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Funeral of Abdullahi Issa Mohamud

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Waagee Soomaali sharaf lahayd, si sharfana isku duugeysay. Yaa nool yaa dhintay ka muuqdo cajalka. Cowke sidiisa u egyahay wali asagana.


Waxaa xasuustaa Qabuuraha Qaranka oo Tarbuunka ku yaalay waagaa yareen agmari jirnay on our way playing banooni in Tarbuunka dhanka Digfeer. Mar marna qabuurahaas iska gali jirnay for no reason. C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke iyo marxuumooyin kale sharaf lahaa ku duugnaa, Eebbe ha u wada raxmadee. Anagoo yar yar ayaa sharfi jirnay oo markaa galno xabaalahaas kuma ciyaari jirin, kuma or ordi jirin, si degana waa ugu soo bixi jirnay. Remembering now, I think it was subconscious.

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Howlwadaag Hoose/dhexe. Baashi ayaa isku dhawayn iskoolada. Asaga Xasan Qariidi ayuu dhigan jiray which was next to our school, wall to wall. Laakiin loodkii naga sareeye ayuu ahaa oo isku lood ma ahayn.


Here is a the full funeral. It starts at 15:05



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