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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland: Cigaal international airport gets massive uprgrade+PICTURES

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The Sage   

^ Agreed. You got to set realistic expectations for yourself and your country. Before thinking that you can build the greatest airport or (insert structure) in the world you have to compare yourself with your immediate neighbors, whether they be your countrymen or the Ethiopians or Kenyans, and once you've surpassed them then you can starting thinking about competing with the rest of the continent or globally.

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None of Oday's wishes are beyond our capabilities, and nobody said we should build a new airport to rival Heathrow. You guys lack reading comprehension skills. I used that example to highlight how a European country like England is not competing with Scotland, or Wales or Northern Ireland, instead they are competing with the Dutch, the Germans, and the French, all non-British groups.


As for our neighbours, they are well ahead of us, only Aden Adde International Airport's 150 million expansion will put us back on the regional aviation map. There was also an exciting announcement made in the past, that would see the Chinese completely modernize the Egal International Airport, but nothing was heard of this plan since:





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chimera its total nonsense 90% of the things comes out of somaliland, u should know that by now. If an administration has lied to their ppl about recognition coming for 20 years you think they would not lie about projects? Come on chimera use common sense. But hargeisa airport is ok now especially the new vip lounge. I don't like the scenary though.


Anyways don't remind me of bosaso failed airport project because thats what it is..wa total failure and some projects do fail in puntland just not as much as somaliland

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The Sage   

Chimera;815437 wrote:
There was also an exciting announcement made in the past, that would see the Chinese completely modernize the Egal International Airport, but nothing was heard of this plan since

Just because you don't keep up with the news doesn't mean nothing is happening. The multi million dollar expansion of Egal International is still underway and the bidding process for the tender recently ended between two Chinese and Indian firms


In addition to this Berbera airport has a second terminal already under construction which was awarded to an Ethiopian contractor.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;825739 wrote:
The Massive upgrade continues well done Somaliland vice president.



Next President and VP Candidate of Kulmiye?

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This isn't even a major expansion, can't even be defined as an expansion, this is more fail than the one about potholes and roads in Bosaso.


Chimera;815437 wrote:


As for our neighbours, they are well ahead of us,
only Aden Adde International Airport's 150 million expansion will put us back on the regional aviation map.
There was also an exciting announcement made in the past, that would see the Chinese completely modernize the Egal International Airport, but nothing was heard of this plan since

That never happened.

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OdaySomali;813843 wrote:
LOL @ "air-conditioning"
Berbera is the best managed and it resembles most what an airport ought to be like. It still has a long way to go. For starters the doors don't even close properly. Then there is the airport duty-free "shop"/"cafe".


Berbera could do much better too. There is just lack of leadership and bad management.

Berbera is a hell hole, saaxib. Even in 2009 Hargeisa's one looked better. Berbera's airport might have a better runway but the arrivals and departure halls are like cattle farms. It's a shame they can't organise it better.

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Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Somaliland Oo furay dhismeyaal lagu soo kordhiyay Madaarka Hargeysa


May 2nd, 2012


Qeybo ka mid ah duulimaadyadii Madaarka Hargeysa oo loo wareejiyay Madaarka Berbera


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Somaliland Md. C/Raxmaan Cabdilaahi ismaaciil (Saylici) ayaa maanta furay dhismaha Terminal cusub oo laga hirgeliyay madaarka caalamiga ah ee Cigaal International Airport Hargeysa iyo dhismeyaal oo cusub oo lagu soo kordhiyay madaarkaasi.


Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Somaliland Md. C/Raxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici) oo ay weheliyeen Wasiirradda Duulista Hawadda, Arrimaha Gudaha, Hawlaha Guud, Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska iyo Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE waxay saaka kormeer ku soo mareen xafiisyadda iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee Madaarka Hargeysa, kuwaasi oo lagu qalabeeyay kamarado iyo aalado kale oo loogu tallo-galay dhinaca ammaanka oo ay ugu deeqday dawladda Britain.


Wasiirka Wasaaradda Duulista Hawadda iyo gaadiidka cirka Md. Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi ayaa Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka uga xog-waramay dhismeyaasha cusub ee madaarka lagu soo kordhiyay, waxaanu tilmaamay in aan madaarka Hargeysa oo la dhisay 1958-kii markii u horeysay ay ku soo kordhiyeen goobaha rakaabka loogu adeego ee Terminal-ka loo yaqaano iyo xafiisyo cusub oo loogu tallo galay inay ku hawl-galaan hawl-wadeenadda laanta socdaalka iyo maaliyadda.


Wasiirku wuxuu uga mahad celiyay dawladda Britain inay ka caawisay qalab iyo aalado badan oo loogu tallo-galay dhinaca nabad-gelyadda.


Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Ku xigeenku wuxuu kormeeray 1km iyio 700m oo ay Ha’yadda UNDP ku kordhinayso dhabadda diyaaraduhu ka haadaan ee madaarka Hargeysa, waxaana halkaasi warbixin ku siiyay Wasiirka Duulista Hawadda iyo Agaasimaha guud.


< Agaasimaha Guud ee wasaaradda Duulista hawadda iyo Gaadiidka cirka Somaliland Md. Axmed Dalal Faarax oo ka hadlay halkaasi ayaa ka waramay qorshaha casriyaynta madaarka Hargeysa oo ay dhawaan bilaabayaan, isagoo arrintaasi ka hadlayayna wuxuu yidhi “Waxaanu si rasmi ah ugu sheegaynaa shacbiga Somaliland in madaarka Hargeysa ma xidhna, madaarka qeybo ayaa furan, qeybta Ganacsiga ee xidhanna waxa laga soo degayaa madaarka Berbera. Bishan 21-keeda ayay shaqadii dib u habaynta iyo balaadhinta dhabadda diyaaradaha Hargeysa ay bilaabmaysaa.”


Agaasimuhu wuxuu sheegay in diyaaradaha yar yari ay soo fadhiisan karaan madaarka Hargeysa isla mudada ay shaqadda balaadhintu ka socoto. Halka kuwa waaweyn ee Ganacsigana loo wareejiyay madaarka Berbera.


Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Somaliland Md. C/Raxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici) oo ka hadlay halkaasi ayaa sheegay inay xukuumadiisu ay jirtay ay wax badan ka qabteen Madaarka Hargeysa.


“Waxa farxad noo ah isbedelka weyn ee ka muuqda madaarka Cigaal International Airport Hargeysa waxa la dhisay. Madaarka waxa la dhisay xiligii gumaystaha Ingiriisku dalka joogay, mudadii intaasi ka dambeysay waxa lagu kordhiyay madaarka dhisme yar oo nasasho ah illaa mudadii la dhisay illaa imika. Inta xukuumaddani jirtayna dhismeyaal badan ayaanu ku soo kordhinay iyo terminal badan. Waa la arki karaa mudadii aanu joognay wax-qabadka aanu samaynay iyo adeegyadda aanu dadweynaha u qabanayno. Waxa wanaagsan in dadweynuhu arkaan wixii la qabtay oo ay muraayad aad u weyn ku eegaan,”ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne Ku xigeenku.


Md. C/Raxmaan Saylici oo hadalkiisa sii watay wuxuu yidhi “Waxaanu anagu mar walba heegan u nahay haddii aanu xukuumaddii KULMIYE nahay in adeegyadda aasaasiga ah aanu kor u qaadno. Madaarka Hargeysa isbedelka xiligan ka muuqda waa wax aad iyo aad loogu farxo weeye. Waxaana aanu ku ammaanaynaa Wasiirka Duulista iyo hawl-wadeenaddiisa kala shaqeeyayba. Waxa kale oo aanu u mahad naqaynaa Ha’yadda UNDP oo 1 Km iyo 700m dhabada diyaaraha ah ku kordhinaysa madaarka.imika iyo wixii ka dambeeyaba cidii dhoofaysa iyo dadka soo degayaaba waxay madaarka ka helayaan adeeg raaxo ah.”


Madaxweyne Ku xigeenku waxa kale oo uu si weyn ugu mahad celiyay dawladda Ingiriiska oo uu sheegay inay kala shaqeeyeen xukuumadda qalabka sugidda ammaanka Madaarka Hargeysa.

Cumar Maxamed Faarax

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Jacaylbaro;826018 wrote:
I really want to see that shop ,,, really

That shop is no different to the one in Djibouti. It's the rest of the airport (and the staff) that are rubbish (and, again, not much different to those in Djibouti).

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Berbera airport is actually better because its larger. There isn't an arrivals hall but the departure lounge is comfortable with plenty of seat, A/C and free wireless :D


Hargaisa is good as well.


As for the service, there really is no difference.

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Hargeisa airports look pretty good on the outside. Its like an airport complex. The inside is really dodgy though, looks second handish siiba technologyga iyo kursiyada.


But then again my standards for airports in somalia has radically changed since aden cadde, its the no 1 airport in somalia runway ahan, terminal ahan, technology ahan iyo xataa services ahan. Them boys even have shuttle buses and shuttle passenger steps. I hope turkey does the same job with bosaso-garowe-galkayo airports as they promised. Waan arki doona lakin if history counts for anything well look at what the turks did with hamar airport lets pray it replicates over to puntland when they start working on infrastructure project in the state

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markan arkay sawirkas waxaa igu soo degtay "ma guri ba waxan mise waa garoon calaami" look at the stair-wells its supposed to be elevators and meeye luggage rotators :D

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