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Che -Guevara

The Losing Formula: Hate as a Political Strategy

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Its true though Abdi ileey the governor of Kilinka shanaad wants to act like he is securing and fighting on behalf of Beesha so that many of his clan cousins eventually will join his dds authority (dawlada deegaanka Somalida Ethiopia) in jigjiga and abandon the ONLF resistance movement. On the other hand i can also understand that it was one clan fighting the Habashis under the ONLF name and all the other communities were just standing there and watching all those years. Qabyaalada laftigeedu lug badan bay ku leedahay on both sides. Solution is simple reer Somaligalbeed is jeclada oo dhulkina xoreysta yaan la idinka dhex faiideysan.

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One must clear to all of us by now, that's 'keeping in it the family' mentality is detriment to the Somali race. If a Somali is suffering, all suffer.

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Good read. Absolutely agree with the author. What is more desturbing is that this political formula based on clan animosities is not new and has often been used with succes. And that it clearly works everytime, and opposition to this formula stands is futile. Only way we can overcome this strategy based irrationality is that we(silent majority) form strong bridges of reason based on the common good and common(own) interest.

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Carafaat it works for the TPLF Melez zenewi knows Somalis very well he lived in Somalia back in the days, and Somalis are not that intelligent an Ethiopian can easily spark ancient rivalry.This man Zenewi knows the clan structure of Somalis very well i remember last year he was dividing the Bigfoot community into two camps Admiral Mohamad Omar Osman subclan versus Abdi Ileys subclan. Carafaat the only way to overcome this unhealthy mistrust is to work together let the two communities embrace each other lots of reconcaliation is needed. In 1994 there was a similar conference in jigjiga two stop the wars. But i think that is not enough the society in Somaligalbeed needs to mentally change only than they can overcome the difficult challenges that are plaguing the region.

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Carafaat there is so much that needs to be done.

Somaliland politicians also need to Bring people closer to each other instead of driving them further away.

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Mario B   

Xaaji Xunjuf;813601 wrote:
Carafaat there is so much that needs to be done.

Somaliland politicians also need to Bring people closer to each other instead of driving them further away.

They could start by quitting promoting a non-existent state!!

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Xaaji Xunjuf;813682 wrote:
For something that does not exist is sure keeps you awake.

Any way lets stick to the topic somali galbeed.

:D some people bahashan emotions ayaa la kacda.

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Ngonge reerahooda intaa in la eg ha u sheego bal oo dadka ha la isku soo dhaweeyo. Mise Ngonge waa born-again oo taariikhdiisu waxay ka bilaabatay tii SNM, ee Buurahaadeer ama Mintid Farayar baa ku dhaama. :D

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In fact, what makes their killing different than the rest is that it is considered to be normal. People seem to have normalized to the notion that, because the enemy is so powerful, victims who resist oppression have only themselves to blame for the punishments they suffer.

That I concur with. However brother Mukhtar might well spread the message of brotherliness with a conciliatory tone. It is indeed the undeniable truth that somewhere along our short life span we must confront our own ignorance. A brother once is a brother eternally. We need to grow up.

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