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Abdullahi Yusuf Book Opens In India. Asian Officials Pay Their Respects To The Late President. PICS

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Buuggi Tacsida Marxuum Yuusuf oo Safaarada New Delhi ay Furtay+Sawiro


April 1, 2012 - Written by Webmaster - Edited byWebmaster



Maalintii Jimcaha aheyd ee March 30, 2012, Safaaradda Somalida ee New Delhi, India ayaa soo gunaanadey boroordiiqdii loo sameeynayey Mudaxweynihii hore ee Somaliya, Mudane Marxuum Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. Baroordiiqdaas oo ay ka soo qayb galeen Safiiro badan oo fadhigoodu yahay New Delhi, saxiixayna buuggii tacsida iyagoo ka masuul ah Madaxweyneyaashooda, Dadkooda iyo Dalalkooda.


Masuuliyiinta halkaa timid, iyo kuwii u soo direy qoraalka tacsida ah ee u badnaa masuuliyiin ka socota dawladda India iyo shacabkeedaba, waxay dhammaantood tacsi tiiraanyo leh u soo direen Ummadda Somaliyeed meel ay joogaanba iyo gaar ahaan qoyska reer Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. Waxayna ugu duceeyeen marxuumka in rabi Janaddii ka waraabiyo, danbigiisana dhaafo. Aamin.


Ka safaarad ahaan, waxaanu leenahay mahadi ha idinka soo gaarto sidii qadarinta lahayd ee aad u soo ajiibteen baroordiiqda oo maanta ku ekeyd. Marxuum Madaxweyne Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed allaha u naxariisto oo u nasteexeeyo, qabrigiisana nuur allaha saaro, janadiina hoy uga dhigo. Dhammaanteena samir iyo iimaan rabi naga siiyo. Ammiin.


Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raajucuun.


Mowlaanaa Ibabshir

Daalacatey :949





Malaysian Deputy High Commissioner



Algerian Ambassador



Bangladesh Ambassador


Bhutan Ambassador


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No leader in somalia ever got this sort of national international burial. Abdullahi Yusuf is the biggest burial in Somali History.


I doubt I will see anyone top this in Somalia anytime soon, infact looking back at the past the closest that comes to it is abdullahi ciise burial and he even didn't get this sort of international coverage and foreign delegations and heads of state sending condolences.


Its obvious for anyone with a a little bit of intelligence that Abdullahi Yusuf was the most powerful leader in somalia and his burial is just evidence to it!!! A Somali Hero, A Soldier from cradle to the grave, a Man with a mountain of legacy or you might know him casually as YEY loved the nation and its people that he even died with debt when your leaders are living in mansions like abdiqasim salat $23 million dollar looting while he was president according to wikileak and geedi 1 million dollar pent house in nairobi. What sort of leader is this? don't expect they will be getting this sort of burial!!!

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