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31st Anniversary of the SNM, what is their legacy to the Somali people.

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I never said caydiid fought in Xamar i said wuxu ka bilaabay xabada ka dhacday gobolada dhexe marku talisji jabiyey oo uu kala jaray ciidmadadi xamar ka so baxayey iyo kuwi isu gudbaye gobolada dhexe intaasan ku idhi anigu kumaan odhan caydiid ba xamar ka dagaalamay iyo wax la mid galitaanka Madaxtooyada wax easy ah bay ahayd ileen wa dawlad dagaal in badan loogula so jiray. Waxan kalo ku yidhi qeyb weyn ba ka baxday ciidamadi Somalia sna marki ina cumar jees ay jabhadi SPM la abuuray dawladi gebo gebo bay iska ahayd qof sii dhacayey baad sii feedhay adgu:D.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;816050 wrote:
^^ Wayahay iska rumeyso adigu kacdoon shacabka xamar ba Dawladi General Maxamad Siyad bare riday eeh geeska Africa ugu awooda badnayd:D

adigana waxaa lagaa dhaadhiciyey adigoon xitaa burco iska dhaafee degmada xadka ethiopia ku tal togwajaale ay ciidankii dawlada siad ay joogen ilaaa last days of xukumadii

siad barre ayaad waxaad leedahay SNM ayaa dhabarka ka jabisay

ciidankii siad barre. bal maxaa togwajaale ethiopian border u qabsan weysay. kkk

Waa ninka video ee oranaya germany anagaa jabinay

toni bleir anagaa dhalnay.

xaga faanka waad ku dheereysaan. beentana kama xishootaan .lool

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Horta wax walba maha inaynu ka dhigo sheeko xawalay wuxu wa inay daliil yeeshaan maha inaynu iska murano

Adigu hada waxad naga dhadhicisay Dawladi General Maxamad Siyad bare dagaal ma dhicin habeen cad bay slaamu iyo caruur mudaharadeen dabeedna wa iska dhaqaajiye:D Somaliyey waxasi ma Caqli Gal maha Dawladi Waxaas oo beebee tangi madafiic diyaarado haysatey ayaa tidhi slaamo ba mudaharaday marka wanu iska tegeyna. Dawlada Runti wa lig liganaysey Ciidankeedi oo dhan waxay keentey Somaliland dhulka layidha From 1988 ila 1989 Laakin dhibaatadu waxay noqtay ciidanki in badan ba so goostay in badan na wa wa baxsadeen ina wala laayey Moral Jabki Ciidamada Somalia halkaas bay ku dhacday Laakin Logistics fiican ba so gaadhaayey ila 1989 oo farsamadi wa u socotay Marki dagalaadi 1989 dib u bilaabmadeen oo ay SNMtu ay weerareen Hareeraaha Hargeysa iyo Qeybo ka mid ah Gobolka Sanaag in 1990 na ay Qabsadeen Airporti Hargeysa Genaral Caydiid iyo kooxdisa na dabino dhigeen Gobolada dhexe oo ay kala jareen wixi isku dhaafayey halkaas oo ay Dawladi ciimadadoodi Go'oodon noqdeen ayaaa albaabada loo laabay wixi danbe waxay noqotay kala gura oo kala qaata.

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General Ali Hussein and his defection from the SNA he came from hiiraan he was sitting in Maqaaxida Inanta which is a village near hargeysa

The First part of the video is Baligubadle.

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siyad barre's forces & gov't was destroyed in the north.90% of the country(SL) was in the hands of SNM in mid 1990.Fighting was going on in hargeisa.Burao & Berbera were totally encircled & there was no movement as such the military could make.Have you eva heard the battle of Gubadxariir in which general Abdiasis tried to take ova "Dhoqoshay"(south of burao) which was the biggest base of SNM in eastern somaliland.The battle lasted 7 straight days & nites and the general was completely devastated.He then went to berbera to take the SNM pressure off & was again routed & destroyed a week before Siyad fell.Anyone who says that Barre could have been toppled without SNM is simply rewriting history & is not truthful to himself,but then what I expect of clan rhetoric.Denials like that, like the one that north has not suffered under Siyad Barre & there was no genocide intended is what's making somalilanders further & further away from somalia.They were right in 1991 when they seceded from people who not only belittle but completely deny & obliterate their struggle.


* when Aideed was to launch his struggle it was the SNM he approached & came face to face with;they gave him his first weapons & what logistic support he needed.


** why Siyad couldn't fight in MOGADISHU is he had no army to speak of.His strongest forces along with their heavy machines like tanks & his money & prestige in the world was literally crushed by the SNM.

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Aidiid alla yaa raxma mustaxiiil ethiopia ayuu ka soo baxay already dagaalkii mogadishu ee USC(KACDOONKA SHACABKA) markuu bilaawday 30 kii diseembar 1990. aydiid habayaraatee gobolada dhexe a ma uusan kala gooyn.wax dagaal ah gobolada dhexe kama uusan ridin aidiid. aidiid ethiopia ayuu joogay ilaa janaayo 1991.


general abdi asiis cali bare oo ahaa taliyihii ciidamada xooga dalka ee gobolada waqooyi galbeed wuxuu hargeysa iyo burco ka soo baxay 28kiii janaayo 1991 waa 2 days after siyaad barre goverment collapsed.


SNM waxay soo gashay berbera hargeysa and burco 29 kii janaayo 1991 dawladii siyaad bare oo 3 maalmood ka hor burburtay.


waxaad leedahay ciidankii dawlada ee hargeysa burco joogay ilaa 28kii janaayo 1991 waxay ahaayeen ciidan go'doonsan. taa waxba kama jiraan. GENERAL cabdicasiis cali bare from hargeysa ilaaa gobolada dhexe cabudwaaq ciidankiisa ku hubeysnaa taangiyo aad u farabaddan waxay soo mareen jidka shiineska dhisay ee isku xira gobolada dhexe ilaa hargeysa.



waxaad ku celcelisay SNM broke . siyaad barres army backs. bal waxaan ku weydiiyey maxaa sababay inaad 3 days after xukumadii oo dhacday inaad hargeysa burco aad timaadaan?


bal maxaad already 30 diseebmar 1990 markuu bilaawday dagaalkii kacdoonka shacabka(usc) xamar ka bilaawday bal markaa maxaad hargeysa burco u gali weydeen waa haddii ciidanka halkaa joogay ay ahaayeen ciidan go'doonsan?


mida kale haddii wadooyinka ay xirnaayeen general cabdicasiis markuu hargeysa burco ka soo baxayey ciidankii dawlada waxay soo mareen wadada dheer. amarka inay hargeysa burco kaga baxaana waxaa siiyey CUMAR CARTE QAALIB 26KII JANAAYO radio mogadishu. dawladaa la aas aasay ee cali mahdi madaxweynaha ku meelgaarka looga dhigay cumar cartana raiiisal wasaare. dawladaa waxaa la aas aasay isla malintii ay USC riday siyaad barre.


wareysiga hogaamiyihii USC kacdoonka shacabka general galaal dhageyso wuxuu yiri 3 maalmood ayaan SNM raadineynay si ay u galaan hargeysa burco iyo berbera.


kalmada kacdoonka shacabka waxaan ula jeedaa dagaalkii bilaawday 30kii diseebmar 1990 ee after 27 days dagaal qaraar ah xukumadii ay rideen shacabka mogadishu(usc).


dawladii siyaad bare 18ka gobol ee Somalia from NORTH HARGEYSA BOORAME ILAA KISMAAYO 100% gacanta ayey ku heeystay. meelihii ugu danbeeyey ee gacanta dawlada ku harayna xitaa iyadoo dhacday waxay ahaayeen burco and hargeysa 3 maalmood ka dib dawladiii oo dhacday ayaa SNM gashay magaalooyinkoodii.


SNM 1988 dagaal waa ay galeen laakiin nasiib xumo waa la jabiyey. 1989 odayaasha isaaqa waxay la gorgorateem inay SNM isaga soo dhibaan oo heshiis la dhex dhigo dawladii siyaad bare. hal degmo waqooyiga ka mid ah oo ay siyaad bare ciidankii dawlada ay SNM ka qabsateyna ma jirto sanadihii 1988. 1989 iyo 1990.

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look here how you forgery video from badme war between ethiopia and ertirea 1998 and claime the death bodies of ethiopian soldiers is the somalis in the north 1988 who had been massacered by ****** soldiers.



taariikhda waa sahlan tahay in laga been sheego sxb.

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I stated what's the truth & frankly speaking left your writing in the middle...there was no need to finish cos you either don't know or purposely denying what is in history books,magazines & well documented.To say that Siyad was not totally defeated by SNM & he could have been toppled without them is just hogwash & very biased.Go check how many tanks,Katushas,abc's,mortars & otha heavy weapons somaliland has & ask thm where they get from.It's disingenuous on your part to say the least.Somalis as well as you & me know it but if history has to be rewritten certainly it's the victors job that case the SNM and we might add we took ova Mogadishu too.



*when abdiasis was crushed for the second time in berbera he took what's left of his army to Lascanod..yes he did take the chinese road thru Burao,you right about that,but still he had thousands of soldiers & heavy weapons & many of the snm on the road were ragtag army & couldn't face him straight but they did inflict painful blows & infact took many weapons & tanks from the retreating army.Strongest Burao SNM forces at that time were already relocated to Berbera prior to the fight with abdiasis in berbera & were not around Burao.

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burahadeer;816078 wrote:

*when abdiasis was crushed for the second time in berbera he took what's left of his army to Lascanod..yes he did take the chinese road thru Burao,you right about that,but still he had thousands of soldiers & heavy weapons & many of the snm on the road were ragtag army & couldn't face him straight but they did inflict painful hits & infact took many weapons & tanks from the retreating army.Strongest Burao SNM forces at that time were already relocated to Berbera prior to the fight with abdiasis in berbera & were not around Burao.

Gen abdiasiis was in northern cities even after siad barre goverment collapsed 26 janaury 1991. so about Snm crushing gen abdaziiz in berbera is not true.


i have video Snm date 23 janaury 1991. its just before 3 days siyaad barre goverment ended. Snm was not even in berbera 23 janury 1991. they are on the road of berbera. 23 janaury 1991 was the last days of siyad bare goverment. he was negotiating how to leave villa Somalia peacefull and resign the presidency of Somali republic.


If Snm could not even take berbera 3 days before the end of siyaad bare regime then how can you say SNM WAS powerfull. if they were powerfull the could taken Hargeysa burco berbera already start of 1990 or before that 1989.



look the video about 1 minute. 23 janaury 1991. Snm on their way to berbera. kkkkkk xitaa siyaad barre xamar uga dhamaatay berbera oo aan dhameeyn xaafad mogadishu ah SNM waa ay qabsan waayeen. Hargeysa warkeedaba iska dhaaf.


look forexample todays republic of Mali WEST africa. the rebell of tuereg Al zawaad they captured all north Mali. and they declared it independet the new azwaad republic While SNM 1988 not even 3 days before siyaad bare regime Ended 23 janaayo 1991 could not even take little city of berbera even not the last days of siyaad bare Regime. what a Shame.

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Mario B   

burahadeer;816101 wrote:
^^^^ then live in your disney world:D nothing more to say.

Could it be that you have been misreading history, so tell me who has been telling you sweet lil lies? :D I alson think living in a disney world is much better than a mafrish purple hill. :cool:

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Mario B;816122 wrote:
Could it be that you have been misreading history, so tell me who has been telling you sweet lil lies?
I alson think living in a disney world is much better than a mafrish purple hill. :cool:


I'm not gona waste time on chicken in my farm.

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Anigu wali waxan laa yaabanahay ninkan weyn eeh sharubaha leh eh leh kacdoonki slaamo iyo odayaal ba dawladi riday ma dawladi inta llekeyd bay slaamo wax shidayaan rideen. Ciidanki somalia runti wuxu ku jabay dagalaadi ka dhacay somaliland in the late 80 dagaalkaas ayana bubur u noqday ciidamadi somaliya xiligaas. Siad bare in 1990 march aad bu cadhaysna wuxu warqad cadho u diray mengistu haile maryam oou ku leeyahay wali waad tageerta snm oo heshiiski waad jabisay. Mengistu wuxu yidhi walay iga tahay ma tageero.

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