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Mogadishu: Anti peace group steps up campaign to again derail peace process.....

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Samafal;814749 wrote:
I agree with Ahmed Diriye, this constitiution benefits one section of the Somali people and should not be supported and you ask me what's wrong with it? Look at Faroole, he's laughing with the president Sh Sharif and they seem in good terms!!! That can't be right! can it? I mean it always been the case, I'm happy when Faroole is not happy so the fact that he seems happy this time around makes me unhappy so that's why I'm against it.


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Why the need to change the 1960 axdi horta? That was a perfect one as far as Soomaalida is concerned. Haddii loo badalaayo iskutagnimada (federalism), qeyb ayaa loogu dari karay but completely revamping it is useless. Then again Soomaali ma qorin, sida kii 2004 Nayroobi lagu qoray dad kale qoray waxaan. Soomaalidii ayeeba kala bixinayaan haddii la raaco kii 2004 la sameeye.


Kii Gaarisa ku dhashay ama tii Qalaafe ku dhalatay Soomaali ma'aha ayaa la dhihi doonaa maanta.

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Samafal;814749 wrote:
I agree with Ahmed Diriye, this constitiution benefits one section of the Somali people and should not be supported and you ask me what's wrong with it? Look at Faroole, he's laughing with the president Sh Sharif and they seem in good terms!!! That can't be right! can it? I mean it always been the case, I'm happy when Faroole is not happy so the fact that he seems happy this time around makes me unhappy so that's why I'm against it.

Are you serious?! :D:D:D

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Carafaat;814743 wrote:
a Constitution should be for the people by the people. Their democratic elected leaders should be involed during this process. TFG has not even moved beyond Muqdisho, many parts are still in war with Al Shabaab. the people were not involed in this process of drafting nor is this the time to draft a constitution. therefor a piece written by individuals who were not democraticly elected can not draft document that is shared by all people. therefor is not considered xalaal by me and many others. no need for anger or name calling adeer.

See Xiin's response. The basis for this constitution is the same as for the TFG. You can't be for the TFG on governance and then against it on the constitutional process.


There was no anger or name calling. Just a put up or shut up post. And quite frankly you haven't put up much in the way of an argument.

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ElPunto;814760 wrote:
See Xiin's response. The basis for this constitution is the same as for the TFG. You can't be for the TFG on governance and then against it on the constitutional process.


There was no anger or name calling. Just a put up or shut up post. And quite frankly you haven't put up much in the way of an argument.

Ok let me ask you;


1.Do you think its the right time to draft a constituion when parts of country are occupied?


2.Can you imagine that people living in those regions would like to be consulted in the drafting

Of the constitution?


3. Can you understand that some people don't think the process nor its (transitional) actors were democraticly chosen

And thus have no right to take decsision that have long term effect? Except restoring security?


Well don't be suprised then, if some folks reject this pieace of paper if one rejects their arguments. :D


P.S. If Puntland managed without a own constitution the last 13 years, I am sure Somalia can wait few more


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1- I don't think it matters as long as all constitutencies have a say. With the messed up 4.5 system as it is - can anyone claim they are not represented?


2- That would be nice. But who has consulted with anyone. Has Faroole gone to Bacadwayn and Caluula and consulted with his ppl? Has the Shariif gone and consulted with his folks? This is Africa. There is little to no consulting. Just ppl who supposedly represent their regions/clans. You work with what you have. Relevant parties should speak to their representative and voice their concerns and issues. Pointless bacaac isn't going to cut it.


3- Yes. But then no one said this constitutution is set in stone. It can and should change in the future once Somalis have a real say in their government. We're not there yet. We're trying to find a working arrangment.


The process is far from perfect. But it is the same process that brought us the TFG. It is a means to an end. Eventually most reasonable people hope that Somalia moves to a better system. But to oppose without bringing up any relevant clauses that you oppose or any sensible arguments as to the real problems you have or any alternatives to what you see as a problem is to my mind wilfull obstruction and qas. And that is hardly in short supply in Somalia now or in the last 20 years.


Beats me why they're rushing with the constitution - maybe the international community is behind the whole thing.


Better Carafaat. Much better than your earlier cantrabaqash. :P

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The fact that Farole's fellow clansmen are the only ones supporting this blatant clan agenda masquerading as a new constitution is actually quite telling & goes to show the unrepresentative & corrupt nature of this thing.

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The anti peace group have presented no alternative than war, pillage and fanaticism. The Somali Republic can only rise if we have a constitution that is modern and updated.. The 1960 constitution is the base, but the nation has changed and so has the world.

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1960 :D that was the most corrupt constitution on earth(where puntlanders have 46 seats out of 123...almost 1/2).No wonder ya'll defending:D

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Carafaat;814908 wrote:
The constitution wasn't corrupt back in 1960.but those MP's were creative.

That is true.

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Yes, but you can't blame someone for being to creative or playing the game to win.


don't hate the players, hate the game. :D

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