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The Zack

Qabiil on TV

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The Zack   

The Qabiil thing is getting more popular by the day. Watch these two fools debating that their qabiil is bigger and owns more tuulos than the other qabiil.


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It's the best TV show on Universal TV, no weak talk, they speak their mind. The people (like you) who claim something is qabilism are most likely projecting.

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The Zack   

^People like me, huh? If one claims his qabiil is better than another or better yet his qabiil is a mjority, one is qabiilist.

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I agree with you. I believe Jubboyinka Dhexe and Hoose should unite and Gedo should unite with Bay and Bakool, how about that? :D

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A Somali politician says a major conference has been held in a town near Somalia's border with Kenya and Ethiopia to develop a plan to establish a regional government in southern Somalia. Al-Shabab Islamic militants, who largely control the regions under discussion, have dismissed the conference as a "propaganda stunt."


According to southern Somali politician Aden Mohamed Nur "Saransoor," 200 delegates gathered in the Somali border town of Dolow in the Gedo region three days ago to discuss the way forward for liberating southern Somalia from Islamist radicals and for creating a regional state.


The politician says the objective of the conference was to find a way to establish a semi-autonomous state encompassing six regions - Gedo, Bay, Bakool, Lower and Middle Juba and Lower Shabelle.


Saransoor says delegates at the conference were politicians, clan elders and community leaders from each region. He says a technical committee has been formed to develop a clear plan.


The proposal is not without precedent. In 1998, the northern Somali region of Puntland declared autonomy from south-central Somalia after a series of failed attempts at national reconciliation. Somalia was torn apart by factional fighting after the overthrow of the country's dictator, Mohamed Siad Barre, in 1991.


Observers say if the conference attracted as many delegates as claimed, it underscores the growing sense of frustration among various clan-based communities in southern Somalia. They say some Somalis may be viewing regionalism as a solution to Somalia's problems because they are not convinced the weak U.N.-backed central government in Mogadishu can be counted on to curb radicalism, restore stability in the country, and share resources equitably.


Somalia's transitional government took power in early 2007 after neighboring Ethiopia intervened militarily to oust Islamists from power. Near-daily insurgent attacks have kept the government unable to exert any influence outside of a small area of the capital. The government has also been sharply criticized by Somalis for being corrupt and remaining financially and militarily dependent on the West, Ethiopia, and the African Union.



In 2007 and 2008, al-Shabab, a militant group with ties to al-Qaida, rallied Somalis with calls for nationalism and consolidated vast amount of territory in southern and central Somalia and large areas of Mogadishu. In recent months, al-Qaida-trained foreign militants have reportedly taken over much of the training and operations of the organization. A vicious suicide bombing in Mogadishu earlier this month that killed and wounded 60 people increased fears in Somalia and in the West that the country is on the verge of becoming a significant base for al-Qaida.


On Monday, the information official for al-Shabab in the Juba region, Hassan Yacqub Ali, declared it would be impossible for anyone to challenge al-Shabab's power in southern Somalia. He dismissed the conference in Dolow town as a publicity stunt designed to attract money from the West.

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Some pple will be lost w/o the qaabil! Just buy a freaking gps...& u wont get lost!! lool....So homies...tell us what the qaabil does for yall!! Except u losing your hard earned money to some losers called qaabo qabiil who never had an honest job in his life. Suckers...


I once run into a soo called kq--kabo qabiil when i called somalia to give condolence when cousin passed away. His dad was the kq. So he hears that i am the phone...and he grabs the phone. Dont say u doing. He just started lecturing me about the qabiil shyte & why i dont send money.


I just lost it and start lecturing him back...I said listen to me know...U r out of line hanged up on me.~~ What a douche bag...True story.


Know they all scared of me n give me the nick name qabiid.

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Rudy-qabiid huh.


anyway I watched the whole debate and the two gents seem to be civilized, yes they are mentioning qabiil name, but hey everything is based on Qabiil in Somalia we can not deny that. I remember in 2005 in a town outside London I was working with another Somali guy, and he suddenly started talking about the demography of the town and I vividly remember he told me there are two English tribes living in this town and he told me their names. imagine that, we even know white man's Qabiil.

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Somalia;816577 wrote:
It's the best TV show on Universal TV, no weak talk, they speak their mind. The people (like you) who claim something is qabilism are most likely projecting.

civilized for somali debate.

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Guys its unprofessional to talk about tribal politics on tv but the thing is the audience are somalis and they don't mind it since somalis are a clan society.

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The Zack   

Mukulaalow;816603 wrote:
Rudy-qabiid huh.


anyway I watched the whole debate and the two gents seem to be civilized, yes they are mentioning qabiil name, but hey everything is based on Qabiil in Somalia we can not deny that. I remember in 2005 in a town outside London I was working with another Somali guy, and he suddenly started talking about the demography of the town and I vividly remember he told me there are two English tribes living in this town and he told me their names. imagine that, we even know white man's Qabiil.

You think is great to tell the world your qabiil has more land than their counterparts on tv?

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I see nothing wrong with this. We Somalis prefer Qabiil even than faith so, there is nothing to be alarmed.

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This is Bullshit, waxani waa wixii Soomaaliya dumiyey. Inta waxan lagu dhaqmayo u maleyn maayo in ay Soomaaliya hagaagi doonto. Bal eeg Somaliland! markii ay isla jireen weey hagaag sanaayen iminka markii ay isku xanaaqeena waxay doonayaan in ay u kala go'aan Awdalland Khaatumo iyo Somaliland. Xitaa Puntland ila ma'aha in ay wax fiicani ka soo socdaan! Bal aynu aragno marka Saliida dhulka laga soo saaro, wallee dad badan ayaa isku xanaaqi doona sida Somaliland...:D


Bal maxaa inoo diiday in aynu hal dowlad wadda ahaano! ogow dadkeenu ma'aha boqolaal milyan, sida Mareykanka. Hadii aynu ugu baddano waxa aynu nahay toban milyan. Bal 10 milyan marka aad 20 doowlad goboleed u qaybiso. Dowlad goboleed kasta imisa ayey noqonayaan population-koodu??? Bal 500 oo kun oo qof amaba 1 milyan oo qof maxay qabsan karayaan!! Waayo weynu ognahay oo qof walba oo Soomaali ahi wuxuu jecel yahay in uu tuuladii uu u dhashay mashaariich iyo horumar ka hirgaliyo.

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The Zack   

*Blessed;816717 wrote:
Somali TV is a joke. The producers seem to be happy to add fuel to qabil conflict on the ground.

True. It is fadhi ku dirir on the media.

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