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Xaaji Xunjuf

City divided by a line president sharif says in the words of JFK tare down this wall

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Xaaji Xunjuf;809896 wrote:
^^ Stop being a clanist dadku wa walaalo

Says the guy who support the clannish wars his clan militias are waging in the SSC, Kalshaale ring a bell Xaaji?

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Carafaat;809877 wrote:
Sheick Shariif is making history wallahi! Finally a leader taking stand against divisions in Somalialia.


If want to unite greater Somalia and leave division behind us, we cant tolerate divided cities and regions.


For years we have tolerated these increasing divisions of clans, sub-clans, cities and regions. Enough is enough. Tusbaxa dib haloo so xidho.

Yes, president Sharif is a statesman and he should be supported by the people of Mudug to reach this dream. It will happen soon insha Allaah...

XX you know everyone is entitled to thier opinion but what is said behind a screen will not really matter much. You shouldnt be listening to the cantarabaqash of some spoilers. The other thing is you need to know dagaallo ayaa ka dhacay degaankaan. Dad baa dhibaato ka gaartey oo weli trauma haysaa oo weli wax iska gocanaya ee ha u bixin.

Marka Gaalkacyo iyo waxa koofurta magaalo ka jiraba waa la mideyne adigu taada ka soo bax oo dalka midee:D

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B- boy i don't support clan wars stop dividing brotherly clans in galkacyo and stop saying they don't intermarry Somali oo dhan ba iska guursada especially dadka wada dega.

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Abwaan, Somaliland people have faced trauma as well and Siilanyo has time and time said he wants to help restore Somalia showed Statesmanship and alxamdullulah today he is working on the Unity with Sheick Shariif.


I think someone from Mudug should show nationalism and leadership. By taking the first step and call for reconciliation. Even discussing it and proposing in public could help reconciliation.

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Carafaat;809949 wrote:
Abwaan, Somaliland people have faced trauma as well and Siilanyo has time and time said he wants to help restore Somalia showed Statesmanship and alxamdullulah today he is working on the Unity with Sheick Shariif.


I think someone from Mudug should show nationalism and leadership. By taking the first step and call for reconciliation. Even discussing it and proposing in public could help reconciliation.

Well said Carafaat.

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What benefit is it to Puntland to add 1 neighbourhood to 11 more, a troublesome one, the city isn't divided, only politically.

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This whole "magaalada hala isku furo" issue is much ado nothing. Galkacyo goormeey kala xirneed ? As recent as last summer people from either side of traveled relatively fluidly as possible. Folks and relatives, and many business owners travel to and from the north, and vice versa. Think of Galkacyo as Kansas City - A city divided between Kansas & Missouri, two police departments and the daily city operations are run by council-manager government. One hardly knows where one Galkacyo ends and the other starts, waxa waa hal magaalo oo labo admin leh. Dadkana waxaa filayaa in la isku niyad san yahiin oo waxba la isku qabin. Of course there are senseless acts of violence, but that has less to do with division.

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Is it the first time Sheikh Sharif set foot on Galkio? Has he yet tasted "Biyihii bardacad"?


On the issue of uniting the city, that's should not be a problem, but what the city needs most is peace.

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Puntland is in control of Abdullahi Yusuf International airport and they have been for years. So, why does Galmudug even care what Puntland names their own airport?

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Atirisho;810009 wrote:
Puntland is in control of Abdullahi Yusuf International airport and they have been for years. So, why does Galmudug even care what Puntland namse their own airport?

Adigoo raalli ah did you check the title? It is not about an airport....:D Iyadoo indhaha la isku haysto ayaa la soo gelayaa:D She must have heard a thread on airport-ka Gaalkacyo ayaa furan:D Yaab badanaa.

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Abwaan;810012 wrote:
Adigoo raalli ah did you check the title? It is not about an airport....
Iyadoo indhaha la isku haysto ayaa la soo gelayaa:D She must have heard a thread on airport-ka Gaalkacyo ayaa furan:D Yaab badanaa.


In all honesty, No I haven't. I can't read Somali;)

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Atirisho;810016 wrote:
In all honesty, No I haven't. I can't read Somali;)

too bad....I should start Somali classes thread over here....for free.:D

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Just as Berlin was united so will Galkacyo, even if it means the central goverment has to force this upon the clan states. I am glad Sheick Shariif spoke out on uniting the city again.

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