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Somaliland Follows In Puntland Steps And Open German Pharmaecutical Manufacturing Branch

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German Pharmacy and Clinic opens first branch in Somaliland


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HARGEISA — A leading independent German pharmaceutical and healthcare Wholesaler, German Pharmacy and Clinic opened its first branch in Hargeisa on Thursday during a reception held in Hadhwanaag Hotel.


The Frankfurt-based drugstore says it will exclusively import quality German medicines and medical equipment at an affordable prices for local pharmacies. They Hargeisa office will serve as a logistical center for planned chains in neighboring Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Djibouti. The company also has presence in Sudan, Eritrea and the United Arab Emirates.


The local population is expected to welcome the news since currently much of the pharmaceuticals are imported from India and China. Many complain of poor quality and go further to say the drugs are not probably screened or tested.


Generic drugs from Germany are locally trusted since Germany once used to supply free drugs to Hargeisa’s General Hospital.


German Pharmacy and Clinic said it currently employs five local people and supplies over 60 clinics.


This will be the second international drug company to establish an office in Hargeisa after the British multinational pharmaceutical, GlaxoSmithKline opened its doors in February.



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C'mon guys waxan iska jojjiya hada wa dandansi waxan oo kale. Its not even funny anymore the first few copies waxay ahayd ku dayo lakin this amount of copying waxay noqotay ku xumay puntland, get a life and do something for yourself and not just watch puntland and copy

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MoonLight1;815776 wrote:
Dotoore why are you obsessed with Somaliland? ma gabar bay kuu diideen?

Wixii uu bosaso ka qori jiray baa dhamaaday dee ,,, :D

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