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New Study: Somalis are indeed mixed with the arabs

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Yeah but what about the people of Somaliland, their ancestor is unknown. There are 2 possible historical ancestors so a DNA study should be made along the paternal lineage.


We must understand where they came from.

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No it's not ova.A lot whites, Berbers,Nazis are not comfortable with the"somalid" term that states they came from somalis.If you familiar with utube discussions they fighting so hard to disqualify that notion(they hate being told they came from blks).There r so many so called genetists involved in such scams...this is probably by the likes of samsamy & matilda.This is nonesense....don't buy it.Go along with Autosomal analysis.

BTW who are this source.

Somali DNA scientifically tested 100s of times & came almost 85 to 90% pure(Cushitic E1b1b1) every time.

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Africaown, don't concern yourself with these genetical studies released by amateurs, for they are filled with politically loaded hidden agendas. For starters, their source population for 'Africans' is strictly Niger-Congo speaking Africa, excluding the Horn of Africa and North Africa, the latter is in fact added to the Middle East. The Berbers, Sudanese and Egyptians share prehistoric genetical ties with the Horn of Africa hence a group from that part of the world (like the Somali people) will share similarities with those North Africans.and since they have been classed under 'Middle-East' the percentage becomes higher, but this is not admixture instead its a common root population dating back to 10k BC.


However if one removes North Africa from the equation, the percentage falls to around 10%, and this translates into 'out every 10 Somalis , 1 will have a distant link with a foreign female or male relative', which is next to nothing when considering the long history of trade Somalia engaged in. DNA tribes is erroneously using a modern term like the 'middle east'(which at times includes Somalia and Pakistan) to interpret data relating to ancient migrations.

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