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xiinfaniin;814748 wrote:
^^Thanks for the misspelling alert. But the matter is much weightier than mere spelling errors I am afraid. Explain yourself waryaa, oo ragga ikhyaaarta suuqa ha ugelin

:D Waa caynkaa.

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All you gotta see is his past articles, the man is known for his wholesale attacks on groups-especially that of Faroole's. Professor Farjac always left me with more FAJAC as his pieces are more telling than anyone could sum him up. But, good on him if he chose to run, tad bit Gingrichesque for my taste though.

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If you compare Professor Farjac to Gingrich because of his articles. How would you call Faroole? And where can we find the articles he wrote?

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Prof. Farjac has done nothing wrong apart from being a typical Somali when he's disgruntled or angry with the system, which is actually perfect for Somali environment and Somali politiking. Let's not dig these boards to find what Faroole was and his stance before his presidency, how rebellious he was, called Puntland null and void and urged the people of Puntland to take arms against the Adde Muse Admin, that's far extreme to me; its good that its all history now and the man has moved on and is doing a better job as President.


Prof Farjac has thrown himself in the race (which is good), he has a lot of supporters both locally and within the diaspora, and if he wins may do a better job than most candidates as a proactive educated man. Well, one may disagree on him doin a better job as President but one cannot hold the good Prof against his mere Somali politiking style which in fact is a bonus, a display of competency and indha'adayg, in that part of the world that we came from.

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