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40 Students Graduate From Bosaso High School. PICS

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Boosaaso: Xaflad Qalin-Jebin ah oo Ka Dhacday Dugsiga Sare ee Minaaratul-Baydaa [sawiro]

Updated:- 17 hours ago| 2 Commnets


Munaasabad qalin jebin ah ayaa shalay ka dhacday dugsiga sare ee Minaaratul-Baydaa oo kamid ah dugsiyada sare ee ka jira deegaanada Puntland.


Xafladdan ayaa ahayd mid ay dhigteen dufcadii 6-aad ee arday ah ee dugsigaas ka baxda, waxayna ardayda qalin jebiyey ka koobnaayeen 36-wiil iyo 5-gabdhood.


Munaasabadan ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay waalidiin, Isimo, aqoonyahan iyo mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka waxbarashada ee gobolka.


Ugu horeyn waxaa madashaas ka hadlay C/salaan Amiin Ciise oo ah maamulaha dugsiga Minaaratul-Baydaa, wuxuuna ka warbixiyey heerarkii waxbrasho ee uu dugsigu soo maray islamarkaana la dardaarmay ardayda qalin jebisey.


C/salaan Amiin Ciise oo isaguna kamid ah macalimiinta dugsigaas wax ka dhiga ayaa sheegay inay farxad u tahay inay arkaan ardaydii ay mudada wax soo barayeen oo waxbarashada dugsiga sare dhamaystay.


Caasho Yaasiin Cartan oo ahayd hooyo ku hadlaysey magaca waalidiinta ayaa ku dheeraatay qiimaha ay waxbarashadu leedahay iyadoo mahad balaaran usoo jeedisey maamulka iyo macalimiinta dugsiga sare ee Minaaratul-Baydaa.


Cabdiqaadir Siciid Cali (Shiino) oo ah gudoomiye ku-xigeenka Jaamacadda Bariga Africa oo kamid ahaa marti sharaftii xafladaas lagu casumey ayaa hanbalyo u diray ardaydan kuna booriyey inaysan ka harin waxbarashada oo ay sii wadaan si ay dadka iyo dalka horumar ugu horseedaan.


Xafladan ayaa ahayd mid u dhacday sidii loogu tala galay, waxayna kusoo beegmeysaa xilli mudooyinkii u danbeeyey magaalada Boosaaso iyo magaalooyinka kale ee Puntland ay ka dhacayeen xaflado noocan oo kale ah oo loo dhigayey ardayda ka baxaya fasalka 4-aad ee dugsiga sare.


Horseed Media












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The Zack;812792 wrote:
Just 40? WTH!

40 that will be shipped abroad to study medicine or engineering and not opt to join a failed disorganized militia.

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The Zack   

xiimaaya;812796 wrote:
Why is this in politics section? mods are not doing their jobs time to replace them i say...

Because it is politics, these are pirates :D

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^ ma ardada soomaliyeed ee qalinjebsay oo u duceyn lahayd baad pirates ku sheegaysaa? zack maxaa ku dhacay.

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The Zack   

Mooge;812801 wrote:
^ ma ardada soomaliyeed ee qalinjebsay oo u duceyn lahayd baad pirates ku sheegaysaa? zack maxaa ku dhacay.

:D Sorry bro, midbaan ka xanaajinayay. I am happy for the students,may allah bless them.

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The Zack;812799 wrote:
Because it is politics, these are pirates


People are becoming more absurd by the day... BREAKIN NEWS 40 Puntland students are graduating from HIGH SCHOOL :D waar dadka waye washeen

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U know i always here........x #s of somalis graduating!! How come we never hear that at least one person got hired!! Helllllllooooooooo.


U know...thats weired!! lol...WHERE R THE FREAKING JOBS!! thats what matters the most clan cheerleaders. The day that u tell us that uncle has provided at LEAST freaking 10 JOBS. Then, i will personelly sent your freaking uncle a congrat letter.............DEAL? LEMME KNOW DSs!!

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Good observation rudy. there is no jobs for these graduates and will not be in the near term unfortunately. it's not real education they are getting but arabic, islamic iyo wax lamid ah. so what do you expect?

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faarah22;812893 wrote:
Good observation rudy. there is no jobs for these graduates and will not be in the near term unfortunately. it's not real education they are getting but arabic, islamic iyo wax lamid ah. so what do you expect?

Garbage, puntland curiculum has been harmonized and recognised by kenya, sudan and ethiopia as good enough to enter their universities!!!


Employment will exist with oil drilling underway!!!

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