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Puntland President Officially Opens National Crime Headquarters. PICS

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Madaxweynaha oo xariga ka jarey xarunta CID-da Puntland


3 Apr 3, 2012 - 2:16:21 AM




Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole ayaa maanta 3,April 2012 si rasmi ah xariga uga jarey dhismaha xarunta guud ee barista danbiyada Puntland magaalada Garowe oo gacan ka geysatey hayada UNDP.


Kuxigeenka madaxweynaha Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire ,wasiir kuxigeenka Amniga Puntland Cabdirisaaq Xareed Ismaacil ,taliye xigeenka booliska Puntland Col.Cabdulaahi Saalax Nadaaro ,taliyaha laanta baaritaanka danbiyada culus Puntland ,taliyaha ciidamada nabad sugida ,saraakiisha ciidamada booliska iyo taraafikada iyo weliba wakiilka UNDP Puntland Mr.Nick Presford ayaa goob joog ka ahaa furitaankii xarunta maanta.


Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo masuuliyiintii wehelisey waxay kormeereen xafiisyada kala duwan ee xarunta danbi baarista Puntland oo ay qalabeysey UNDP sidoo kalena si rasmi ah ula wareegeen furayaasha saddex gawaari ah oo loogu talo galay xarunta inay ku shaqeyso.


Koox ciidamada taraafikada ah oo tababar uga socdey xarunta saldhiga booliska Garowe ayuu madaxweynuhu sidoo kale soo kormeerey oo ka wareystey xaaladooda iyo heerka ay marayaan saraakiisha gacanta ku haysa xaruntaasi oo bixineysa tababarka.


Dhinaca kale waxa tababar uga socdey isla xarunta saraakiil iyo ciidamo ka tirsan laanta baaritaanka danbiyada culus oo ka kala yimid dhamaan deeganada Puntland waxana madaxweynaha uga xog warameen qaabka ay wax u barteen iyo sida laga doonayo inay u hawgalaan kadib markii uu udhamaado koorasku.


Saldhiga Garowe iyo taliska booliska ayuu sidoo kale booqdey kana dhageystey warbixinadii ugu danbeeyey wasiir xigeenka amniga iyo taliye xigeenka booliska Puntland ,waxana ahayd booqashadan mid dhiiri gelisey saraakiisha iyo ciidamada ku hawlan adkeynta xasiloonida iyo nabad-gelyada Puntland.


Halkan ka daawo sawirada furitaanka xarunta & kormeerka madaxweynaha












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finally this is is actually good anything that tightens the security is a good step well done he is taking the right measurements now it was about time he focused on security.

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Qaranki;813751 wrote:



I will speak to my adeers to drop that, I might need to professionalise the english format and bring out powerful words and slogans that the government can use

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Xaaji, farole is focusing on all the wrong places. Garowe has no security issues, this sort of initiatives would have more of an impact in Bosaso and Galkayo!!! But then again the security generally has been pretty good for the first quarter of the yearand im happy with it and I hope it remains the same through-out the year while the state goes deeper into it development objectives and meeting critical outcomes for citizens, residents and IDPS alike!!!

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True bosaaso and Galkacyo needed more but keep in mind garowe is the capital its the heart of Puntland so this is the first step he might do this also in other pl regions but it will take time.Since faroole is busy with the road map of Somalia the TFG and the Garowe accords the Oil projects he totally forgot about the security problems pl is facing nevertheless this is a good step forward.

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Dr_Osman;813749 wrote:
Where are you kingy and somalia development focused nutters!!! get in here and drop a comment

excellent work PL. this is long over due. now PL has an agency that completely focuses on crimes. good news.

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