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Damn Somaliland Is Developing. Tanaaday. PICS

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Farole Cities








Damn Berbera Looking Good



Damn Berbera sports ground being equipped with astro turf and night lights



Burco Big UP



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Wow...i dont whether to laugh or to cry. Somaliland cities are ten times bigger then what your showing. Bosaso is half the size of Burco my friend. Talk about inferiority complex trying to pretend your Somaliland is SAD. be happy with what you are. Pirates from the deserts.

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Dr_Osman;815359 wrote:
Somaliland is well developed now looks a proper commercial center and not residential slum town

bosaso and garowe are the last remaining residential slum towns left... Good luck with that.

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Relentless;815357 wrote:
Wow...i dont whether to laugh or to cry.

damn son, i know few sool citizen pimp slap your enclave, but being utterly confused and dazed is a sign of serious head injury.

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kingofkings;815364 wrote:
damn son, i know few sool citizen pimp slap your enclave, but being utterly confused and dazed is a sign of serious head injury.

lol..if you say so. get past garowe, the fact that Somaliland's army is 23 kil from your capital should be enough reason for you to keep your mouth shut son. haha..


pirates..all talk no action, because your defeated you have to use others as an example. haha...

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Relentless;815368 wrote:
lol..if you say so. get past garowe, the fact that Somaliland's army is 23 kil from your capital should be enough reason for you to keep your mouth shut son. haha..


pirates..all talk no action, because your defeated you have to use others as an example. haha...

the flaw with your argument is: i cannot defeat few men in sool, but i can take on PL:confused: help me to help you, your enclave can defeat PL, but is unable to win a single battle against a few men. mind you, the difference between your enclave and the brave soldiers of sool is one had 20 years of heads up , while the other is disorganized, but yet they defeated you like you were nothing; and i'm being nice here. help me here, i'm i missing anything:confused:

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LARGEST PARLIAMENT and Presidential Palaces IN SOMALIA. Hargeisa WUU WUU




Oil Drilling In Hargeisa WUU WUU



Nationalism in Somaliland WUU WUU



Somaliland Under Construction








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kingofkings;815375 wrote:
the flaw with your argument is: i cannot defeat few men in sool, but i can take on PL:confused: help me to help you, your enclave can defeat PL, but is unable to win a single battle against a few men. mind you, the difference between your enclave and the brave soldiers of sool is one had 20 years of heads up , while the other is disorganized, but yet they defeated you like you were nothing; and i'm being nice here. help me here, i'm i missing anything:confused:

the flaws in your argument, im puntland i control garowe and bosaso. Even though Somalilands army sits 24 klm away and controls las canod im gonna sit here and talk all day and act all big even though im a small fishing town and village. because in reality im to scared of Somaliland but ima talk all day and night.


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The man in the video is walking 23 klm away from your village capital Son. I dont have to waste my breath on you. :cool:


Keep doing what your people are famous for...TALKING. hahaha

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Relentless;815378 wrote:
the flaws in your argument, im puntland i control garowe and bosaso. Even though Somalilands army sits 24 klm away and controls las canod im gonna sit here and talk all day and act all big even though im a small fishing town and village. because in reality im to scared of Somaliland but ima talk all day and night.


The man in the video is walking 23 klm away from your village capital Son. I dont have to waste my breath on you. :cool:


Keep doing what your people are famous for...TALKING. hahaha

there's no doubt as to whether i will continue to talk, however, you still are unable to explain the logic or the reasoning behind your argument; if you are that close to PL and mind you PL is a threat to your SL, why not overrun the government in Garowe and for that matter, why are your enclave unable to this date and time unable to win a battle or two against few bearly armed men in Sool. again, i ask for your assistance. help me to help you.

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