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Mudane Madaxweyne Faroole answers questions @ PSU

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Garowe( Madexweynaha Puntland Mudane C/raxmaan Sheikh Maxamed Maxamuud faroole ayaa maanta markii ugu horaysay dood furan la yeeshay Ardayda Jaamacadaha iyo Aqoonyanka Puntland oo wada jira.


Kulankan oo ahaa mid aad u qiima badan wakhti badan loo fadhiyay ayaa Madexweynuhu wuxuu kaga jawaabay si aad u wanagasan su’aalo dhinacyo badan leh oo ay ka qaybgalayaashu ka waydiiyeen arrimaha Maamulka Puntland iyo qorshayaasha mustaqbalka ee horumarinta deegaanka la xiriira.


Madexweynaha Puntland Mudane C/raxmaan Sheikh Maxamed Maxamuud faroole waa madexweynihii ugu horeeyay ee dood furan oo caykan ah la qaato dadweynaha marka loo eego maamuladii kala duwanaa ee Puntland soo maray, wuxuuna madexweynuhu balan qaaday in uu sidan oo kale marar badan bulshada ula kulmi doono.

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Jacpher;815706 wrote:
What did this president contribute to PSU during his term?

Mr. Jacpher, you sure do ask a lot of questions for a guy whose been here since 2004.

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