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Xaaji Xunjuf

City divided by a line president sharif says in the words of JFK tare down this wall

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Maamulka Koonfurta Gaaalkacyo oo soo dhaweeyey in Madaxweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf loogu magac daro Airport


Gaalkacyo(Pi) Afhayeenka Maamulka Koonfurta Gaalkacyo(Galmudug) ayaa soo dhaweeyey in Garoonka Diyaaradaha Gaalkacyo loogu magac daro Alla ha unaxariistee Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdullahi Yusuf. oo la xiriiray afhayeenka Maamulkaas Axmed Sh.maxamuud Baasto wuxuu noo sheegey in Maamulkiisu ay soo dhawaynayaan Magacaabidaa, isagoo hoosta ka xariiqay in Maamulkiisu xitaaay arintaas soo jeedin lahaayeen.


Maanta ayaa saxaafada qaarkood daabaceen warar been abuur uu ku tilmaamay afhayeenku wararkaasoo laga faafiyey maamulkiis, wararkaan ayaa qoray in Maamulka Galmudug ay ka biya diideen magacaabidaas.

Alla ha u naxariistee Madaxweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf wuxuu ahaa Halyeygii saxiixey heshiiska Gaalkacyo lagu wada dagan yahan, tasoo haboon in mar walba la xasuusto .

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seriously, why are we responding to folks likes XX for news and updates:confused: lord knows these people have issues that is outside of our scope and practices.

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