Nur Posted June 2, 2004 This page is for those who are either engaged in reaching out to convey Islam. Or those who are planning to do so in the future. Being a Muslim is one thing, taking the next step of Dacwah requires some essentials: 1. Knowledge. The fundemental principles of Islam : Tawheed. Unfortunately , today as I see the main problem facing Muslims worldwide is lack of a proper understanding of the overall meaning of the contract of Shahaadah. The Shahaadah in turn is composed of words such as ( ilaah) whose meaning is fuzzy at best in the minds of many muslims. If you ask most people who profess Islam the meaning of (Ibadah, Daghuut, ilaah, rabb) the answer you get explains the deplorable state of affairs facing the Muslims today. The Quraan and Hadeeth revolves around these key words, yet, the majority of muslims do not look deeper into these meanings in order to make the Quraan talk to us in a plain language that we all can anderstand. Unfortunately most issues that one hears in Muslim study circles addresses social ills and how Islam can solve these ills. However, these social ills which reflect the state of Muslim affairs today have emanated from their poor understanding of Tawheed which in turn has resulted in the actions ( or the lack there of )of the followers of Islam. (Eemaan is something that resides in the heart, reflected by actions) Hadeeth. So when we see the actions of a person, we are in reality peeking deep into his heart, if there is no action, there is no driver, and thus no motivation and belief. 2. Action: Our environment teaches us how to behave, thus our actions represent the residual experience of actions we saw other do in our lifetime. If we have a belief, our actions will represent it, and others will take a note of it, either agreeing or disagreeing with it, but it is in itself a form of dawa to others. The best way to make Dawa is through our actions, unfortunately, when Muslims came in contact with christians in the west, some have even adopted their method of Dacwah which is sermons and discussions. Although this form may serve in islolated cases, it by no means suffices for the practical Dacwah similar to that of the Companions of tye Prophet SAWS.(SAXAABAH) People observe the driver of our actions, if they feel that you really know where you are going, they will likely follow you, but if they sense through your actions that you are not truly representing what you are saying, then you have just seeded doubt in their heart. ( O Allah do not make us a Fitnah for the unbelievers) Our actions, are further divide into the following: a) Inter-Personal: Between you and the people you deal with. If your dealing is based with the Rabbani Akhlaaq that was inherited from our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAWS. Then definetely, this will draw the attention of the non Muslim and it may earn you the respect of the non Muslim, his trust and generate inquisitive discussion that may lead for the guidance of the non Muslim. People observe everything about you, and if you are not careful, of your personal behaviour, you may be doing negative Dawa. b) Work Ethics Your work ethics and how you deal with people in the material sense gives yourprospective converts a measure of your innate beliefs, if they observe diligence, promptness hardwork, honesty, frankness, then, it is likely that they listen to you after being satisfied with your other qualities. In Business, if you buy a product brand and become satisfied, you are likely to follow all their other products. c) Respect and Tolerance When people call you a name or two, do you get upset? do you respond with a respectful answer or call them names as they call you names? . A person once was insulted by another verbally, his response was the result of his self confidence and Eman. He responded by saying that he had other bad qualities that he is working on to change. This person is not blinded by a false pride of his reputation , rather he is interested to know his shotcomings even if it comes from an angry person. d) Ibadah Our relationship with Allah, is the basis of our success in Dacwah, Allah says ( And when you are done (with Dacwa), get up ( for Ibadah at night) and seek your lord)Allah says " (is it wise that) you preach others to do good while forgetting your own souls? "Dacwah begins with your self. First, look into your self, and try to justify your actions. Are they good or bad? If they are good, what is the motivation? the love of Allah, fear of his punishment? or is it a habit? If you find bad deeds, what is the price you are willing to pay for it? do you hide these bad deeds from friends and family? if yes , can you accept the fact that you have made Allah the least significant observer of your actions? Can you still count on false hopes that you will stop these bad deeds someday? Do you know when you are going to die? Now after answering these questions, the result may be that you have a clear view ahead of you. Thus you improve your life with good deeds and reduce your bad deeds in an affort to race with the remaining time left before you take the final stand before a judge and a jury not of your peers. So you get the Idea and importance of amassing as much hasanaat as possible and wiping as much bad deeds as possible thru Ibaadaat, istighfaar and repentence, in order for you succeed in your hobby of making Dacwah. Nur Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Warrior of Light Posted June 4, 2004 Asalaam aleykum Thank you for another informative article. Jazhallah kheir. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Liqaye Posted June 8, 2004 Bismillahi rahmani rahim. Brother Nur thank you for the article. The following quote illustrates the proper way of debating with fellow muslims and the correct way of reacting to the mistakes and the diffrences with fellow muslims. Thabit al Bunani (rahimahullaah) said: "A lad who was trailing his garment (i.e. below his ankles) passed by Sila Ibn Ashyam (rahimahullaah) and his companions, and his companions wanted to harshly rebuke him. Sila said, 'Leave him be, I will deal with him for you.' He said to him, 'Nephew, I need something from you.' He asked, 'What do you need?' He (Sila) replied, 'I want you to raise your wrapper (i.e. ezaar).' He (the lad) said, 'Yes, and may your eye be blessed.' He raised his wrapper, and Sila (rahimahullaah) remarked to his companions, 'This is the same as what you wanted; [and yet] if you had abused him, and injured him, he would have vilified you.' ...And we must fulfill all of our rights towards these people; these righteous people, [even though] we might differ with [them] in some opinions, and we might believe [that they] are mistaken [concerning certain issues]. And they might even be mistaken in some big issues, but all that we know of them [says] that they are righteous people, and that they are people of Knowledge An excerpt from a lecture given by Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo entitled 'Sticking to Islam' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NGONGE Posted June 8, 2004 ^^^ Reminds me of Al Imam El Shafici's poem: I'll try to write it using the Somali alphabet (but it's still in Arabic if you can read it): TACAMADNI BI NOSXIKA FE ENFIRADI WA JANIBNI AL NASEEXATA FEL JAMACA FA ENA EL NOSXA BEENA EL NAS NAWCON MEN AL TOWBIIKI LA ARDA ESTIMACAH WA EN KHALAFTANI WA CASEET QOWLI FA LA TAJZAC EDA LAM TOCTA TAACA تعمدني بنصحك في انفرادي وجنبني النصيحة في الحماعه فان النصخ بين الناس نوع من التوبيخ لا ارضا استماعه وان خالفتني و عصيت قولي فلا تجزع ادا لم تعط طاعه Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OG_Girl Posted June 8, 2004 "وان خالفتني و عصيت قولي فلا تجزع ادا لم تعط طاعه " I liked this, wa7da be wa7da Salam Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nur Posted December 18, 2004 Ngonge Bro. Thanks for the poem, it is said Nasiixa when not given in private, can be a Fadiixa. Nur Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nur Posted June 25, 2006 Jawhara sis I digged into my old posts and found this one to answer your question, I hope that you find it useful. Nur Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites