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Mogadishu: Anti peace group steps up campaign to again derail peace process.....

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^You just can't spew stuff without proving it. Take a gander at actually fleshing out 'this constitution xalaal maha, its a product of corruption, nepotism and clan politics. Just like all other policies Faroole is promoting in Somalia.'


I love how you think Faroole is the puppet master for all of Somalia. As if. Walle Faroole dad baa nightmare uu yahay. :D

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Again, this so called constitution is a thinly veiled clan agenda & does not represent the wishes & aspirations of the Somali people. Ahmed Dirie as a clan elder for the people of Mogadishu is correct in pointing out Farole's deception.

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Carafaat;814715 wrote:
Elpunto, this thread is on the constitution and why Somali's oppose it. And why only Garowe boys support it.

Carafaat - unionist/Somalilander/qas-wade - whatever guise you have on at any point in time - if you can't articulate your points when questioned then you have no business in a big boy forum. We have enough trolls as it is.

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Recovering-Romantics;814716 wrote:
Again, this so called constitution is a thinly veiled clan agenda & does not represent the wishes & aspirations of the Somali people. Ahmed Dirie as a clan elder for the people of Mogadishu is correct in pointing out Farole's deception.

Meeshaan cid cid xoogi kartaa ma jiro. You and whatever clan elders you choose have a voice and you can represent your wishes and desires at these forums. But as others have pointed out - you present nothing with regard to what you're wailing about. And you think Faroole is some puppet master that will make you dance to his tune. He is but one stakeholder among many. Please wake up from the 1990s. And start to make some sense.

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ElPunto;814726 wrote:
Carafaat - unionist/Somalilander/qas-wade - whatever guise you have on at any point in time - if you can't articulate your points when questioned then you have no business in a big boy forum. We have enough trolls as it is.

Yes, my clan is from Somaliland, I am Unionist and I oppose dirty politics and say like it is to Somaliland and to Puntland. Does that make me qaswade? Adeer, try to look beyond your litle clan agenda and for the common good. Many of us already do.

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^Whatever my 'clan agenda' may be - the only agenda that should be pertinent to you is taking a gander at fleshing out what you posted - 'this constitution xalaal maha, its a product of corruption, nepotism and clan politics. Just like all other policies Faroole is promoting in Somalia.'


Barring a response on this line - I would suggest your immediate agenda should be to scurry back with the tail between your legs.

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If the vast majority of the people of Somalia reject this Constitution than it will be thrown in the bin the majority of the people of Somalia cannot be called spoilers.


There should be some sort of national Constitution commission wich should have the full legtimaciy of all the people of Somalia. Not just a section of clanist leaders such as the northern clan enclave of garowe.

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What's with the obsession with Garowe? :D


The constitution is very inclusive but which part is it that you are against Xaaji?

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ElPunto;814737 wrote:
^Whatever my 'clan agenda' may be - the only agenda that
be pertinent to you is taking a gander at fleshing out what you posted - 'this constitution xalaal maha, its a product of corruption, nepotism and clan politics. Just like all other policies Faroole is promoting in Somalia.'


Barring a response on this line - I would suggest your immediate agenda should be to scurry back with the tail between your legs.

a Constitution should be for the people by the people. Their democratic elected leaders should be involed during this process. TFG has not even moved beyond Muqdisho, many parts are still in war with Al Shabaab. the people were not involed in this process of drafting nor is this the time to draft a constitution. therefor a piece written by individuals who were not democraticly elected can not draft document that is shared by all people. therefor is not considered xalaal by me and many others. no need for anger or name calling adeer.

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It is also worth the mention the process by which the constitution will be completed and passed is based on the current 4.5 formula, which I presume Farole has no power to control :D.


Spoilers come in many forms and have different rationale in opposing Somalia's march to regain its dignity. Secessionists , Alshabaab, and yesterday's thugs in the South to name a few are the prominent voices against Somalia's progress.

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I agree with Ahmed Diriye, this constitiution benefits one section of the Somali people and should not be supported and you ask me what's wrong with it? Look at Faroole, he's laughing with the president Sh Sharif and they seem in good terms!!! That can't be right! can it? I mean it always been the case, I'm happy when Faroole is not happy so the fact that he seems happy this time around makes me unhappy so that's why I'm against it.

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