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General Duke

Mogadishu.TFG should hunt Al Shabaab/Al Qaeda leaders put a bounty on their heads....

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Mario B   

We know they are in Afgoye, why are not storming the place up? In the meantime the gov can prepare tent cities with food and medicine ready across Xamar for IDP from the area. This is a matter of urgency, we cannot allow outlaws enough time for the teach enough ****** on how to blow themselves up.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;814562 wrote:
^^ The Amiir is alive and kicking

I will take that as an affirmation of your link with the Al Qaeda leader. Your concern for his welfare at the expense of the people of Mogadishu is also telling....

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No i just stated that he is alive not dead i am dealing with facts Duke not with emotions what happened in Mogadishu today was terrible and we should all condemn it attacking the theater and killing innocent civilians is something that goes against our morals and religious beliefs.But Alshabaab can only be solved by Somalis the earlier talks begin the better for Somalia's future Hassan Daahir aweys wants to come to a solution if his conditions are met Duke you should be open for reconciliation and talks with the opponents of the TFG and Amisom.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;814568 wrote:
No i just stated that he is alive not dead i am dealing with facts Duke not with emotions what happened in Mogadishu today was terrible and we should all condemn it .But Alshabaab can only be solved by Somalis the earlier talks begin the better for Somalia's future Hassan Daahir aweys wants to come to a solution if his conditions are met Duke you should be open for reconciliation and talks with the opponents of the TFG and Amisom.

Adeer get a backbone before your priority was to tell us your beloved AlQaeda leader was alive and kicking. You sir are a terrorist supporter, sympthiser and appeaser. As for Al Shabaab/Alqaeda I know you use the analogy of the Taliban, but there is a more appropriate one. That of the Tamil Tigers, who were experts in suicide bombings and used women as bombers. They were wiped out and thus peace came to Siri-Lanka..

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Mario B   

GD, Xaaji is not only a secessionist but Al shaabab sympathiser, like any clannist he has a soft spot for them because of their clan leadership. His hate for Ethiopia too is just lip service considering his "clan enclave" is propt up by Zenawi. His call for Somali nationalism in the South is his attempt deny Somalia any help from IC.

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Duke he is alive that's a fact nor do i support his actions but the difference between you and me is i am looking for solutions that will last for Somalia nor am i a terrorist supporter if i am against Kenyans invading Somalia does that make me a terrorist supporter i don't think so. If i am against American warplanes bombing Somali citizens does that make me a terrorist? Fact is Top American officials are having talks with the taliban and in the past they used to say those who harbor terrorists are terrorists themselves and we will never ever negotiate with terrorists.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;814587 wrote:
Duke he is alive that's a fact nor do i support his actions but the difference between you and me is i am looking for solutions that will last for Somalia nor am i a terrorist supporter if i am against Kenyans invading Somalia does that make me a terrorist supporter i don't think so. .

No adeer your deep and profound love of Godane & Afghani makes you a terrorist supporter. Today the peace many have been building for Mogadishu was shattered and all you was concerned about was Godane's safety and opening talks with the terrorist groups.

Thats not a solution but an evil persons wishes. Those who caused such carnage do not deserve to be talked with. They should be fought and efforts and actions against them should be increased.

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Illaahay ha u naxariisto intii dhimatay samir iyo iimaana ha ka siiyo eheladoodii. Inta dhaawaca ahna illaahay ha caafiyo.

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