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Religious ads on TTC spark debate

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Such dumb ppl those poster makes are, who know nuthing about human psychology. A direct translation of the Shahaada is an ineffective way to give dacwa, infact its counter productive. Firstly, non Muslims dont know this just a translation of the shahaada, but will instead think its a declaration being made by the poster maker. Secondly, it comes off as confrontational, aggressive and in your face to a non-Muslim. Hence, y many ppl complained. Y not just leave it at 'please visit our booth to learn about Islam in over 85 languages'. That wouldve been enough, and im sure no one, except filthy Islamophobes, would have complained.

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That's interesting. I think that poster is sort of in your face. I'm personally not offended by Christian ads, I find them refreshing to see in this materialistic world. There was a similar campaign in London and loved their approach which focused on the social issues. Londoners on the most part are a tolerant open minded and I bet most of the whiners on youtube are village people.



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Wadani, Reer Bakistaanka iyo dadkaas kale gobolkaas ka yimid waa 'in your face.' About the poster, nothing big deal since I had seen on the subway other religious ads laakiin wax walba Muslim ah dad ayaa mucaarad ku ah, especially Islamophobes.


I had seen kuwa the dambeeyo the posters at Yonge and Dundas square earlier today. I wasn't aware at their posters, laakiin inaa kitaabka Quraanka ah kasoo qaato rabay then again isiri why ugu qaadanee when dad kale oo aanan Muslim ahayn u baahnaan doono.

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This ad might be in your face as some of you put it. But so are the other christian ads I came across and never heard of anyone complaining although in the video I believe that guy was saying they do get complains from all sort of religious ads and if that's the case it didn't make it to the news lol.seriously it is obvious that anything to do with Islam gets the attention of the media. I personally seen the ad and went like "oh my god its an Islamic ad" gives you that good feeling. I'm glad the ttc has no objection to religious ads and has no intention to remove it. Hopefully ilaahay dad buu kuso hadeen. Ilaahay khyr ha siiyo those who posted it we don't need to criticize them at least they are taking the initiative to spread our beautiful deen.

MMA you could have just took a copy I'm sure they have many. As long as you will use it and read and it won't end up sitting on your shelf khyr adba waad ka heli (I'm assuming you wanted an English translation of the Quran some people prefer to read the Koran in English. I personally prefer to read it in Somali althou I've some grasp of the Arabic language it touches my heart so much more when I read it in Somali)



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I wasn't being critical of the campaign, we must all strive to do da'wah. The add is provocative and that's not always a bad thing but sometimes subtle da'wah is also effective. I once had a bag with the hadith about true richness being that of the heart written across and people always commented on it. Anyway, those who seek Allah will find Him, kuwa kalena it's their choice.

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Even the founder of the Canadian Muslim Congress said the ad goes too far. He said "There is no god but Allah" is a mistaken translation into English. He told a reporter that it should read, "There is no god but God.

Midkanaaba iigu daran!.

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There are close to 1.5 million people who go through the transit system everyday and only 33 complained and this made it to the evening news.This says alot about the media.

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I see nothing wrong with these ads but whatever controversy they solicit will pale in comparison to what the Atheist bus ads of few years ago recieved. As I recall, a lot of Muslims were downright hostile to those innocuous Atheist ads. Now the self-same Muslims want warm reception. Well, as they say Karma is b...

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^How do you know that it was the Muslims who complained? Links?


Abdul;816891 wrote:
There are close to 1.5 million people who go through the transit system everyday and only 33 complained and this made it to the evening news.This says alot about the media.

That's true, the media revels in these things. Look on the bright side, though. Now those who don't use the transit system also know about this and are thinking of the debate. You've got to love these little beauties in disguise. Alhamdulila calaa ku xaal. :)

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Their ignorance can be gleamed from what they write. It should either be there is no god but god or there is no Allah but Allah. There is no god but Allah makes it seem to none Muslims that Allah is a different deity.

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Naxar Nugaaleed;817293 wrote:
Their ignorance can be gleamed from what they write. It should either be there is no god but god or there is no Allah but Allah. There is no god but Allah makes it seem to none Muslims that Allah is a different deity.

"Ilaah" iyo "Allaah" iskumid ma'aha. There is no Allaah but Allaah does not make sense either marka.

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