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Seperation of Fadhikudirir and State

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I love a good fadhikudirir. But I am also interested in State Governance, Politics and Policies. But the two dont go well together, some people even confuse the two. Or the fadhikudiri can distract from the real issue's. We should try to seperate the two, have seperate days or places for fadhikudirir and discuss matters of the State.

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fadhi ku dirir wa sheeko maqaaxi lugu murmo markaa aad siyasad ka hadlaysid iyo aduunyo iyo amuuro u bahaan caqli fayow sheeko fadhi ku dirir lama iman kartid.

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Mukulaalow, actually SOL is both. There are many interesting threads and discussions on State Politics, Policies and Governance. But they are not very popular, so they dont stay on the front page long(search through old threads).But the fadhikudirir threads are far more popular and they over dominate the SOL {Political section, like today. :D


I suggest to the admin, to seperate the State politics and Fadhikudirir politics in diffrent sections. Otherwise we are distracted at important moments and from important topics and developments.

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Carafaat, Reer Tuulo-u-Dirir arintaas kaama yeelayaan! markay Tuuladooda faaninayaan waxay u heystaan in ay Siyaasad ka hadlayaan. Adminka bad cusub ha ku furin.

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On some days, moments or on certain topics I feel like having fadhikudirir with SOL members. With no hard feelings, so one can discuss serieuz matters on other moments. People need to seperate the fadhikudirir topics intended to stirr up caloosha and the more serieuz and logic debate's.


Showqi, how about if we could set our avatars in two diffrent modes(red and blue for fadhikudirir or serieuz politics mode). Like a stop light. :D

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Carafaat;810749 wrote:

, how about if we could set our avatars in two diffrent modes(red and blue for fadhikudirir or serieuz politics mode). So one knows if I am doing some fadhikudirir.

That is great idea Carafaat. Now lets see if you could convince some nomads that their topic does not belong to this area or that area.

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Showqi, what do you think if one would have on every friday in each town, region and a national Guurti's or 'fadhikudirir' sessions broafcasted live on Radio and TV. Where non-State matters like clan, culture and history would be debated. On every clan would bring forward their elders, afminshaars, poets and historians.


I think this would become a hit and distract the masses. And thus making State Matters more technocratic and less populistic.

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Fadhikudirir is what brings in more viewers,trolls,thus keeps sites going. started quite few meaningful threads that hardly get off the ground.Make your own team with same taste.

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There is nothing wrong with Fadhi-ku-dirir, it is what has changed the world. A culture that extols qori-ku-diriir talks ill of fadhi-ku-dirir. Sad.

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