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Puntland TV.

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Dowladda Puntland ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay hirgelineyso warbaahin balaaran oo ku hadasha afka dowladda.


Warbaahintaas oo ka koobnaan doonta Idaacad ku baahda hirarka Short Wave iyo FM-ka iyo TV ayaa fadhigeedu uu noqon doonaa magaalada madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe.


Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxmed Maxamuud ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in howsha warbaahintaasi ay tahay mid socota waxa keliya ee hadda u dhimanina uu yahay in la dhiso goobtii ay ku shaqeyn lahayd.


Dr. Faroole ayaa xusay in sababta ay xiligan dowladda Puntland u garatay inay samaysato warbaahin balaaran oo afkeeda ku hadashaa ay tahay si loo kordhiyo xiriirka dowladda iyo bulshada isagoo ku tilmaamay inta badan warbaahinta maxalliga ah mid aan wanaagga sheegin xumaantana buun buunisa.


Magaala madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe waxaa horay uga jirtey Idaacad ku hadasha afka dowladda Puntland inkasta oo ay tahay mid aysan baahinteedu dhaafin qaar kamid ah degmooyinka gobolka Nugaal.


Arintan ayaana ah mid laga dheehan karo sida ay xukuumadda hadda jirta ee Puntland oo horay loogu dhaliili jirey inaysan Saxaafadda tixgelin balaaran siin ay u garowsatay qiimaha ay warbaahintu u leedahya horumarka iyo xiriirka madaxda iyo bulshada.

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Mukulaalow;816517 wrote:
Hey Kingkong, what happened to ETN? it was pretty good tv.

sadly the people that run the company either lack funds to go global, i.e. put few videos on youtube each week (a bit of sense of humor if you didn't get the joke) or fail to utilize the numerous social media networks. either way if was a share holder, i would fire the idi@t or idi@ts in charge of the company. but as you alluded, thank god PL is getting its own TV station. Get ready SOL, it's about to hit the ceiling. :D

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