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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland Buurmadow locked up for good

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Xaaji Xunjuf;810470 wrote:
^ Buurmadow wa ninki yidhi maxakiimta iyo dawlada cabdilahi Yusuf aniga heshisinaya 2006 wa nin walaan

Yes, Xaaji, laakiin ma waali baa loo xidhey??? Mise wax kale...

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^ Buurmadow wa ninki yidhi maxakiimta iyo dawlada cabdilahi Yusuf aniga heshisinaya 2006 wa nin walaan

ma ninka yiri waxbaan heshiisiin baa waalan, mise ninka isku fiirsada. war xaaji say kaa noqotay.

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Mintidow koley buurmadow beryahan ba hadaladisa way is dhaaf dhaafeyeen marka waxa la doonaya inay maskaxdu u so yaro nassato wa xabsi xarago leh oo waliba tolnimo ku jirto.

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Xaaji, both the previous administration and the current admin made the mistake of jailing Burmadow. It's counterproductive to their own goals since all it accomplishes is precisely what Burmadow wishes for: fame and to see his name in the headlines! Suuq baaba loo yeeley... And more importantly sets precedents for the extra-legal incarceration of citizens.


I thought the Siilaanyo administration campaigned on the abolishment of the 'state of emergency' under Rayaale which legally justified these sorts of jailings.

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Mukulaaloow, Buurmadow waagii Xabashida & nijaasta kale xasuuqayeen Soomaalida koonfurta, si fiican buu ula saftay, isaga keliya maahee shacabka SL oo dhan siiba inta dooxa ka shisheeysa! :D

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