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Why Somali's oppose this so called constitution

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Relentless;815360 wrote:
The problem with somali's is they try and re-invent the wheel for the love of God your talking about a consitution and you even havent attained peace. Furthermore
Somaliland never ratified the 1960 constitution so i dont think they will ratify the tribal federalism consitution which the majority of Somali's reject

are we reinventing history know:confused: how sad.

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kingofkings;815366 wrote:
are we reinventing history know:confused: how sad.

maybe you should read history for yourself before running to dad for his perspective on history. :cool:

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Relentless;815369 wrote:
maybe you should read history for yourself before running to
dad for his perspective on history
. :cool:

homeboy, normally we do not give our source or sources before heated debate. so, save i get my info from dad face. :D

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kingofkings;815371 wrote:
homeboy, normally we do not give our source or sources before heated debate. so, save i get my info from dad face.

"homeboooy" its shame you know nothing about somali history except the one demonsional village state perspective of Garowe. Welcome to the Somaliland Century Son...:cool:


in this century as was the continue to talk till the game is over. :cool:

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Relentless;815373 wrote:
"homeboooy" its shame you know nothing about somali history except the one demonsional village state perspective of Garowe. Welcome to the Somaliland Century Son...:cool:


in this century as was the continue to talk till the game is over. :cool:

maybe you will listen to one of your native son for the sake of reason and logic.



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kingofkings;815376 wrote:
maybe you will listen to one of your native son for the sake of reason and logic.


what a pirate argue for reason and logic, you wouldnt know reason or logic if it slapped you in the face. :cool:


the only reason and logic i need is history and legality the rest knowing you and your clansmen is entirely left to force :cool:


Somaliland has become your will become your permanent nightmare pirate. :cool:

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Relentless;815386 wrote:
what a pirate argue for reason and logic, you wouldnt know reason or logic if it slapped you in the face. :cool:


the only reason and logic i need is history and legality the rest knowing you and your clansmen is entirely left to force :cool:


Somaliland has become your will become your permanent nightmare pirate. :cool:

subhanallah. did you listen to your native son or is reality on the ground still sinking in:confused: okay, i will give you few more post/comments for it to settle in. :D

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kingofkings;815399 wrote:
subhanallah. did you listen to your native son or is reality on the ground still sinking in:confused: okay, i will give you few more post/comments for it to settle in.

lol...arent you the same person who was argueing for reason and logic a second just shows how much logic and reason you know...:D


anywhooo..keep entertaining yourself. The game is set and done and if you as amount of hot air will save you...What will you do when the somaliland flag flys over garowe...let me guess more hot air but this time mixed with tears. hahaha :cool:

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Relentless;815410 wrote:
lol...arent you the same person who was argueing for reason and logic a second just shows how much logic and reason you know...


anywhooo..keep entertaining yourself. The game is set and done and if you as amount of hot air will save you...What will you do when the somaliland flag flys over garowe...let me guess more hot air but this time mixed with tears. hahaha :cool:


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AfricaOwn;815419 wrote:
I think all the provisions in this constitution is binding only to the garowe clan mainly.

let me save you the embarrassment by saying speak nice of your future constitution. :D

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I am confused, are people upset because a meeting took place in Garowe?


Why is this small little town getting all this hate?


I am baffled~

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