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The UIC and The Taliban

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The UIC And The Taliban

A Comparison and a Contrast



The Media, if you read about events in Somalia these days , you can not escape being bombarded with biased news, full of reminders that the US and its allies are worried that the Union of islamic Courts may turn out another Taliban, the African version, and thus a dangerous entity.


Is that assumption true?



Well , let us examine similarities and differences of the two movements.


-Both movements started out as students or scholars of Islamic Sharia


-Both movements spread too fast to cover large territory.


-Both movements found themselves in power miraculously, without a plan of their own.


There ends the similarity.


The Contrast:


-The Taliban were the creation of the ISI ( Pakistani Inteligence) in coordination with the CIA during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Their joint objective was to secure the supply routes from Afghan warlords attacks, and ultimately to secure the planned Caspian Sea Oil pipeline that runs through Afghanistan. As late as July 2001, a Delegation of the Taliban was in Texas negotiating with US for the security fees for those routes, the Taliban were unreasonable, they asked for too much money, the deal broke, The Taliban went back home, 9/11 was concotted to pave the way for the largest mobilization in history to invade foreign lands and steal their resources in the name of fighting terror. ( See the movie Loose Change).


-The UIC on the other hand, were inadvertently created by the CIA, but by accident, the CIA created and funded the coalition of the willing warlords dubbed anti terror alliance, which gave the Islamic courts the idea to unite and fight the criminal warlords.


-The Taliban belong to a single majority tribe, the Pashtun.


-The UIC belong to all Somali tribes ( each tribe has its own court, but together they form the Union of Islamic Courts, the UIC)


-The Taliban were mostly illitrate about Western culture, politics and languages.


-The UIC are represented by highly educated intellectuals whose credentials include higher degrees such as PhDs from the West in Political Science, and Educators, Doctors, Engineers fluent in Europpean languages and their culture.


-The Taliban are of a single Islamic school of thought


-The UIC is a plethora of Islamic streams.


-The Taliban were proud to host an organinzation that is at war with the US.


-The UIC categorically denies any relationship with that organization.


-The Taliban rejected to share power with competing politicians


-The UIC welcomes the TFG, with a very simple basic requirement, Islamic law ( Sharia) Should guide all aspects of Somalias public life (private lives is left for Allah and the individual)






2006 eNuri Al Siyaasa Al Sharciyah

The Art Of Survival Without Adapting

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