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Ali Mahdi vs General Aideed

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oba hiloowlow;816902 wrote:


He never said that beenta dhaaf

No harm in saying that, legit concern, I would ask for FOOD & ENERGY for my people too. Other than security, badar & naafto are the highest priced commodities. Only folks outside the realm of reality would have found it funny. But, It is the subtle racism and belittling that were associated with is bit bothersome.

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Mukulaalow;816920 wrote:
Cali gar leh, Caydiidna jid leh. (which means Both of them are right). That is what destroyed Muqdisho.

Another well known quote from that era waxaa yiri nin kasoo jeedo gobolka Hiiraan. BBC ayaa laga wareysanaaye saa jeclahay and su'aal waxaa la weydiiye suu u arko dagaaladii xumaa Xamar ka socday una dhaxeeye Cali Mahdi iyo Caydiid. Wuxuu ku jawaabay ninkaas: Kuleel iyo qaboob midkood ma igu heyso.


Nin aanan naxeynin.

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Allah ha u naxariisto General Mahamed Farax Aidiid. He was a brave man who liberated Muqdisho from a crule dictator and a corrupt clique that thought Somalia is their monarchy. The man deserves a statue in Muqdisho.

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Aided AUN was never a President, he was self-appointed leader of Salbalaar, while on the other hand Ali Mahdi was the elected in Djibouti as Somali President.


The four month war was tragic but the fact of the matter is it was Aideed and his militia that were on the attack trying to quash and crash ter other group while Ali Mahdi was on the defense. Wixi kudhintay AUN.

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Qandalawi, thats a matter of perspective then. Many consider Ali Mahdi and his manifesto maffia, Somalia biggest political failures. I have to agree. I would not even name a slumb after him.


Manifesto maanta wa caay in Xamar. 'waxa la dhahaa, war ninkani manifesto uu wataa' (ninkani waxbo ma hayo). :D

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Manifesto maanta wa caay in Xamar. 'waxa la dhahaa, war ninkani manifesto uu wataa' (ninkani waxbo ma hayo).


Carafaat: saxiib Soomaalidu waxay qadarisaa ninka xooga sheegta ee hubka badan. Yes Caydiid xukuumadii Siyad Bare waa uu riday, laakiin su'aasha taali waxaa weeye, "Then What"?/. cali mahdi on the other hand was a hopeless hapless juvenile politician. Laakiin ogow haddii hadalka Manifesto la maqli lahaa xalkey keeneen maanta wax badan baa badbaadi lahaa, hooyo badanna ma aysan gablanteen. fiirso video-gan, caydiid nin madax adag buu ahaa, hadduu xukunka gacanta ku dhigi lahaana Siyad Bare inuu ka darnaado mooye u malayn maayo inuu dhaami lahaa.


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Mukalaal wa qalad waxad ku hadlaysid general caydiid ma cid ba jaanis siisay sideed u odhan karta msb bu kadarnaan laha caydiid nin degen bu aha oo runti aragti fog laha isku. Mid ma ahayn ali mahdi iyo general caydid. Manifesto sawti iska ordeen oo ay djbouti isku caleemo saareen somali oo. Aan u dhamayn bal maxay soo kordhiyeen.

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Manifesto Group was a great group, they tried their best to restore order, God bless them. They just wanted peace. :(

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Mukulaalow;817095 wrote:
Carafaat: saxiib Soomaalidu waxay qadarisaa ninka xooga sheegta ee hubka badan. Yes Caydiid xukuumadii Siyad Bare waa uu riday, laakiin su'aasha taali waxaa weeye,
"Then What"?/
. cali mahdi on the other hand was a hopeless hapless juvenile politician. Laakiin ogow haddii hadalka Manifesto la maqli lahaa xalkey keeneen maanta wax badan baa badbaadi lahaa, hooyo badanna ma aysan gablanteen. fiirso video-gan, caydiid nin madax adag buu ahaa, hadduu xukunka gacanta ku dhigi lahaana Siyad Bare inuu ka darnaado mooye u malayn maayo inuu dhaami lahaa.

I feel embarrassed and sad when I see this video were Omer Arteh is begging Caydiid to come talk to "President Ali Mahdi". How Shamefull. Omer Artheh is the 2nd biggest political failure after Ali Mahdi.


This so called manifesto goverment of Mahdi/Artheh should have tried to act as a real goverment and either arrest Caydiid for treason or support and take orders from the general. there should be no middle way.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;817102 wrote:
Mukalaal wa qalad waxad ku hadlaysid general caydiid ma cid ba jaanis siisay sideed u odhan karta msb bu kadarnaan laha caydiid nin degen bu aha oo runti aragti fog laha isku. Mid ma ahayn ali mahdi iyo general caydid. Manifesto sawti iska ordeen oo ay djbouti isku caleemo saareen somali oo. Aan u dhamayn bal maxay soo kordhiyeen.

Xaaji, I don't know what you define (visionary, nin aragti fog) malaha wax Visionary loola jeedo baadan aqoon, Caydiid was a strong man who wouldn't tolerate anyone else claiming what he saw as (his fruits) to the struggle against Barre. dadku haddey diideen nidaam milatry oo ay la dagaalameen Siyaad than how can you give chance to another military man. Groupka Manifesto khalad badan oo ay galeen baa jira, laakiin wax dhaama u maleyn maayo inay waagaa jireen. Ninka ay u doorteen Madaxweyne ee Cali Mahdi ma ahayn nin u qalma ama xallin kara cross roadka iyo mushkiladda ay somalia markaa taagneyd taasoo u baahnayd dad bisil oo siyaasiyiin ah.



Carafaat;817102 wrote:
This so called manifesto government of Mahdi/Artheh should have tried to act as a real government and either arrest Caydiid for treason or support and take orders from the general. there should be no middle way.

Caydiid was militarily stronger than them, how could they arrest him, they tried dialogue and political solution, but the guy wouldn't budge an inch, and unfortunatly 1000s have paid with their lives needlesly.

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@Carafaat, Mukulaalow is right, he even assassinated General Nero and Colonel Calasow Dheere when they warned Ali Mahdi about him.

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Mukalaaloow markan ku leeyahay wu aragti fog bu laha wu oga waxa so socday wuxu oga dhibaatada ay keeni karaan ciidadamada shiisheeye dadku wa inay madax iyo midjo kala yeeshaan dadku haday wada madax yihin adeer wax hagagaaya iska yar Caydiid hadu 4 sannoh xukunka lugu dawan laha waleh meesha wa hagaajin laha laakin manifesto iyo inkaar kale ba lala orday iyo mid naafto dunida ka baryaya iyo qaar ka hadheenki aha Siad bare xal maha waxaasi, Meesha dalka ninki jabhadka ah ba qabsada oo dawlad ka dhisa Sida Melez Ethiopia Sida Isias Eritrea laakin dad is wada garab ordaya midba madaxweyne sheeganayo war nagada waxaas, Caydiid 1991 wax dhaama waleh ma jirin.

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Somalia;817139 wrote:
@Carafaat, Mukulaalow is right, he even assassinated General Nero and Colonel Calasow Dheere when they warned Ali Mahdi about him.

The way they even mutilated Calasow dhere's body was shameful. they cut off his manhood and stuffed it in his mouth. Dark days of Muqdisho.

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Sensei;816931 wrote:
No harm in saying that, legit concern, I would ask for FOOD & ENERGY for my people too. Other than security, badar & naafto are the highest priced commodities. Only folks outside the realm of reality would have found it funny. But, It is the subtle racism and belittling that were associated with is bit bothersome.

But, what that phrase made funny is he never said 'shidaal' instead he asked for nafto oo ah what his land-rover technicals consumed!.

Qandalawi;816931 wrote:
The four month war was tragic but the fact of the matter is it was Aideed and his militia that were on the attack trying to quash and crash ter other group while Ali Mahdi was on the defense. Wixi kudhintay AUN.

You have wrong information, Aiydiid's hands were tied untill Ali Mahdi's Militia men surrounded his house, and after he send Ulima and chieftains to take Mahdi's staff away, but with no avail, and Mahdi's famous saying: 'waa soo qabqabeynaa' after that, ayuu Aydiid dagaalka billaabay.

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