadalka Hargeysa iyo Muqdisho iyo weliba natiijada uu filan karo inay ka soo bixi karto. “Wada hadalka ay dawladda federaalka Somaliya iyo dawladii ku meelgaadhka ahayd ee ka horeeyay la leeyihiin Somaliland waa talaabo togan. Waa markii u horaysay ee ay dawladda Muqdisho iyo maamulka Hargeysa uu midba midka kale u aqoonsado in ay yihiin dhinacyo uu khilaf dhex yaalo, oo ay jirto wax yaabo ay tahay in ay ka wada hadlaan. Xaqiiqada ah in derbigii la jebiyay oo ay labadii dhinac wada hadlayaan waa horumar aad muhiim u ah. Hase yeeshe aad ayay u adagtahay, khatartii ugu weynayd ee wada hadalladan soo waajahdaana si ayay u soo xoogaysanaysaa oo si aan ku talo gal ahayn u gaadhay heer is-fahmi waa ,kala fogaanshiyo iyo is eedayn ah.” Ayuu yidhi khabiirkani.


Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata wuxuu raaciyay “Sidaa awgeed, aad ayaa ay muhiim u tahay in wada hadaladani ay sii socdaan, oo bilowga ay ku koobnaadaan arimaha farsadamada iyo in la isla eego arrimaha laga midaysan yahay. Waxa ay tahay in ay bilowga isla eegaan qadiyadaha labada dhinac si isku mid ah u khuseeya, sida amniga, hawada, badda, ganacsiga, arrimaha dhaqaalaha iyo isu socodka dadka iyo badeecooyinka. Waxyaabahani waa kuwo imikaba si uun u socda, laakiin waxaa laga dhigi karaa arrimo si rasmi ah la isaga af garto oo ay labada dhinac nidaam u sameeyaan. Marka ay timaado arrimaha siyaasadda ee ka dhexeeya, waxa jira wax ay ku kala qaybsan yihiin labada dhinac. Tusaale ahaan labada dawladoodba waxa ay isu arkaan in ay yihiin kuwo dastuuriyan ay qasab tahay in ay dhowraan shuruucda.”


Wuxuu Matt, iftiimiyay inay jiraan laba caqabadood oo wada hadalka saamayn ku leh, kuwaas oo kala ah madaxbanaanida Somaliland iyo midnimada Somaliya. “Somaliland, waxa la xurmaynayaa go’aankii la soo noqoshada madaxbanaanida ee 1991. Dawladda Federaalka Somaliyana, waxay xurmaynaysaa midnimadii dhuleed ee Somaliya, ee ay aqoonsanyihiin Midowga Afrika, Qaramada Midoobay iyo bulshada caalamkuba. Mid kasta oo ka mid ah labadan maamul inuu ka noqdo go’aamadaasi waxka dhigan tahay is-khaarajin siyaasi ah. sidaa awgeed midkoodna ma awoodo in uu ku lug yeesho wada hadal ay ka dhalanayso natiijo aan dan u ahayn oo aanu marka hore ugu sii tashan.”


Ugu dambayn, isagoo hadalkiisa soo gunaanadaya wuxuu yidhi “Waxa aan is leeyahay sida keliya ee ay uga wada hadli karaan mustaqbalkooda ugu dambeeyaa waa in ay marka hore natiijadu noqotaa mid furan oo qolo kastaa wax kasta ka filan karto, waayo in si nabdoon loogu heshiiyo midnimadu waxa uun ay ku iman kartaa heshiis labada dhinac ah, laakiin xoog ma’aha.”




Matt bryden was spot on he predicted the outcome precisely, the Question is where to go from here

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Xaaji Xunjuf;967770 wrote:
Matt bryden was spot on he predicted the outcome precisely, the Question is where to go from here

The first chapter on Air traffic control has been agreed upon. Next on the agenda are Sea control/patrol and marine resources, immigration and border control, security, foreign affairs, diplomatic and consular affairs, trade, common market and taxes, aid and investments, Economic, financial and monetary issues.


This is just the beginning of a long process.

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The Airspace was handed over from the UN to the SFG now its jointly managed by Somalia and Somaliland. the Sea control/patrol was never under the authority of the UN. There is no point discussing immigration because we dont even know what kind of relations the 2 countries will have that also concerns diplomatic offices trade has been discussed before, aid has been discussed before. These talks are not going any where aslong as the 2 sides cannot agree on the most fundamental conflict between Somalia and Somaliland. I predict the next phase of talks will most likely fail Carafaat ask your self they sat 72 hours and agreed on one point this shows the 2 sides are far apart. I dont see any sort of compromise being made with out international mediation. Inta ka sakow wa shimbiriooy heesa, hees wanaagsan heesa.

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You know it would be nice to keep this thread unadulterated by deceptive spin and lies.


No where in the agreement did it say that Air control of Somaliland ONLY will be done out of Hargaysa. It says all of the air space of Somalia will be managed out of Hargaysa.


The delegates to the talks have agreed to the following:


Item No.1: Somalia air control will be reverted back into the hands of Somalia from the hands of the United Nations.


Item No.2: That a commission that includes members from somaliland will be created to perform the aforementioned task, which is going to be housed in Hargaysa.


Item No.3: The parties to the talks will meet again 4 months from now.


So spin it whichever way you wish, but Hargaysa is a city of Somalia and can have any Somali Federal agency or ministry based in it, and not just the air control department of Somalia.

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Waxaa dhamaaday wadahadalkii labada maalmood magaalada Istaanbul ee dalka Turkiga uga socday wafuud ka kala socotay Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland, kuwaasi oo ka wada hadlayey qodobo gaaraya 10 oo la xariiray xiriirka Somaliland iyo Federaalka Soomaaliya.

Kulankan oo marar badan qarka u joogsaday in uu burburo ayaa gebo gebadii laga soo saaray 3 qodob oo la sheegay inay isku afgarteen wafuudii labada dhinac ka kala socotay.


Qodobada is afgaradka laga soo saaray ayaa kala ah


1- In Somaliya maamulida Hawada kala wareegto Qaramada Midoobay

2- In hawshaan uu la wareego guddi labada dhinac ka socda oo fadhigoodu noqon doono (Hargeysa).

3- In muddo 4 bilood gudahood ah markale labada dhinac isugu yimaadaan wadahadalka oo sii socon doona.


Qodobadan ayaa muujinaya sida la isugu mari waayey qodobadii kale ee muhiimka ahaa sida madax banaanida Somaliland, balse wafdiga Somaliland ayaa ku guuleysatay inuu hal qodob oo muhiim u ah loo fuliyo kaasi oo aahaa inaan marnaba Hawada Soomaaliya laga hagin magaalada Muqdisho, arrintaasi oo uu maamulka Soomaliland si weyn u qaadacay tan iyo heshiiskii bishii May magaalada Muqdisho ku kala saxiixdeen Wasaarada Isgaarsiinta iyo Hay’ada Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsaneyd arrimaha hagida hawada Somaliya.


Qodobkan wax faah faahin dheeraad ah kama bixin in Qalabkii lagu waday in Airporka Muqdisho lagu rakibo ee hagida hawada Soomaaliya, loo wareejin doono magaalada Hargeysa iyo in kale, balse mar walba wuxuu qodobka kasoo baxay shirka Istanbuul guul u yahay wafdiga Soomaaliland oo ku adkeystay in diyaaradaha hawada Somaliland maraya aan laga hagi karin magaalada Muqdisho.


Wafdiga ka socday dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa hogaaminayey Cabdikarim Xusen Guleed, halka wafdiga Soomaaliland uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka Ganacsiga Maxamed Cumar oo horey u ahaan jiray Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada ee Somaliland.


Macada sababta keentay in kulankan qodobadii la isku afgaran waayey in laga soo dhex saaro arrinta Hawada Soomaaliya, balse waxaa lagu sheegay inuu ahaa qodob ay si weyn ugu dheganaayeen wafdiga Somaliland, hadii qalabkii hawada Somaliya lagu hagi lahaa xarun loga dhigo Hargeysa, waa mid guul u ah maamulka Somaliland.


Qodobada kale ee labada dhinac la yimaadeen ayaa ahaa kuwo aan horey loo fileyn in wax is-afgarad ah laga gaaro, maadaama ay aad ugu kala aragti duwanaayeen labada dhinac.


Horey ayey u jireen xildhibaano kamid ah Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya oo ku eedeeyey wadahadaladii horey uga dhacay dalka Turkiga ee dhexmaray wafuuda Federaalka iyo Somaliland, in meel ka dhac uu ku ahaa midnimada Soomaaliya, iyadoo aan la aqoon sida ay xildhibaanada Soomaaliya usoo dhaweyn doonaan qodobka ku aadan Hawada Soomaaliya in guddiga hagi doono uu noqonayo mid fadhigiisu yahay magaalada Hargeysa.


Maamulka Somaliland ayaa horey amaro u soo saaray in Somaliland aysan soo cago dhigan karin diyaarado fasax laga soosiiyey Muqdisho, wuxuuna maamulkaasi horey u dhaqan geliyey in xabsi la geliyo xubnaha xilalka ka haya Dowlada Federaalka ee booqashada ku taga dhulka uu ka taliyo maamulka Soomaliland.


Horseed Media

News Desk

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It is victory for Somaliland because it was Somaliland that was suggesting a joint committee to manage the airspace of former Somali republic way before, wasn't it the Somalia government that was thinking Somaliland airspace can be administered from Mogadishu solely?

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woopty doo yee! It's a victory. I wish you many more, including Villa Somalia in Hargaysa. :D


You asked for magdhow, and now you have it. Airspace is but the tip of the ice-berg. Many more Somali Federal government institutions will be heading your way, saaxiib. So more victories coming your way also. :D

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What other institutions SL just allow an office in their capital which will manage the airspace of Somaiia and Somaliland the air traffic control of both the 2 countries is also agreed that this body will propose a mechanism for equitable revenue-sharing. I think this is a good solution for both sides for now. What other goverment institutions Somalia's leaders cannot even visit Somaliland. This is good for Somaliland Mogadishu could have said we do not want to share the revenues we will manage it but it shows that there was a compromise there. All the other points were not agreed on and i am not expecting remember Somalia suggested to hold talks in either Somalia or Somaliland this was rejected. Somalia wanted their politicians to visit Somaliland this was also rejected. And they wanted to keep the unity of Somalia and Somaliland this was also rejected. So the talks on all the other points were a failure. Laakin kooxda budhcadbeedku ha isku maweeliyaan Somaliland ba no so soctta.:D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;967811 wrote:
What other institutions SL just allow an office in their capital which will manage the airspace of Somaiia and Somaliland the air traffic control of both the 2 countries is also agreed that this body will propose a mechanism for equitable revenue-sharing. I think this is a good solution for both sides for now. What other goverment institutions Somalia's leaders cannot even visit Somaliland. This is good for Somaliland Mogadishu could have said we do not want to share the revenues we will manage it but it shows that there was a compromise there. All the other points were not agreed on and i am not expecting remember Somalia suggested to hold talks in either Somalia or Somaliland this was rejected. Somalia wanted their politicians to visit Somaliland this was also rejected. And they wanted to keep the unity of Somalia and Somaliland this was also rejected. So the talks on all the other points were a failure. Laakin kooxda budhcadbeedku ha isku maweeliyaan Somaliland ba no so soctta.

There is a saying that goes something along the lines of,"Rome was not built in a day". So just like Rome, maslaxaada habraha will not occur in one day, since especially habartu mid suurooneysa weeye!:D


The question here is not whether unity was rejected, as you foolishly allude, but rather if Secession from Somalia is even feasible under the current circumstances of magdhow and maslaxaad.


Aniga somaliland weligeed meelna iga ma jirin, meelna iigama socoto ee bal madaxa aad darbiga ku garaacaysid jooji! :D

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Adiga dee Somaliland waxba laga ma weydio adigu xita Somaliland kula ma sheekeysato, i remember the foolish pirates were trying to suck up to SL when they suggested that they wanted to secede from Somalia only if they come under the SL authority. Waxad noqoteen slaan sidi xanjada raga ku dhaga magacyada slaan na wabaad la baxdan odayadina ba la baxa:D Somalia's unity integrating the pirates into the normal society under Somalia is much more difficult since there is no trust between the HAG elites in Mogadishu and the Pirates in Garowe. This is much more difficult than reaching out to SL Thats why the talks with Somalia and Somaliland are on a dead lock but you would not understand this, walina adiga waxan waxba laga ma wediyo ka lala hadlayo ma tihid kay khusayso na ma tihid. Ki tegey eeh jamhuuriyada sameystey na ma tihid laakin waxad tahay ka marba indhaha labo dhinac u tagaayo:D

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What utter nonsense. I am fully represented in these talks. In case, you've just crawled out from under a rock, which by the way seems very likely, I and all the other citizens of Somalia are being represented by the Interior Minister of the Somali Federal Government.


As for the politics of the Hags and pirates, that just nothing more than brotherly rivalry. Meeshaan labo walaala ah oo dharagsan baa macmacaanki ku lag damaya, marka naf haka dhiganin HAG iyo Pirate baa dirirsan, axmaqyahow.


War anaku weligiin baanu diririjirnay, laakin we will never compromise our Somalinimo, unlike some cry baby secessionist who upto this days whines about their a$$es being kicked in the late 80's.


Anyway to each his own. We and HAG will fight one another, but continue to agree that sedex inaan idinku qabno. That's the way of a true hustler!

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I love it the pirates HAG bay labada dhaban ka dhunkadan markay arkaan the Somalilanders just wonderful, they are terrified . Laakin ha u baqan wanu ka matajinayna waxad uurka ku sidatid. Somalinimo has already being compromised you dont even know it, if you use xabashis to kill your fellow Somalis you have compromised on Somalinimo. If you use Kenyans to destroy the lives of other Somalis you have compromised on Somalinimo. Mala you believe Somalinimo is singing first of July songs in the open but behind the curtains all the time plotting to annihilate each other that is not Somalinimo, Aniguna iftiinka waan ku iifinyaa kooxda budhcad badeedka and their Fitno.

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Don't ruin this moment with negative clan vibe. We all agree its a good step. Even Saalax and Tillamook welcomed these developments. Markaa maxaa iskugu tuur tuurisiin, reer hebel ayaa badiyay iyo reer hebel ayaa laga badiyay ? :)




Welcome back awoowe, ramadan kariim. hope all is well. give us your take on these developments?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;967832 wrote:
I love it the pirates HAG bay labada dhaban ka dhunkadan markay arkaan the Somalilanders just wonderful, they are terrified . Laakin ha u baqan wanu ka matajinayna waxad uurka ku sidatid. Somalinimo has already being compromised you dont even know it, if you use xabashis to kill your fellow Somalis you have compromised on Somalinimo. If you use Kenyans to destroy the lives of other Somalis you have compromised on Somalinimo. Mala you believe Somalinimo is singing first of July songs in the open but behind the curtains all the time plotting to annihilate each other that is not Somalinimo, Aniguna iftiinka waan ku iifinyaa kooxda budhcad badeedka and their Fitno.

If only I could decipher gibberish, but alas Xaaji Habaar, I cannot. So you will have to excuse me if I don't pay any attention to it.


While I know it is a difficult and momentous challenge to placate a scorned habar, the minister of interior of Somalia will try his best to do so on behalf of all Somalis everywhere. I hope that, like him, I will have the patience and fortitude necessary as I do the same on SOL. I know I will have tough customers in the form of Xaaji Habaar and others, but it is a duty I will not waver from. With resolute determination I shall work to appease and console the resident habro of SOL as these talks progress, and insha Allah, there will come the day when I put their buffoonery about secession out of their minds.


Wa billahi Tawfiiq.

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