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Hoolka barlamanka Puntland oo la dhameynayo dhismihisa


9 Apr 9, 2012 - 7:46:59 AM




Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamud Farole ayaa maanta 09,April ,2012 kormeer ku tagey hoolka barlamanka Puntland oo ay socoto hawsha dhisitaankiisu islamarkaasina mareyso meel gabagabo ah.


Hoolka oo si casriyeysan loo qaabeeyey ayaa Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Farole waxa weheliyey wasiiro iyo saraakiil ka tirsan madaxtoyada oo soo indha-indheenayey halka la marsiinayo shaqada iyo ka warqabkeeda.


Waxa lagu wadaa marka gacanta laga qaado hoolkan dhamaystirkisa in lagu marti geliyo shirweynaha lagu ansixin doono dastuurka Puntland 15,April 2012 oo imandoonaan Garowe ergo gaareysa 480 xubnood oo matalaya dhamaan qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Puntland.


Dastuurka Puntland oo dadweynuhu u hanqaltaagayaan meel marintiisa ayaa noqdey hadal haynta koowaad ee masraxa siyaasadeed ee Puntland ,waxana ugu danbeyntii daaha lagu soo rogayaa dadaal dheer oo loo soo galay in Puntland dastuur u gaar ah dhaqan geliso.


Waxana lagu tilmaamayaa hoolkan mid faa’idooyin badan u keeni doona Puntland sida martigelinta shirar caalami ah ooh or leh kadib Garowe 1 & 2 oo si weyn Puntland dowalad iyo shacaba lagu amaaney.


Macalimiinta gacanta ku haysa dhismaha hoolkan ayaa Garowe Online u sheegey in dad kor u dhaafaya 600 uu qaadi karo ,iyagoona rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyey inay ku dhameeyaan inta harsan 48-saac ee nagu soo food leh.


Halkan ka daawo sawirada madaxweynaha Puntland & hoolka barlamanka












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I don't understand why they don't just equip it with air conditioning, the building will last longer considering the wear-tear of the heat

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I like Faroole. And I like Professor Farjac even more. Have my doubts about the Qardho General. Dont like soldier as politicians though, their natural compromise seekers. What do you think of the diffrent candidates Generale?

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Fiqikhayre;817182 wrote:
Looking well. Inshaallaah it will be finished in the next 24 hours.

fiqikhayre, they have until the 15th of April to finish the building.

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Mukulaalow;817194 wrote:
Carafaat always gate crashes into Puntland feel good parties. you guys need some tough bouncers here.

:D even if there were tough bouncers i feel carafaat would somehow find a loophole like bringing with him schools of girl.

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