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Interview with Dr. Cali Khaliif Ghalaydh

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Wadani;816066 wrote:
Nin wadani ah baan ahay oo soomaalinimadu lafta kaga jirto.

Im a real Wadani, hence my name and wish only the best for Somalia


I have sacrificed tribalism, and replaced it with a love that encompasses all Somalis

Masha Allah, you are good man walaal wadani, keep up the good work

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Aaliyyah;816147 wrote:
Faroole wuu afalagadey reer khaatumo taasi waa sheeko run ah. Aduu hadaad sida ku jeceshay waa sheeko ku taala and I didn't even insult him other than stating the fact that he badmouthed khaatumo. Tan kale faroole wuu cadeestay inuu khaatumo kaso horjedo marka shekadaada farole wan la jira khaatumana waan la jira uma malenayo in ay ismaqabanaso. Anyhow, I don't really care about who you support. You are entitled. But adeerka faroole asaga ayaa reer khaatumo agtooda iska qiima tirey..aflagadada ayuu umad dhan iskaga so horjediyey iyo hadalu iskaso tuurtuuro asago wax thinking ah sameen. Last but not least if saying the truth is hurting your feelings because we arediscussing your adeer then tough luck.

ms. aaliyyah, if memory serves me correct and they do, then, you leaders started the whole PL is this and PL is that. heck they even dedicated a entire tv channel to bad mouthing PL. who the hell does:confused: mind you no PLers ever bad mouthed SSC or created tv channel just for SSC. i don't known everyone and i'm not going to pretend i do, but i would not dedicate a tv channel to a state. that sends the opposite signal. but since Mundane Madaxweyne Faroole is one man, most of us fail to see the argument coming from your camp. you see, no one on our end held anything against SSC even thought people like Ali Galeyr went out of their way to destroy PL and this was before AUN Mudane Mdaxweyne Abdullahi Yusuf become president of Somalia. so, logic dictates, for every action there is an equal reaction, so correct me where you get the idea somehow Faroole should be held to certain standard while be blind purposefully, to your adeer. so, ms. aaliyyah, you folks started the whole mess, yet no one on our end is holding that against our relatives in SSC. so, i suggest you do that on you end. cuqdad afterall is truly an ugly thing.

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Somalia;816149 wrote:
Joojiya muranka, Khaatumo is part of Puntland State of Somalia, we are all one people fighting the cause.

Khaatumo is part of United Somalia, not Puntland,



If you want us, to respect your Puntland, please respect our Khaatumo State of Somalia. Remember respect is 2-way-street.


How about if say Puntland is part of Galmudug? or PL is part of Shabaab?

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^it is double standard that some puntlanders want to insult our leaders who have done nothing to puntlanders yet when you mention faroole who bad mouthed again and again khaatumo ayeey cirka bay isku shareerayaan. Walahi wa iska adun gadomay

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Aaliyyah;816153 wrote:
^it is double standard that some puntlanders want to insult our leaders who have done nothing to puntlanders yet when you mention faroole who bad mouthed again and again khaatumo ayeey cirka bay isku shareerayaan. Walahi wa iska adun gadomay

i don't know why i thought you of all people were reasonable and enlighten when it came to somali politics, but tonight you confirmed one thing for me, you are no different than the other what's her name that got ban.

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Kingofkings stop fabricating stories. No Khaatumo leader ever badmouthed puntland. Farole and some puntlanders insult day in and day out khaatumo. farole went to the extent of calling SSC terrorists. As for cali khalif he never did anything to puntland ii sheeg marku cayay? Waxa kaliya kaxuntihin qarkiin in uu prime minister noqday asaga iyo farmaajo. If we talk about reality it is farole whose going out of his way to destroy khaatumo. It was today when farole said referring to khaatumo "waa dad dhiiga dadka ka ganacsada" . Cuqdado idinka ee nificneen many of your websites are against khaatumo. Also your excuse for farole being one man the same can be said about cali khalif. So the question is why many of you are against khaatumo like moge moonlight somalia etc? And I can ask you the same question where did you get the idea that cali khalif should be held accountable for waxan jirin while calling your adeer farole mujahid even though he is so disrespectful to khaatumo daily?


I don't hold people of puntland accountable for whatever bad thing farole says about khaatumo. I only hold accountable farole and his supporters. Lastly, I don't understand what forole has against khaatumo? Till today I'm wondering.

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'Liibaan';816152 wrote:
Khaatumo is part of United Somalia, not Puntland,



If you want us, to respect your Puntland, please respect our Khaatumo State of Somalia. Remember respect is 2-way-street.


How about if say Puntland is part of Galmudug? or PL is part of Shabaab?

Come on man, look at the potential, spanning across 6 states from Mudug to Togdheer happy_64.gif

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kingofkings;816160 wrote:
i don't know why i thought you of all people were reasonable and enlighten when it came to somali politics, but tonight you confirmed one thing for me, you are no different than the other what's her name that got ban.

I careless what you think of me. Dont get angry when people criticize your adeer while you and your likes are dissing and spreading fake rumors about other people's leader.

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Aaliyyah;816166 wrote:
Kingofkings stop fabricating stories. No Khaatumo leader ever badmouthed puntland. Farole and some puntlanders insult day in and day out khaatumo. farole went to the extent of calling SSC terrorists.
As for cali khalif he never did anything to puntland ii sheeg marku cayay?
Waxa kaliya kaxuntihin qarkiin in uu prime minister noqday asaga iyo farmaajo. If we talk about reality it is farole whose going out of his way to destroy khaatumo. It was today when farole said referring to khaatumo "waa dad dhiiga dadka ka ganacsada" . Cuqdado idinka ee nificneen many of your websites are against khaatumo. Also your excuse for farole being one man the same can be said about cali khalif. So the question is why many of you are against khaatumo like moge moonlight somalia etc? And I can ask you the same question where did you get the idea that cali khalif should be held accountable for waxan jirin while calling your adeer farole mujahid even though he is so disrespectful to khaatumo daily?


I don't hold people puntland accountable for whaever bad thing he farole says about khaatumo. I only hold accountable farole and his supporters. Lastly, I don't understand what forole has against khaatumo? Till today I'm wondering.

for one thing here is cali khalif admitting wanting to destroy PL before there was such thing as SSC/when he was the prime minister of somalia



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Aaliyyah;816168 wrote:
I careless what you think of me. Dont get angry when people criticize your adeer while you and your likes are dissing and spreading fake rumors about other people's leader.

sweety the difference between men and women is men should not get mad especially when a woman is involved, having said, i don't expect you to care, because i don't care. i'm just pointing the danger of judging a book by its cover. as for my adeerayaal, there too busy to notice anything out side of their goal/mission. so, no worries.

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kingofkings;816172 wrote:
for one thing here is cali khalif admitting wanting to destroy PL before there was such thing as SSC/when he was the prime minister of somalia


First, What is the point of posting this video, when we can find million videos Faroole degraging, insulting, underminging, and badmouth SSC and Khaatumo. Faroole said SSC and Khaatumo are terrorists, enemies, thieves,loosers, bloodthirsty, etc. I can't think of anything worse.


Second, Faroole admitted so many times that he is committed to fight and destroy SSC and Khaatumo. Faroole said many times he will fight SSC who he calls them "enemies and terrorists"



Third, for the sake of the conversations, lets go back to the video, Prof. Ali Khaliif clearly said that he had political conflict with Abdulahi Yusuf, Ali KhaliF denied he had conflict with Puntland or Garowe clan. Because Abdulahi Yusuf went against Prime Minister Cali Khaliif's government. why? Abdulahi Yusuf himself wanted to be President.


Fourth, In 2000 Abdulahi Yusuf opposed Ali Khaliif Prime Minister-ship. and not long ago Faroole opposed Farmaajo, because of qabiil. This is the sad reality of somali politics.



Fifth, if you listened the video clip that you posted which I doubt Cali Khaliif said it was Adeerkaa TNG Defence Minister Abdullahi Boqor Muse 'King Kong' who was sending funds to Islaan maxamed and Saciid Garaase of Garowe. Islaan Abduwahaab Gurey of Galkacyo to fight against Abdulahi Yusuf.



so in conclusion, this video helps cali khalif and makes him come across as honest and innocent man. You need to take accountable your adeerayaal stop qabyaalada. You failed in coming up with good evidence to support your stand next time listen to your videos before you post them.

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@Aaliyah, watch the video, he says he's the one who went to Indonesia to print the money, he's the mastermind behind it all and he failed in the progress.


And Abdullahi Yusuf opposed him as well as those men you stated and Jama Ali Jama due to their ties to TNG. So all in all, it was right to oppose them since they wanted to see the end of Puntland.


As for Faroole, the people of SSC have a right to be frustrated with him, he's hasn't been kind to you.

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"As for Faroole, the people of SSC have a right to be frustrated with him, he's hasn't been kind to you"


They are not frustated with him-they have gone their own way.The sooner he stops claiming these regions the better for him.

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