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National Theatre Blast: a conspiracy against Somali’s new federal constitution/roadmap

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Muqdisho(Puntlandi)—Somalia’s prime minister Dr. Abdiwali Mohamed Ali narrowly escaped an organized assassination bid when a female suicide bomber blew herself up at a VIP event at the country’s National Theatre, on Wednesday (04.04.12) killing herself and the country’s two most senior sports officials.


Prime minister and several members of his cabinet ministers were the target, but assassination attempt failed when the bomb exploded while dignitaries are on the stage .


This was merely conspiracy against National constitution and roadmap which Prime minister Abdiwali Mohamed Ali was key accelerator .The conspiracy was systematically planed by a group in Mogadishu who never allowed to see national government flourishing .


Abdiwali Mohamed Ali, the prime minister of Somalia was key player in an International Conference in London in which world leaders decided transitional national government to be disbanded and shouldn’t be returned back after August.


The group behind the National Theatre conspiracy are very powerful, interconnected and influential in Mogadishu politics.


In second week of March , UN envoy to Somalia Augustine Mahiga said, presidential palace was hijacked by group of religious people near to president Sheikh Sharif.


In an interview with Somalia-report , Agustina Mahiga said he was remained deeply concerned by conscious efforts by groups and individuals to derail the roadmap, engineer another extension of the transition, and to obstruct inclusiveness which the roadmap and Garowe process seek to accomplish.


“ There is palace coup that has taken place in Villa Somalia. The Ala-Sheikh Group back into power, which should not be downplayed. The Ala-Sheikh Group by definition never wanted any power sharing, they are against roadmap, because of its inclusiveness to bring in the regions to bring in Ahlu Sunna to bring civil society” said Mahiga.


The conspiracies of the group include:


1. They rejected a campaign in which Banadir Regional administration wanted to vacate people from governmental buildings in Mogadishu.

2. They announced Mogadishu port was administered by corrupted people from one clan. .

3. On 30th March 2012 they organized demonstrations against new constitution of Somalia and the roadmap process..

4. They disseminated fake and misleading information, that Ehlu Sunna Waljamaca were going to capture Adado district, by force..

5. So called spokesman of ****** Elders , Ahmed Diriye openly announced they would not accept Somali’s new constitution and roadmap..

6. They also published and deceptive declaration after when their conspiracy against Prime minister failed.


As you will see in some points below which were in their statement the group shows they were some how aware of the suicide bomb in National theatre where innocent people lost their lives. This was again plot against new constitution of Somalia in which this network proudly denounced and rejected new constitution .


To show some fake solidarity, the network issued a declaration against National theatre bombing by condemning those behind the blast they proposed some of these points:


1. ****** Diaspora in Europe and North America condemn National Theatre blast.

2. We , ****** Diaspora support all decisions taken by ****** elders.

3. ****** Elders should have commence meetings with moderate Islamist like, Hassan Dahir Uways, Robow Abumansur, Hassan Turky Sheekh Xuseen Ali fiidow etc.

4. ****** Diaspora want Ethiopian troops withdraw areas in which ****** people reside..

5. Somali troops should not be trained in Ethiopian soil, they should be brought back to Somalia.

6. ****** declares Sheikh Sharif was not their representative at Garowe Conferences .

7. ****** appeals New Somali constitution should be halted , UNDP and UNPOS should not interfere affairs of Somali people.

8. We argue , UN representative to Somalia should be replaced soon

9. If all our needs were not met soon , they would reorganize and take weapons.

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kkkkkkkkkkk paranoia at its best

Ala sheikh, sh.sharif lol


Garowe society see danger in every direction. A cat could be lion the way they see it.

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when axmed diiriye speaks you know the nabadiid people led by axmed diriye, tarzan, sharif want to destroy whatever progress we made just to keep the country hostage. these warlords and sidekicks dowladnimo iyo somaliya inay hurmar garto ma rabaan.

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Peacedoon;815936 wrote:
kkkkkkkkkkk paranoia at its best

Ala sheikh, sh.sharif lol


Garowe society
see danger in every direction. A cat could be lion the way they see it.

whats's garowe society:confused: do you even know the words you using:confused: fadlan do explain yourself.

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