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Parks are being built in Garowe. PICS

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Beer laga samaynayo meel u dhaxaysa Xarumaha Dawlada Hoose iyo gobolka Nugaal



Beer qurxoon oo la beeray



GAROOWE : Beer laga sameeyay meel u dhaxaysa Xarumaha Degmada iyo Gobolka Nugaal ee Garoowe

April 8, 2012 3:10 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor



Garoowe:-Beer qurux badan oo u muuqata in si wanaagsan oo degdeg ah u baxayso ayaa laga beeray meel u dhaxeysa xarumaha Degmada iyo gobolka Nugaal ee Garoowe, taas oo la doonayo in ay bilic ku soo kordhiso magaalada.


Duqa Degmada Garoowe Cabdicasiis Nuur ayaa Puntlandpost u sheegay in ay in beertan mustaqbalka ay noqon doonto meel baakin iyo dhalinyarada ku kulmaan, balse iminka laga shaqaynayo xanaanadeeda iyo sidi ay u ahaan mid hana qaada.


Beertan, ayaa waxaa waxaa hirgashay Degmada waxaana maalashay hay’ado ajnabi ah ee ka hawlga Puntland.


Beertan, ayaa haddii ay baxdo waxa ay noqon doontaa mid caan ah oo magac loo baxsho, waxayna dib dadka qaarkiis u xasuusin doontaa baar Durdur iyo Maqaayadii New York ee ku taalay Barxadda Garoowe.

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kingofkings;816560 wrote:
every city needs an official state park

Indeed. unfortuantly most land is owned by private individuals.

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Somalia;816561 wrote:
Looks like a small garden.

LOL, be that as it may, it's still a step in the right direction.

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Chimera;816600 wrote:
LOL, be that as it may, it's still a step in the right direction.

I wouldn't really argue, because lets be real when the hell do you hear parks are being built in any somali city? The closest that came to it was burco that had small boulevard which is done in other cities like galkayo also so its nothing special. But this is going to the local park in garowe with tree and grass and benches to have highly intellectual debates

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