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Prof. Cumar Farjac oo mar kale isu sharaxay Madaxweynaha Puntland


Iyadoo mudooyinkii ugu dambeyay gudaha iyo dibadda ay ka socdeen olole ay wadaan qaar ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta Puntland oo ay ku doonayaan in ay kaga qeyb galaan doorshooyinka la filayo in ay dhacaan Bisha January,08,2013, ayaa waxaa ku soo biiray Musharax cusub.




Musharaxa ku soo biiray ayaa lagu magacaabay Prof. Cumar Farjac oo horey uga tirsanaa musharaxiintii ka qeyb galay doorshooyinkii sanadkii 2009, ee uu kaga guuleystay Madaxweynaha hadda ee Puntland Dr. C/raxman Faroole.


Musharaxa Farjac Wuxuu ku dhashay Degmadda Qandala sanadku markuu ahaa 1953. Wuxuuna noloshiisa qayb ka mid ku soo barbaaray miyiga iyo deegaanada u dhexaya Dhadaar, Shabaab, Gaatir Odan, Dandamaale, Ceel Gaal, Gurur, Balli Dhidhin, Siido iyo Dhabanna Caddo, Fira, Buq Catooti, iyo Aaga Xaafuun.




Prof. Cumar waxbarashadiisa waxay ku baahsantahay meherado kala duwan sida dhaqaalaha, qorshaynta, demoqrafiyada, horuumarinta miyiga iyo magaalooyinka, dhaqaalaha iyo horuumarinta cududa shaqaalaha (Labor Market Economics), turxaan bixinta maamul xumida, beel daajinta qaran. Shahaadada PhD waxaan u dheer shahaadooyinka uu ku qaatay MS demographer, MS Sociologist, MS Statistician. MS Urban Planner, MS Transportation Planner. Waxbarasha jeceylkiisa waxay ku kalliftay in uu kala goosho wadama badan sida Egypt (Masar), Kenya, North Carolina, Maryland, Michigan, New York, Ghana, Florida, Washington DC, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Iowa, iyo kuwa badan.


Farjac wuxuu kaloo ka soo shaqayey Kulliyada Dhaqaalaha ee Muqdisho, wuxuuna ka dhigay Microeconomia, Macroeconomia. Arday fara badan ee ka soo aflaxday dhaqaalaha ayaa badanaaba ku soo dhowaysa goobaha uu dadweynaha ku baraarujinayo si ay uga qayb galaan horuumarinta Puntland iyo Somaliya.




Wuxuu Prof. Farjac kaloo ka soo shaqayey Wasaaradda Qorshaha Qaranka iyo Isku Duba Ridka (Planning and Coordination) isagoo adeegsanaya xirfadaha sahaminta dadka, tirakoobidda, dhalashada, dhimashada iyo hoyguurka ummadda.


TAKHASUS: Prof. Cumar Farjac wuxuu ku xirfad dheeryahay Siyaasadda Dhaqaalaha Maalgelinta Shisheeye iyo Hantida u Soo gooshta Wadamada Soo Kobcaya, Dhaqaalaha Beeraha iyo tacabka jibaalka dhulka, hanyida iyo cududa shaqaale ee kala duwan. Dhaqaalaha Warshadaha iyo dhiiri gelinta tacabka warshadaha, Dhaqaalaha Canshuuraha, Maaliyadda iyo dhiiri gelinta tacab soo saarka. Prof. Farjac wuxuu xirfad dheeri ah iyo takhasus gooni ku leeyahay Qorshaynta Magaalooyinka (Urban Planning) dhanka jidadka, biyagelinta, gelinta qasabadaha bulaacadaha, korontada, waax-waaxaynta magaalooyinka, u abuuridda kaymaha iyo beeraha tahaniska, u kala qaybinta warshado iyo degaan, goobo shaqo iyo tahaanis, qorshaynta gaadiidka magaalda. Prof. Farjac wuxuu can ku yahay Culuunta Dadka, Sahanka iyo Tirakoobyada Dadka Guryaha iyo Duunyada (Population Studies, Surveys, Censuses of Population, Housing and Livestock). Prof. Farjac takhasus gaar ah wuxuu ku samayey Dhaqaalaha Gaadiidka Dhulka, Cirka, iyo Biyaha (Economics of Transportation: highways, Railways, Air and Water Transportation).


Shahaadada ugu weyn ee Prof. Farjac ku faano waa shahaadada dugsiga sare, wuxuuna u arkaa in ay tahay furaa horuumarka qofka. Haduu qofku doonayao in uu ku shaqaysto waxbarashadiisa iyo in uu sii wato waxbarshadiisa, waxaa saldhig u ah shahaadada dugsiga sare. Hadafkiisa ugu weyn ee horuumarinta Puntland waa in uu gaarsiiyo ardayda iyo dadweynaha Puntland in qofwalba qaato shahaadada dugsiga sare. Shahaadadaas oo weliba ku salaysan xirfad farsamo. Waxbarashadu kuma koobnaaneyso ardayda da’da yar oo qura ee waxay ku baaheysa dadka waaweyn oo dhan miyo iyo magaalaba.




Prof Cumar wuxuu ku hadlaa luuqadaha ay kamid yihiin Soomaali, Ingriisiga,T alyaaniga,Carabiga iyo IWM. Prof Cumar waa aqoonyahaan caan ku ah Somaliya iyo dalal farabadan oo ay ka mid yihiin Mareykanka, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Caribbean Island, Pakistan, iyo wadamo reer Yurub ah..




Prof. Cumar waa musharaxaa madaxtinamada Puntland sanadka 2009. Cumar wuxuu aad ugu dhuundaloolaa siyaasada Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Puntland. Wuxuuna ka qayb qaatay shirar badan (Conferences) ee lagu falanqeenayo arimaha Soomaaliya. Prof. Farjac wuxuu aad u danayaa nabadda, cadaaladda iyo sinaanta ummadda Puntland iyo Somaliya, taas oo uu aaminsan yahay in ay saldhig u tahay horuumarinta dhaqan dhaqaale ee wadanka.


Prof. Cumar waa nin aqoonyahan ah, waana shaqsi karti u leh in uu afgarto ama kasbado cid kasta oo ay hawlo u dhexeeyaan sokeeye iyo shisheeyeba, gaar ahaan dalalka reer galbeedka, wadamada Carabta, wadamada Afrika ee doonaya in ay kaalin wacan ka qaataan xasiloonida, dib u dhiska iyo horuumarinta Puntland iyo Soomaaliya.


Waxaa dhawaan lagu wadaa in uu soo gaaro Magaaladda Bosaso, halkaas oo ay ka socto diyaargaroga soo dhaweynta Musharaxa Farjac.

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Professor Farjac is an intellectual with experience, he is more educated and experieced then all leaders Puntland has seen so far. Why do oppose the man?

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^What's your point and whats wrong with him, he's a good candidate and can run for office.


He's humorous and non serious individual, but he's highly educated dude. Keep up the Baraarujinta yaa Farjac

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Carafaat;814298 wrote:
Professor Farjac is an intellectual with experience, he is more educated and experieced then all leaders Puntland has seen so far. Why do oppose the man?

i'm sorry, i'm afraid SOL is neither a cure nor is it a substitute for multiple personality syndrome. so, fadlan see to it that you exist the thread.

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Qandalawi;814300 wrote:
^What's your point and whats wrong with him, he's a good candidate and can run for office.


He's humorous and non serious individual, but he's highly educated dude. Keep up the Baraarujinta yaa Farjac

excuse the urban lingo, but, are you for real yo:confused: the guy is a loose cannon. someone like him is unfit for the job. beside, Faroole deserves another term. Four more years of Faroole. :cool:

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Jacaylbaro;814303 wrote:
He doesn't like him dee coz of his qabiil ,,

i know PL tells the rest of somalia ku dayo PL, but following the internal political affair of PL is sad since clearly your not a citizen of PL. fadlan, go comment on SL threads.

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^Your support for Faroole is one issue, I for one support him to stay. But why do you think the guy is a lose cannon, and why shouldn't he run for office.


Farjac is much more educated than most of the candidates that have announced their candidacy and those that will announce in the near future and will be a better leader than most of them.

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Qandalawi;814308 wrote:
^Your support for Faroole is one issue, I for one support him to stay. But why do you think the guy is a lose cannon, and why shouldn't he run for office.


Farjac is much more educated than most of the candidates that have announced their candidacy and those that will announce in the near future and will be a better leader than most of them.

unfortunately the pm section of SOL is not working today, so i will present my evidence another time, but for the moment, heed my words. the man is not fit to lead PL to the promise land.

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i'm with JB on this,, he is not from reerka simple ... don't know the professor personally but i have read number of his articles , he makes sense better than faroole indeed !.and yes he is neither greedy nor arrogant!.



and let me add also, he will never be elected in Puntland because he is not from the holy Trinity.

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Where is kingofkings with his explanation. He is damaging and ridiculing the good proffesor without any explanation.

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