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umu zakaria

Qur, an challenge

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just thinking why cant SOL nomads who love quran have a well paying challenge?


We can have the challenge for a year and the person who learns the most winns the price!


we can contribute, the price could range from 1000 to maybe 50000usd!


pple love money may be they do it for the money and one day realise they gained something so priceless and as of those who contribute it is a form of sadaqa i guess so u havent lost.


what do u think?


Dont somalisize the issue, THINK!

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Ms DD   

Wa aleykum salaam

Post more details The mother of Zakariyaay. Although the idea of memorising Quran cos of cash seem bit..i dont know..iffy.

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Salaams sister,


Jizaak Allah for your effort, but I think that memorising the Quraan for price money is just wrong. We've become way too materialistic walaahi. Memorising the Quraan is something that should be done for the love of Allah and His religion. Allah also promises a reward that is much, much more precious than money - that will be spent and forgotten.


I'm for a Quraan memorisation group in SOL, I'd even join but please walaalyaal, Quraanka Ilaahay yaan la qiimo ridin.

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Zenobia there is nothing un islamic about motivating people to learn their deen besides qura,an competition is been done all the time over the world.


it is not conditional the prices r 4 motivational purposes only.


i just thought we wl achieve more if we team up and make the journey fun and challenging.


hope u dont see mee materialistic , may be i overstepped but not to what u think Zenobia.


i like ur name

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Excellent idea, Um Zakariya, and with Ramadan coming up, right on time too. Although, I'd propose a slight change. Instead of winning a cash prize when you achieve your target goal(5 Juz, 10 Juz, etc), you would have to 'forfeit' and pay up a predetermined amount of money to a sadaqa of your choice(also to be predetermined).


Basically put, this thread would act as an accountability partner. You would post your target Qu'ran goal and give yourself a deadline. You would give periodical updates of your progress and if your deadline date rolls by and you haven't met your goals, it's time to pay up to the sadaqa. In order for this to be effective tool, it's gotta be a substantial(relatively) amount that would put a dent into your other materialistic plans(shopping, bills, etc). You wouldn't have disclose the amount you paid but you would have to post the fact that you either achieved your goals, or paid up. It's a win-win deal all around: You either do what you gotta do, put in ur time and meet your goals and memorize the Qu'ran.....or you get ajar by paying up for Sadaqa as well as deterrent not to slack off next time. Whatch'all think ? I say let's hammer out the details and get ready to launch by 1st day of Ramadan with the deadline being Eid day.


DD & Z, "Inamal Ac'maal bi'niyaat"....It's all about the intentions. I don't think anybody would want to memorize the Qu'ran for lacag. The lacag(or forfeiting of it) would be a motivational tool. As Um pointed out, it happens all the time in International Qu'ran competitions, which can be pretty lucrative. First-place winner can make like 50K(Saudi Riyaals). Again, it's all about using money as a tool, not an end in itself.

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Um Zaak.


looooooooooooool @ " Dont somalisize the issue "


In Arabic the term for Anarchy is ( SAWMALAH)


Somalization is a new word in the dictionary for Chaos and Anarchy, at least we are finally recognized for something other than thes the cuddly Somali Cat species.



Besides, the idea is wonderful, make sure that the competition if only for the portion memorized, not old portions, so Kashafa does not take all the $$$$$$$




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Very good idea indeed. I love how u said it, that is exactly what i meant.


I with a very little 1 at home and Ramadan being the bussiest month in the year for me n may be many woman will just go 4 one JUZ, Juz cama, that is how much i can committ, if dont make the deadline by Eid or any other deadline 4 uss all, i will insha Allah pay the sadaqa which must be predetermined.


Bro nur thx for the support, i was almost feeling queesy abt this idea after reading first responses.


I say, aan dhexda u xirano or 4 surwaalada u laabano 4 u men

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Great idea people, account me in. I will set my target small 2 Juz by eid, is it ok if i have a head start ,like now?


Good luck to all.

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Sister, sorry, it wasn’t a personal attack. You don't strike me as materialistic, I'd describe you more as maternal[istic]. smile.gif


My point is simply that Allahs’ promised rewards should be elevated and motivational enough, which is the point of the hadith half-quoted by Khashafa.



Having said that, I like Kahshafas twist on the competition, masha Allah, it's like killing two birds (Quraan and Sadaqa) with one stone. Which are both the fundamental to the month of Ramadan. :cool:



Anyway, I've already pledged to do khetmah (read the whole Quraan) with tafseer - so I'll keep to this as my challenge. Insha Allah. Like Umm Zakaria, Ramadan will also be a hectic time for me, so I don’t want to go and make all kinds of promises.


I'll see ya'll after Ramadan. I'a

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This might be of interest....



Practical Steps for Memorising the NOBLE HOLY QUR'AN


Tip 1. Correcting Pronunciation and Recitation



The first step in memorising the Qur'an is to correct the

pronunciation. This cannot be fulfilled unless one listens

to a good and precise reciter or memoriser of the Qur'an.


The Qur'an cannot be learned without a teacher.

The Messenger (s.a.w) was the most eloquent of all

the Arabs. Yet, he (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) learned

the Qur'an from Jibreel orally.


Also the Messenger (s.a.w.) used to recite the Qur'an

to Jibreel once in every year - in Ramadan. And in the year

that he dies, he recited it to him twice.


Likewise, the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)

taught the Qur'an to his Companions orally; and he heard it

from them, after they had learned it from him, time and again.


Therefore, one is required to learn the Qur'an from a

good reciter, to correct ones recitation on a first

occurrence basis.


Also, one should not rely solely on oneself

in learning the recitation of the Qur'an, even if one

is knowledgeable on the Arabic language and its principles.


This is so because in the Qur'an there are many ayaat that

occur in a way uncommon in the rules of the Arabic language.


End of Tip 1


This Quran tip was brought to you by:

Your Online Quran Memorisation Tool

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Go ahead buuxo, hope that is ok 4everyone involved.


Zenobia thx for tips, may Allah reward u insha Allah.


pls tune in, i love team work, May Allah sw make it easy for everyone and instil love of quran in our hearts and make ramadan a rewarding month insha Allah

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Ok, so we got Um, Zenobia, Tallpoppy, Nur, and myself so far. Let's go folks, now's the time to sign up. Ever wanted to memorise the Qu'ran and be held accountable ? Now's ur chance. Instead of the Macalin Dugsi's ul , you have the spectre of forfeiting major $$$$$ looming over you. In the event that you fail, you cough up that cash and pay that sadaqa. Win-win-win, all around. Again, this all kicks off on 1st day of Ramadan with the final deadline being the night before Eid. You gotta give a weekly update, at least, on where you are, as well as commentary on the ayahs that touched you most.



My target goal to be memorised: From Surat Yaasin till Surat Al-Naas


$$$ on the line and whereto: X amount to X Sadaqa.(you keep this info to urself, but it's gotta be clear-cut and predetermined)


Calling all Ramadaners: Yala, Yala.

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Salams to you all,


How did you go on the quran challenge? Here is my update. unfortunately i was unable to give a weekly update, because... well i was feeling guilty that i was spending too much time making afur and not working towards my goal. I set myself the task of memorizing from Surah Al-mulk to surat An-nas.I underestimated the task in it self and didn't really set myself a plan. I managed to memorize up to Surah Al-jinn. :( And i had to pay up and which kind of made me feel better about failing lol. smile.gif


Hope you all did better than me, and please give us your update.

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Al-Mulk - Al Jinn? Not bad at all. smile.gif

Did you know reading Surat Al Mulk every night will give protection against adaabul qabr?



As for me, Alhamdulilah, I didn't have the pressure of work to deal with so I'm pretty pleased with myself. I actually met my challenge before the end of Ramadan smile.gif


Which shows me up for the lazy cow that I am .. lol


My new challenge is to go over the juz 29, I should know these verses of by heart but had to look at the mushaf a few times, yaa ceeb! :(

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