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kingkong is a wicked man. Even by his standard in promoting the profile of fellow Puntlander he is a failure. Why put down , Farjac a nice fellow with sound ideas however lofty?


Mise jiffuu ku nacay. Cakku

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Kingfolks stop with the chracter assasination, if he is fit or not the electorate will decide and is not any one's business to decide for them. He seems some one with new ideas and good luck to him.

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^^^ how difficult is it to type kingofkings or to shorten it as king. damn. it's not that difficult. where do you people get kingfolks or kingkong from anyway:confused: as for my personal view, it's private matter. so, if you want to discuss this matter wait until the pm works. otherwise, fadlan lets not embarrass our self in front of everyone. thank you.

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^^Thanks for the misspelling alert. But the matter is much weightier than mere spelling errors I am afraid. Explain yourself waryaa, oo ragga ikhyaaarta suuqa ha ugelin

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Waryaa KingKong, Professor-ka maxaad ku daba dhigay? Markan reer Maakhir bu kursigu ku socdaa, prof. farjacna will fit for VP.

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Gheelle.T;814761 wrote:
Waryaa KingKong, Professor-ka maxaad ku daba dhigay? Markan reer Maakhir bu kursigu ku socdaa, prof. farjacna will fit for VP.

going off topic, are you guys blind:confused: it's King of Kings


type after me, k, i, n, g, space o,f, space k,i,n,g,s. now was that too difficult:confused:

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^KING space KING, you are that sensitive about a fake name and yet drag a good man's name and character like it's joke. Waryaa odowga ka har. ;)

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b-boy;814785 wrote:
I think i know where you are going with this:D

I agree though he is not fit for the seat.


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Gheelle.T;814786 wrote:
^KING space KING, you are that sensitive about a fake name and yet drag a good man's name and character like it's joke. Waryaa odowga ka har.

mr. t i pity the fool who cannot get my name right :D. it's kingofkings . there's and an s at the end. and yes, if you're going address me getting the name right is very important.

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KingKong: Mind telling the gallery why you deem Farjac candidacy a joke? You don't need to PM certain folk to state your objection to the man? It ain't personal dee spill the beans.

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