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Che -Guevara

The Losing Formula: Hate as a Political Strategy

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The wise men are back. War Ciise ma soo noqotay? Maxaad meesha noogu cidlaysay go'e? Ma waxaa kula quman in handicap'ka Rudy ah iyo dilaalka Maaddeey ah inaad isku kaayo daawato oo aadan naga qaban? :D :D

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Abtigiis war ragga u kala aayar sxb. Idin kuma aan cidlayne anigaa qurbaha aad cidlaysid is lahaa. Socod iyo safar tiigsi ah ayaan ka bixi waayay. Hadda muda bil ahba muskiina ayaan madaxa kula jiray oo waxaa is lahaa Abtigiis oo computer hor fadhiya aad kadis ka dul dhacdid!


Hor sxb waxaan ku waydiiyay Minnesota bilcaan badana?

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Abtigiis;813689 wrote:
Ngonge reerahooda intaa in la eg ha u sheego bal oo dadka ha la isku soo dhaweeyo. Mise Ngonge waa born-again oo taariikhdiisu waxay ka bilaabatay tii SNM, ee Buurahaadeer ama Mintid Farayar baa ku dhaama.

Was this a preemptive strike, Mukhtaaro? :D

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Abtigis NGOGNE is from Burco wax ka yaal ba iska yar Somali galbeed NGONGE burco iyo Buhoodle bu miideynaya shaqadisa wa intaas.

You need to take this to Oodweyne wait a minute he will just call you a lowly Kikuyu political butler :D

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xiinfaniin;813811 wrote:
Abtigiis, you wrote with a good spirit.


ps. Paragon in Minnesota? And Abtigiis in 24 Mall?


walllee najjaasaa fay leh

Lol@24 mall. War Xiinoow meeshu waaba OG galore ma istiri? 'Awoowgaa la jannayda dhegaha finiin ku soo gaaraysa ayaaba kaa farxinaysa. :D


Haddeer Ohio ayaan luga baxsi ku yara gaariyaa insha-allaah, Axaddaan soo laaban.

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The person who wrote this lives in a fantasy world, as if there hasn't been clan warfare.


The people who are to blame are the somalidiids which have made it a policy to acquire land through "peaceful" means whether it be Sanaag, Sool and now Somali Galbeed.

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