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31st Anniversary of the SNM, what is their legacy to the Somali people.

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Haha, Mengistu denying he supported SNM is your evidence? That's like asking George Bush if he tortured or not, and then taking his word for it.

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Well Siad bare was in very big trouble begin 1990 hence why he was writing letters to Mengistu, Somalia where do you stand in all of this since you are a big Kulmis supporter and opposed to the former govt. Mr mengistu was in trouble him self he lost the big port city of Massawa when the EPLF captured Massawa in 1990 there is little he could do at that time.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;816204 wrote:
Anigu wali waxan laa yaabanahay ninkan weyn eeh sharubaha leh eh leh kacdoonki slaamo iyo odayaal ba dawladi riday ma dawladi inta llekeyd bay slaamo wax shidayaan rideen. Ciidanki somalia runti wuxu ku jabay dagalaadi ka dhacay somaliland in the late 80 dagaalkaas ayana bubur u noqday ciidamadi somaliya xiligaas. Siad bare in 1990 march aad bu cadhaysna wuxu warqad cadho u diray mengistu haile maryam oou ku leeyahay wali waad tageerta snm oo heshiiski waad jabisay. Mengistu wuxu yidhi walay iga tahay ma tageero.


kalmada kacdoonkii shacabka waxaan ula jeedaa dagaalkii bilaawday 30 diseembar 1990 ee xukumadii siyaad barre lagu riday.

SNM hal degmo waqooyiga ka mid ah kama aysan qabsan dawladii siyaad bare .


xitaa waxaad tiri 23 janaayo 1991 ee aad tiri SNM waxay qabsadeen berbera taas inay been tahay videoga YOUTUBE ee SNM u sii ciidankoodii duurka banaanka wadada laamiga ah saaran ayaad video ku arkeysaa not even near berbera iska dhaafee inay qabsadeen degmada berbera oo aan dhameeyn xaafad ka tirsan xamar.



sidaan ku iri dhamaan major cities of Somali republic.














dhamaantood was 100% hands of Somali goverment(siyaad barre) until USC(KACDOONKA shacabka) ay siyad bare xukunka ka rideen.


ceebta ugu weeyna waxayba aheeyd siyaad barre xukunkiisii oo dhacay xitaaa SNM could not even take burco and hargeysa. snm first waxay qabsadeen 3 days after siyaad bare regime stop existing.



SNM 1988 dagal waxaa soo qaadeen laakiin was tottaly defeated like before them SSDF iyaguna 1980s bilawgeedii dagaal ay soo qaadeen gobolada dhexe waa la jabiyey. xaqiiqdii SSDF ayaaba dhaantay oo thanks to axmaaroos qabsadey 2 degmo sida Goldogob and balanbale.


Laakiin SNM xitaa waa qabsan weeysay togwajaale oo ah degmo ku yaala xuduuda waqooyi and ethiopia ilaaa last days of barre regime.


marka macquul maaha inaad tiraahdid Dawlad iyadu gacanta ku heeystay HARGEYSA BURCO BERBERA GAALKACYO ILAA KISMAAYO until USC(kacdoonkii shacabka) ay rideen . dagaalna ay ku rideen. dagaalkii socday 27 days day and night dagaal socday.


SNM was tottaly failure. waa run xagga faanka waad ku dheereysaan waayo NINKA VIDEO UK ee oranaya GERMANY anagaaa jabinay oo 50 000 from hargeysa ayaaa second world war jabiyey. toni blaire anagaa dhalnay. taas ayaa idinka daacad ah.



USC markii ay xukunkii siyaad bare riday dhamaan degmoyinka SOMALIA 18KA gobol waxaa maamulayey dawladii siyaad bare. xitaa iyadoo dhacday dawladaa ayey still maamuleysay 3 more days hargeysa burco and berbera. your HOMELAND.

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Wayahay lets take some sources into account ileen muranku ma fiicne eh ileen hadalki diiday bal calaamku waxay ka qoreen baynu eegeyna bal ila akhriso








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xaaji xunguf waxaad tiri oo aad ku dooday SNM broke the back of somali goverment forces therefore when USC started and over throw the regime siyad bare had no controll rest of the country. and same time you agree whit me SNM could not take a singel Magaalo of the north not even togwajaale whichs border of todays somaliland and ethiopia not until siad bare regime collapsed.



doodeyda waa SNM inay dagaalameen iyo in kale maaha. SSDF AND SNM waa dagaalameen waqtiyo kala duwan laakiin nasiib xumo labadooduba waa la jabiyey. haddii aysan USC xukuumada ridin laheeyna SNM lagama yaabeen no way hargeysa burco berbera inay ka qabsadaan xukuumadiii Somalia.


tusaaale west africa country of Mali xukuumadeeda oo aan dagaal caasimada kaga socon ayey rebell tuareg qabsadeen dhamaan MAJOR NORTH CITIES OF REPUBLIC OF MALI. waxayna ku dhawaaqeen free al zawaad republic. unlike SNM oo qasban weeysay xitaaa singel degmo.


you said 23 janaay0o 1991 the last days of barre regime ayey SNM qabsadeen BERBERA. YET THE VIDEO IN YOUTUBE SHOWS you SNM are not in berbera but miles away the road of some where in north their way in berbera.


even the last days of barre regime hargeysa iska dhaafee berbera oo ah very small town ayaad qabsan weeyseen.


unlike TUAREG REBELLS OF MALI oo xukuumadiii MALI oo jirta qabsadey dhamaan north of MALI.


HADDII AY SNM xukuumadii siyaad bare oo aan dagaaal uga socon xamar qasban lahaayeeen hargeysaa burco berbera booraame zaylac markaa waad ku faani kartaaa we Broke the backs of the somali goverment. laakiin qof 29 janaayo 1991 3 days after siyaad bare regime ended xitaaa magaalooyinkisiii hargeysa burco qabsan waayey waliba ku faanaya ciidan ayaa jabiyey taaa waa sidii NINKII VIDEOGA EE AHAA GERMAN waxaa jabiyey 50 thousend issq ah. kkkkk

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Xaaji Xunjuf;816259 wrote:
^^ We see a video 23 January 3 days before siad bare was ousted from xamar that's buuruuhi Sheikh saahil region as we see it.

23 janaayo is the 3 days before regime siad ended. even that time you could not take berbera. the video shows gawaarida waxay marayaan keymaha wadada ayey meel dhexe uga soo dhacayaan cabsi awgeed. berberna wali ma aysan qabsan. sawirka inta danbe waa Hargeysa probably weeks after gawaarida wadada maraya ee date 23 janaayo 1991.


xitaaa 23 janaayo 1991 SNM waa qabsan waayeen berbera. hargeysa warkeedba dhaaf. waa siyaad bare oo bunkerka VILLA SOMALIA xabada USC kaga dhuumanaya oo raadinaya way out.kkkkk


markaasaad leedahay we broke siyaad bare goverment backs kkkk. sida TUAREG REBELLS ee Mali west africa ayaad qabsan laheeyd all majort cities of the north NOT 3 DAYS before or 3 days after xukunkii dhacay ama sii liicaya. waxaad qabsan laheeyd like MALI TUAREG REBELS xukuumadii oo aan dagaal ku socon. already 1988 ama 1989 ama xitaa before diseembar 1990 intii aysan USC dagaal ka bilaabin xamar kacdoonkii shacabka.



only that shows you siyaad bare was in controll 100% dhamaan 18ka gobol ee Somalia unlike MALI REPUBLICS GOVERMENT OO HALF COUNTRY REBELLS AY KA QABSADEEN 2012.

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Furthermore as if the SNM was a collective..they were spread out..many fought while others remained behind and fought on different fronts. But the xaji has entirely destroyed your argument and i dont see why you still talking. the best you can do i show more regiments coming in and examples of mali...which has nothing to do. these people are funny. SNM destroyed the back of the Somali regime then the dieing corpes was further battered by other forces which were armed by the SNM. :cool:

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Relentless;816261 wrote:
Furthermore as if the SNM was a collective..they were spread out..many fought while others remained behind and fought on different fronts. But the xaji has entirely destroyed your argument and i dont see why you still talking. the best you can do i show more regiments coming in and examples of mali...which has nothing to do. these people are funny. SNM destroyed the back of the Somali regime then the dieing corpes was further battered by other forces which were armed by the SNM. :cool:

No He did not because. SNM did not take controll a singel majorty northern city not until siyaad bare regime collapsed 26 janaury 1991.

second all majorty towns of the north cities like Burco. berbera. borame.saylac. hargeysa all of them were hands of barre regime even when the regime stop existing 26 janaury 1991.



if SNM WAS strong rebells like todays Tuareg rebells in west african country republick of Mali which took controll of whole northern part of republick of Mali. THEY would took over all north while siyaad bare goverment was not facing war in mogadishu.


Snm was not like that they were tottaly failure because coul not take controll of burco berbera or hargeysa until USC rebells overthrow goverment of siyaad bare regime. so its tottaly bulshit those who claime SNM broke siyaad bare regimes army and therefore siyaad bare goverment stop existing. its like a somaliland guy in london who claimed it was his clans man who defeated germany second world war.


if USC never started a war agains barre regime iam 100% sure SNM and its people were still sitting refugees camps in Ethiopia today.

the only reason SNM come in to hargeysa burco and berbera was regime collapsed thanks to USC.

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Share on other sites your world pigs fly and Somalia is a superstate... according to any normal human being with ears and eyes who watched the above video its clear what happened furthermore the state department backs the visual evidence. keep arguing for the sake of arguing.

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see an optician saxib and get ears cleaned out seriously...the parallel demension you live doesnt exist. the shame is a rebel force of 3000 destroyed africas second largest military power...what does that say about guys were always a joke and still the joke of the world. the last remaining failed state on earth. :cool: if need be..we prove it again re-arm yourself this time dont forget your note book and video camera cause youll deny everything again. :D

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Taariikhda snm waxay bilaabatay 91kii intii ka horaysay waxay ahaayeen jabhad la noolayd mingistu

Kuraydaana taariikh ay arkaan waxaa ugu horaysay markii diyaarada gidaarka la saaray waxba ka faa'iidi maysid adeer


Waligaa talada ugu roonow wax barta dheh mar unbay na anfici doonaane

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