
The Somalia-Somaliland talks Thread

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The talkls have started, 52 years after the Somali State was founded that collapsed in 1991. It will be re-established again, inshallah. And this time mistakes from the past will be corrected.


No more clan states, no more secession, no more pirates, no mre terrorist, no more warlords, no more isbaaro's, no more 4.5. A normal Somali State will be founded again. Inshallah.

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UK facilitates first ever Somaliland-Somalia direct talks


ADDIS ABABA — In a breakthrough development, Somaliland and Somalia are set to initiate first formal talks on intricate bilateral issues in an effort to finally end the saber-rattling between the two nations, Somalilandpress reports.


The strategic dialogue was first proposed by the British government during a conference on Somalia held in London on 23 February 2012. The final communiqué recognized the need for negotiations between Hargeisa and Mogadishu “in order to clarify their future relations.”


The British government said it was offering its mediation services and an attempt to officially get the two sides to the negotiation table for the first time in two decades is currently underway. The meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday in the British capital and will be closely monitored by key international players.


Somaliland has designated a team of five-members and they departed from the seaport town of Berbera on Sunday afternoon for London. The representatives consist of senior officials from the government, parliament and the opposition.


Headed by the foreign minister, Dr Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, the Somaliland team is tasked to campaign for the path towards self-determination and diplomatic recognition—based on pre-July 1960 borders.


This was reiterated by Dr Omar saying there was only one resulting possibility for them in the talks—a full international recognition—and that Somaliland would continue on its way. He stated that Somaliland statehood has both historical solid support and it was collective rights.


“We should maintain our dignity as an independent nation, deserving of international respect. Our sovereignty is non-negotiable,” Dr Omar said during a press briefing in Hargeisa.


Somaliland said the team it has nominated reflects its serious interest in the talks to settle its diplomatic standoff with Mogadishu over its status quo. Somaliland minister of information Abdulrahman Yusuf Duale had some tough words for Somalia Thursday, saying regarding reunification that “the gap between Somaliland and Somalia is like the sky and earth”.


He said if Somalia came to the table unconditionally, the talks will focus on three main agendas; to accept each nation’s statehood, establish bilateral relations and to address future cooperation.


On the other side of this coin, officials in Mogadishu have said in the run-up to the meeting that they hoped the meeting will bear fruits for the Somali people. According to sources in the Somali capital, the transitional federal government has indicated openness on all disputed issues.


The Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed has reportedly called on his government to take proper measures to build Somaliland’s confidence. He is said to have proposed an interim federation system for reunification. Somalia still considers Somaliland to be one of its regions despite the fact that the two existed apart for the last twenty years.


The sources said Mr Ahmed has further called for the acknowledgement of Somalia’s past mistakes including the massacres of more than 50,000 Somalilanders by Somalia’s last central government between 1988 and 1991.


The President cited the need to enter into a new strategy of non-aggression and joint-exploration pact with Hargeisa according to media in Somalia.


The transitional federal government, whose term expires in August, is yet to assemble a negotiation team on their behave for the direct talks. This has already signaled to Hargeisa, Mogadishu’s lack of commitment and transparency. Their previous teams have caused Somaliland to pull out of the talks. Why they delayed to the last minute is worrisome for Dr. Omar’s team.


Somaliland continues to recover from decades of poverty, oppression and a devastating war with Somalia that has destroyed over 90 percent of major towns and cities. It maintains that it is a sovereign nation that temporarily entered a never rectified union with its much larger southern neighbor in 1960.


Somaliland not only meets the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States including government, permanent population and defined territory but it also enjoys independence.


If talks fail, Somaliland believes new avenues will surely become available for them to enable them to pursue legal remedies against Somalia in various international fora.


It argues that prior to its unification with Somalia in July 1960, Somaliland was a recognized nation by 34 states where as Somalia came under trusteeship of the UN. At that time, the international community regarded Somalia unfit to govern itself and the UN was entrusted to administer the area until it achieved independence in 1970.


The UN mandate was terminated when Somaliland requested that Somalia be given independence so the two could unify under the banner of “The Somali Republic”. From the beginning, Hargeisa felt it was hijacked and that it got the short end of the stick in the union. It hopes to avoid the same mistake during these new proposed talks.


Along with the foreign minister, the Somaliland team includes Bashe Mohamed Farah, first deputy speaker of house of representatives, Faisal Ali Warabe, chairman of opposition Ucid party, Hersi H. Ali Hassan, minister for presidency and Mohamud Ahmed Barre, minister of labour and social affairs.

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Shirka Somalia iyo Somaliland oo furmayo


18 June, 2012, 16:14 GMT 19:14 SGA


Shirka Somalia iyo Somaliland ayaa London ka furmaayo arbacada

Maalinta arbacada waxaa magaalada London ka furmi doono wadahadal u dhaxeeya Somalia iyo Somaliland.

Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka iyo Arimaha Gudaha ee DKMG Cabdi Samad Macalim Maxamuud oo hogaaminayo wafdiga DKM ah uga qeyb-gelaya shirka magaalada London ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu rajeynayo in wax wanaagsan uu ka soo baxo shirka.

Cabdisamad waxaa uu BBC u sheegey in wadahadalka uu yahey kii ugu horreyey ee dhaco muddo 20 sano ah.

Wasiirka waxaa uu rajo ka muujiyey in si wanaagsan uu ku dhamaan doono wadahadalka. Cabdisamada waxaa uu amaaney wafdiga ka socdo dhanka Somaliland, waxaa uuna intaasi raaciyey in fikradda labada dhinac ay isu dhawdahay, in kasta oo uu sheegey in ay dhici karaan waxyaabo ay isku khilaafsanyihiin.

Somaliland ayaa horey u sheegtey in wadahadalku aanay noqoneyn kuwa looga noqonaayo madaxbanaanidii ay ku dhawaaqeen 21 sano ka hor. Madaxweynaha Somalia Sheikh Sharif ayaa isaguna sheegey in wadahadalku looga gol-leeyahay in lagu sugo midnimada Somalia.

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Somalia names team for talks with Somaliland


MOGADISHU — The transitional federal government of Somalia has officially announced its negotiation team for the upcoming talks with Somaliland.


The first round of direct talks between the two sides are due to kick off in London on Wednesday and each has designated a team for the first ever face-to-face dialogue.


President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed has entrusted the all important inaugural meeting with a small team of five core members–three ministerial officials and two members of Parliament.


Somalia’s negotiating team, headed by interior minister Abdisamad Mo’alin Mohamed, left Mogadishu for London Tuesday morning. Mr. Mohamed voiced optimism over his government’s engagement with Somaliland for the first time in two decades before he left on his trip.


“I am hoping the deliberations will produce a positive outcome for Somalia. The committee I am heading is ready to embark on a trip to London,” he told local press.


The British government is making an effort to open a window of opportunity for dialogue between Hargeisa and Mogadishu. A final communiqué issued during a conference on Somalia in London in February of this year called the two sides to clarify their relations.


This week’s gathering is expected to lay the groundwork for crucial negotiations in the near future to resolve key issues including border disputes, citizenship, partition, unity and other pressing topics.


The Somaliland side seeks full diplomatic recognition and the acceptance of Somalia as a sovereign nation. Somaliland minister of information Abdulrahman Yusuf Duale said on Thursday that divisions between Somaliland and Somalia was like “the sky and earth” — burying any hope for a unity.


Somalia views Somaliland as an integral part of a united and federal Somalia. They vowed to satisfy Somaliland on a path of reunification


Somaliland temporarily joined into a never rectified union with Somalia in July 1960 to form the Somali Republic. The union collapsed after years of heavy fighting that left more than 50,000 people dead in Somaliland and millions displaced across the border in Ethiopia. Somaliland says if the union is reinstated another heavy war is imminent.


The team from Somalia includes, along with Mr. Mohamed, TFG ambassador to Djibouti, Abdi Hussein Gulwade, minister for education and culture, Ahmed Aideed Ibrahim, MP Hussein Hassan and MP Mohamed Hassan Adan.


Mogadishu has removed two ministers from the Puntland region from its list. Hargeisa protested their nomination saying such talks should take between Somaliland and Somalia as two nations not with a regional administration.


The British government is expected to invite key allies and regional powers to the preparatory meeting. The Somaliland negotiation officials left Berbera on Sunday for London (see UK facilitates first ever Somaliland-Somalia direct talks).

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Wafdiga ugu qaybgalaya Dowlada KMG shirka London oo saacadaha soo socdo lagu wado inay gaaraan Dalkaas.


19. juni 2012




Wafdiga Dowlada KMG Soomaaliya ugu qaybgalaya Shirla London ayaa lagu wadaa in Sacaadaha soo socda ay gaaraan Dalka Ingiriiska oo ay ugu qaybgalayaan Shirka wadahadalka Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland.


Cabdi Samad Macalin Maxamuud Sheekh Xasan Faarax oo wasiirka Arimaha gudaha iyo Aniga qaranka iyo Xubno kale oo wada socda ayaa waxaa ay kaduuleen Gooordhow Garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya kuwaas oo lafilayo inay gaaraan Dalkaas.


London waxaa kusugan haatan Xubnaha Somaliland ay ay umagacowday wadahadalada Soomaaliya waxaana Xubnahaas horboodaya Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Somaliland Maxamad Cabdulaahi Cumar.


Cabdi Samad macalin Maxamuud sheekh Xasan faarax ayaa kahor inta uusan ka ambabixin Kenya waxaa uu warbaahinta usheegay in rajo laga qabo in wax walba ay isla garan doonaan wakiilada labada Dhinac.


Maalinta Beri ayaa lagu wadaa in Shirka London uu furmo iyadoo kaqaybgalida Shirkaan horay loo shaaciyay inaysan wax shaqa ah kulahayn lababada Madaxwayne ee Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland.

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Weftigii Somaliland Oo Dawladda Britain u gudbiyay Mowqif cad oo ay la hor-tagayaan Soomaaliya


June 19th, 2012


London (Somaliland)- Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada ee Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Dr. Maxamed C/laahi Cumar oo ku sugan magaalada London ayaa maanta qoraal uu kaga warramayo mawqifka cad ee Somaliland la tagayso wada hadalada bari lagu wado inay London ka furmaan ee dhex mari doona weftiga ka socda dawlada ku meel gaadhka ah ee Somalia ee cimrigeedu sii dhammaanayo, waxa uu diray Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibada ee Dawlada Ingiriiska Wilyam Hegue.


Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar waxa uu sheegay in Somaliland go’aansatay inay ka qayb gasho shirkaa oo ah mid laga filayo in Somalia ku garwaaqsato xuquuqda, dawladnimada iyo madaxbanaanida Somaliland, maadaama ay Somaliland tahay dal madaxbanaanidiisii la soo noqday, beesha caalamkana ka doonaya ixtiraam iyo ictiraaf buuxa.

Wasiirku waxaa kale oo uu xusay in qaranimada Somaliland aanay marnaba gorgortan gali Karin isla markaana aanay khusayn distoorka ay samaysteen dawlada Somalia.


Dr Maxamed C/laahi Cumar waxa uu qoraalkiisa ku sheegay in Somaliland tahay dawlad ay kaabayaasheedu u taagan yihiin,mar uu wasiirku ka waramayay waxyaabaha ay ka wada hadli karaan Somalia ay tahay sidii loo noqon lahaa laba dal oo deris ah oo xidhiidh darisnimo oo wanaagsan yeesha,la dagaalanka argagixisada,xal u helida budhcad badeeda.


Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadu waxa uu ka waramay dhibaatooyinkii cuslaa ee ka dhashay midowgii ay Somaliland la gashay Somalia isla markana ay ku dhinteen dad ka badan konton kun oo qof,iyadoo intaas ay dheer tahay bara kicii loo gaystay ummada Somaliland iyo burburintii lagula kacay hantidooda iyo dhamaan magaalooyinka dalkani ka kooban yahay.


Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada ee Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Dr. Maxamed C/laahi waxa uu intaas ku daray in jiritaanka iyo gooni isu taaga Somaliland uu yahay mid nafo badan iyo hanti aan qiyaas lahayn lagu waayay ,waxaana u mahadceliyay wasiirku dawlada Ingiriiska,Norwey,iyo Midowga yurub oo suurto galiyay qabsoomida wada hadalada dhex maraya Somaliland iyo Somalia waxaanu ka dalbaday inay aqbalaan xaqiiqda dhabta ah ee ka jirta Somaliland oo ah dal madax banaan oo xor ah oo horseed u ah nabad galyada iyo daganaanshaha geeska afrika.


Wasiirku waxa uu gabo gabadii ka codsaday Xogahayaha arrimaha dibada ee dawlada ingiriiska inuu qoraalkiisa u gudbiyo Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay Baan kii Moon iyo Golaha Amaanka.


Xukuumadda Somaliland waxa shirkan u magacowday Gudi heer qaran ah oo uu Hoggaaminayo wasiirka wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar isla markaana ay xubno ka yihiin Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka koowaad ee Golaha wakiiladda Md. Baashe Maxamed Faarax, Guddoomiyaha xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee UCID Eng. Faysal Cali Waraabe, Wasiirka wasaaradda Madaxtooyadda Md. Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan iyo Wasiirka shaqadda iyo arrimaha bulshadda. Md. Maxamuud Axmed Barre (Garaad).

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xaaji xunjuf aan kaftannee, markaan Siilaanyo rag ka socda reerkii qadiyadda go'itaanka u diriray buu magacaabay maaha?


No more Dhulbuhante iyo ********** reps in the committee , right? Saas baa la rabaa

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^^ Xiinfaniin Baashe Muhammad cade is from the garaad clan he is the deputy speaker of the Somaliland parliament he hails from Laascaanood Every one is represented.

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HARGAYSA(CNN).I would like to take the opportunity of my imminent arrival in the United Kingdom to set out the views of the Government of Somaliland on the end of the transitional period in Somalia on 20 August

and to foreshadow my Government’s approach to the upcoming talks between Somaliland and the TFG.


Somaliland has a strong interest in seeing stability re-established in our neighbour, Somalia. We therefore welcome the positive developments which have taken place there in recent months, including progress towards bringing the transition period to an end. At the same time, we pay tribute to the sacrifices made by AMISOM troops and to the important support of the international community, which have helped to bring this about.


Three decades after the voluntary union between the former British Protectorate of Somaliland and Italian Somalia in July 1960, Somaliland was driven to reclaim its independence from Somalia in 1991. This decision was not taken lightly. It followed the systematic discrimination and grave human rights abuses committed against our people by the Siyad Barre regime, and the ensuing war which saw the deaths over 50,000 of our citizens, the displacement of hundreds of thousands of others, and the destruction of our capital, Hargeisa.


Since then, Somaliland has been successful in building peace, establishing a democratic form of government and delivering services to its people. We have done this by means of an indigenous, bottom-up process. In 2001, following a referendum which received the overwhelming support of the people of Somaliland, our country adopted a new constitution, which reaffirmed that the national territory of the independent Republic of Somaliland is identical to that of the Somaliland Protectorate, to which Britain granted independence in June 1960. Subsequent elections, which were deemed free and fair by international monitors, have elected governments firmly committed to Somaliland’s independence. We believe that our experience of peace-building may be of interest to others, including our Somali brothers.


Given this history, it is unacceptable to Somaliland that the new draft Somalia constitution might purport to lay claim to our country. Somaliland emphatically rejects any such claim on our national territory.


However, Somaliland is more than willing to have constructive discussions with the TFG or its successor about clarifying our future relations, and about matters of mutual interest, including the fight against terrorism, piracy and jihadism. Somaliland is grateful to the United Kingdom, Norway and the European Union for agreeing to co-host the exploratory talks on 21 June. We will approach those discussions in good faith and in a spirit of cooperation with a view to reinforcing and building peace and stability in the Horn.


We ask that the international community now accept the reality that Somaliland is independent, and that promoting a dialogue between two sovereign entities in Hargeisa and Mogadishu will only aid our shared objective of securing a peaceful, stable Horn of Africa.


I would be most grateful to you if you would bring this letter to the attention of His Excellency the Secretary General of the United Nations, as well as to the other Members of the UN Security Council.


Please accept, Foreign Secretary, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Dr Mohamed A. Omar


Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation


Republic of Somaliland


cc Baroness Ashton of Upholland PC,


High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy


& Vice President of the European Commission


Jonas Gahr Støre, Foreign Minister of Norway

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I take it the Makhir folks are not represented then.


ps. by representation, I am referring to symbolic inclusion in the committee , and not necessarily a political representation.

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^^ Well they are part of the technical committee president Siilaanyo appointed they were only 5 men they are just paving the road for other talks in the future between the two Presidents.

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Somaliland: Government affirms its Stance on Somali Talks


June 19th, 2012


HARGEISA (Somaliland.Org) – Somaliland is more than willing to have constructive discussions with the TFG or its successor about clarifying our future relations, and about matters of mutual interest, including the fight against terrorism, piracy and jihadism.


This was informed by Somaliland’s minister of foreign affairs and international, Dr Mohamed Abdilahi Omar in a letter addressed to the Rt Hon William Hague MP Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs Foreign & Commonwealth Office and copied to Baroness Ashton of Upholland PC, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy & Vice President of the European Commission as well as Jonas Gahr Støre, Foreign Minister of Norway .


Dr Mohamed is currently in the UK where he is leading the country’s Technical committee for Somali talks that are to begin in London. Other members of the committee are leader of opposition political party of UCID Hon Feisal Ali Warabe, MP Bashe Mohamed Farah- 1st Deputy speaker of parliament, Ministers of the presidency and that of Labour & Social Affairs Hon Hirsi Ali and Hon Mahmoud Ahmed Barre (Garaad) respectively.


Below are the full verbatim excerpts of the letter by Somaliland’s Foreign affairs minister


To: Rt Hon William Hague MP


Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs Foreign & Commonwealth Office


King Charles St London SW1A 2AH


19 June 2012


Dear Foreign Secretary,


I would like to take the opportunity of my imminent arrival in the United Kingdom to set out the views of the Government of Somaliland on the end of the transitional period in Somalia on 20 August, and to foreshadow my Government’s approach to the upcoming talks between Somaliland and the TFG.


Somaliland has a strong interest in seeing stability re-established in our neighbour, Somalia. We therefore welcome the positive developments which have taken place there in recent months, including progress towards bringing the transition period to an end. At the same time, we pay tribute to the sacrifices made by AMISOM troops and to the important support of the international community, which have helped to bring this about.


Three decades after the voluntary union between the former British Protectorate of Somaliland and Italian Somalia in July 1960, Somaliland was driven to reclaim its independence from Somalia in 1991. This decision was not taken lightly. It followed the systematic discrimination and grave human rights abuses committed against our people by the Siyad Barre regime, and the ensuing war which saw the deaths over 50,000 of our citizens, the displacement of hundreds of thousands of others, and the destruction of our capital, Hargeisa.


Since then, Somaliland has been successful in building peace, establishing a democratic form of government and delivering services to its people. We have done this by means of an indigenous, bottom-up process. In 2001, following a referendum which received the overwhelming support of the people of Somaliland, our country adopted a new constitution, which reaffirmed that the national territory of the independent Republic of Somaliland is identical to that of the Somaliland Protectorate, to which Britain granted independence in June 1960. Subsequent elections, which were deemed free and fair by international monitors, have elected governments firmly committed


Given this history, it is unacceptable to Somaliland that the new draft Somalia constitution might purport to lay claim to our country. Somaliland emphatically rejects any such claim on our national territory. However, Somaliland is more than willing to have constructive discussions with the TFG or its successor about clarifying our future relations, and about matters of mutual interest, including the fight against terrorism, piracy and jihadism. Somaliland is grateful to the United Kingdom, Norway and the European Union for agreeing to co-host the exploratory talks on 21 June. We will approach those discussions in good faith and in a spirit of cooperation with a view to reinforcing and building peace and stability in the Horn.


We ask that the international community now accept the reality that Somaliland is independent, and that promoting a dialogue between two sovereign entities in Hargeisa and Mogadishu will only aid our shared objective of securing a peaceful, stable Horn of Africa. I would be most grateful to you if you would bring this letter to the attention of His Excellency the Secretary General of the United Nations, as well as to the other Members of the UN Security Council. Please accept, Foreign Secretary, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Dr Mohamed A. Omar


Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation


Republic of Somaliland

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