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Shinbir Majabe

Galmudug oo gabar siisay Shiikh Shariif VIDEO

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Shiikh Shariif oo booskii 3aad buuxiyay, taloow ma siyaasad cusub ayay noqon doontaa oo gobolada ama qabaa'ilka ku tartamaan? mise waa dhaqankii wanaagsanaa ee Soomaalida oo la dabaqay?


Haddase waxaa banaan booska 4aad, yaase ku xigi doona? Puntland? Khaatumo? Ximan iyo Xeeb? mise Azania?

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Heh. On the one hand Somalia is encouraged to improve the lives of its women (with that 30% women parliment, etc) and on the other, Sharif gets given a girl.


Gabadha sidee ba loo siiyaay? Ma bac ba lagu xidhay mise Taksi baa la saaray? :D

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Shinbir Majabe;810927 wrote:
^^ Sidi Dhaqanki gabdhaha la isu siin jiray, bacda aad sheegeyso waa maxay? yaase ka nasiib badan gabadh ku biirtay First-ladies ka!

Yes but the Garowe agreement stipulated that 30% of parliament members are going to be women. This indicates that the Somali government is moving away from tradition and giving women their just dues. However, when those taking part in and setting up the political process engage in such a backward idea like 'giving' the president a woman, what does it actually say about their honest intention of involving women in the shaping and running of the country?


Sheikh Sharif should have politely declined the "offer" and reminded them of the changing realities. Surely, this is an open goal for his opponents to attack him with when the real jostling for positions begins!

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^Looooooooool - imagine if every 'tribe' gives him a girl as peace offering...belo!


Somalis!!! *rolling my eyes here*

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Sharif already has 2 wives tan ba ku sadex ah mid ba wali u hadhay hadii qaar kalo cusub oo subag ah la siiyo na hala bad badlo kuwi hore eeh wa weynaday haku badalo:D

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NGONGE;810942 wrote:

Sheikh Sharif should have politely declined the "offer" and reminded them of the changing realities. Surely, this is an open goal for his opponents to attack him with when the real jostling for positions begins!

Waa runtaa, laakiinse reer Galmudug oo ka xanaaqsanaa magacaabidii garoonka ee Cabdulahi Yusuf Airport haddane loogu daro in gabadh ay baxsheen Madaxweynuhu diido.. soo maahan QARAX!


Yes but the Garowe agreement stipulated that 30% of parliament members are going to be women.
This indicates that the Somali government is moving away from tradition and giving women their just dues
. However, when those taking part in and setting up the political process engage in such a backward idea like 'giving' the president a woman, what does it actually say about their honest intention of involving women in the shaping and running of the country?

Wali lama gaarin ayaan filaa xilligi dhaqanka la fara gelin lahaa, siismada Dumarka la siiyay 30% waxay ka dhigan tahay in Haweenka ay boorka iska soo jafaan kuna soo biiraan Siyaasadda Dalka muddada fog. Laakiin kama dhigna in durbadiiba ay dhaqan gasho (helida xuquudooda) waayo waxay u baahan tahay in hoos laga soo bilaabo, Qoysaska, Iskuulada iyo iwm..

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Gabadh baan ku siiney kulahaa! Waar ka jooga yaa yidhaahda Dhaqan, Diin iyo siyaasad hadii la'isku walaaqo Khasaaro weyn ayaa ka iman doona. Madaxdii maamulka wadanka hayey ayaa maalin-cadeey la doonayaa in laaluush la siiyo! Taas ayaa ku tuseysa in Soomaalida qaarkood aanay siyaasada waxba ka garaneynin. NGONGE, Sheekh Shariif hadii uu diido gabadhii la siiyey xeer Soomaaliyeedkii aynu naqaanay ayaa qabanaya. Hadii uu ka gudoomo gabadhana xaaladiisii siyaasadeed ayaa carqalad galeysa. Wadaadka waxaa lagu yidhi labo kala daran mid dooro! Laakiin si fiican ayuu uga afeeftay markii uu yidhi: " Hadhowto, hadii guryaha la'iga soo raacdeystana idinkaa masuul ka ah,,:D"

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Shinbir Majabe;810953 wrote:
Waa runtaa, laakiinse reer Galmudug oo ka xanaaqsanaa magacaabidii garoonka ee Cabdulahi Yusuf Airport haddane loogu daro in gabadh ay baxsheen Madaxweynuhu diido.. soo maahan QARAX!



Wali lama gaarin ayaan filaa xilligi dhaqanka la fara gelin lahaa, siismada Dumarka la siiyay 30% waxay ka dhigan tahay in Haweenka ay boorka iska soo jafaan kuna soo biiraan Siyaasadda Dalka muddada fog. Laakiin kama dhigna in durbadiiba ay dhaqan gasho (helida xuquudooda) waayo waxay u baahan tahay in hoos laga soo bilaabo, Qoysaska, Iskuulada iyo iwm..

Siyaasado waa 90% preception, saaxib. Meesha waa inu jiro "diplomatic protocol" si ay laga ilaalyo madaxweynaha mashaakilka iyo is fahan la'aanta ka iman doonta albaabadan la iska balaqayo. Waxay aheed in ay shaqalaha Sheikh Sharif ka hor tagaan arintan marko warkiida gaaray oo "excuse" samaystaan ama si xaragow leh warkan ay faafiyaan. "Madaxweynhu gabadh baa la siiyaay" waa khalad. Waxay aheed in la yidhaahdo "Madaxweynhu gabadh reer hebel ayuu mehersaday". Same thing but two different impressions.


If I were on of challangers to the post of president post August 2012, I would milk this story with the International Community (with them being the kingmakers here) forever and ever. There is plenty of milage in portraying Sheikh Sharif as a backward man who will not push Somalia into the 21st centuray and modernise the treatement of minorities and women, etc, etc, etc....


Waa "open goal", lakin, by the reactions here, I can see that most Sheikh Sherif's challangers will probably miss the point and actually feel sore that it was not them who got given a girl! :D

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Shinbir Majabe;810953 wrote:


Wali lama gaarin ayaan filaa xilligi dhaqanka la fara gelin lahaa, siismada Dumarka la siiyay 30% waxay ka dhigan tahay in Haweenka ay boorka iska soo jafaan kuna soo biiraan Siyaasadda Dalka muddada fog. Laakiin kama dhigna in durbadiiba ay dhaqan gasho (helida xuquudooda) waayo waxay u baahan tahay in hoos laga soo bilaabo, Qoysaska, Iskuulada iyo iwm..

Gabdho fara badan oo wax bartay ayaa maanta buuxa. Tan maaha mid ku xidha la'aanta dumar u qalma jagooyinka, ee dhaqan xumada bulshada guud. Kolay, 30% UNtuun baa lagu maaweelinayaa cid meesha ka qaadaysaa ma jirto.



I doubt Shariifka can do much about this pathetic daqan. Dhaqan dictates hadii gabadh lagu siiyo, you take her (sic) or you pay xaal. Qabiil gabdho bixiya waa ii kow, it's possibly a calculated move which gives Shariif little room to manuever. Haduu diido, reer Galmudug ayuu reject gareeyay ayaa la odhan.

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Sheekadaani waa iska dhaqan iyo hadaal qurxis. Waa qaab ka mid ah qaababka degaannadan martida amase qofka martida kuu ah loo sooro, loona tuso xushmada loo hayo. Haddii aad galbeedka ku raagteen aan idin xasuusiyo this is Soomaaliya welina Soomaalidu dhaqankeedii waa haysataa. Waa iska hab maamuus reer Mudug style, madaxweynuhuna si wanaagsan ayuu sameeyey inuu guddoomo. Ma u malaynayo inay meeshaas dhaafayso. Haddii ay dhaaftana Shariif kharash badan baa ka bixi doona lol.

Sheekadaanna kuwo ka foolxun ayaa dumarka Soomaaliyeed soo wejahda ee yaan loo hadlin sidii in box lagu jiro.

Haddii dhinaca kaftanka aan ka abbaaro the more first ladies the more power for Somali women..:D

NGONGE....shaqaalaha baratakoolka ee aad sheegeyso inay Mahiga salaadda ka saaraan bay ahayd ee madaxweynaha iyo gabdhaha la siiyo is not their business:D

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Blessing -soo tii reeruhu ii sii siin jiireen gabdho after a war or a dispute - thats my understanding of the 'dhaqan' - just this gesture seems to be interpreted as such to me or could be as Aabwaan suggests - a welcoming gift..Lol [Nevertheless, a girl/woman isnt an object laa iska sinayoo nin martii kuu ah...uff.]

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