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Xaaji Xunjuf

City divided by a line president sharif says in the words of JFK tare down this wall

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Madaxweynaha Somalia oo Maamullada Galmudug iyo Puntland ka dalbaday inay isku furaan Magaalada Gaalkacyo


Isniin, Maarso 26, 2012 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo ku sugan magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug ayaa ku boorriyay maamullada Galmudug iyo Puntland inay isku furaan la isku furo magaalada Gaalkacyo oo labada maamul ay ka taliyaan.


Xubno ay ka mid yihiin, Sheekh Shariif, ra'iisul wasaare, C/weli Gaas, guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, Shariif Xasan iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan labada gole ee DKMG ah ayaa waxay kulan ku saabsan sidii la isugu furi lahaa magaalada Gaalkacyo la yeesheen mas'uuliyiinta Galmudug oo uu hoggaaminayay madaxweyne ku xigeenka ahna ku simaha madaxweynnaha Galmudug, C/samad Nuur Guuleed.


"Waxaan rabaa inaan u mahadcelinayo, waxgaradka, ganacsatada iyo shacabka Galmudug ee isku howlay inay ka shaqeeyaan ammaanka iyo horumarka Galmudug," ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo hadal ka jeediyay kulanka.


Sidoo kale, madaxweynaha Soomaaliya wuxuu sheegay in dowladda KMG ah ay ka shaqeynayso sidii ay u furi lahayd dekedda Hobyo, taasoo uu ku sheegay inay qayb ka qaadnayso is-dhexgalka shacabka ku nool Waqooyiga iyo Koonfurta Gaalkacyo.


"Howshan waa mid ay ahayd inay qabto dowladda KMG ah, balse maamulka Galmudug uu qabtay waana ka mahadcelinaynaa. DKMG ah waxay diyaar u tahay inay gacan siiso maamulka," ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif.


Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, C/weli Gaas oo isaguna goobta ka hadlay ayaa wuxuu sheegay in maamulka Galmudug uu kaalin muuqata ka qaadatay la dagaalanka kooxaha burcadbadeedda, xukuumaduna ay diyaar u tahay inay gacan siiso maamulka Galmudug.


Madaxda DKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxay magaalada Gaalkacyo tageen shalay si ay uga qaybqaataan aas Qaran oo loo sameynayay madaxweynihii geeriyooday ee Soomaaliya, Col. C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed.

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before i go into why there are so many things wrong with you and your thread, i want to be diplomatic by saying, Are you Okay:confused:, second, it's not JFK that said tear down this wall, it was Ronald Reagan. also, fix the mistake in your title, its not tare, rather tear.

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kingofkings;809863 wrote:
before i go into why there are so many things wrong with you and your thread, i want to be diplomatic by saying, Are you Okay:confused:, second,
it's not JFK that said tear down this wall, it was Ronald Reagan.
also, fix the mistake in your title, its not tare, rather


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if galkacyo is under one administration we can happily say the people of that city can agree to name the airport after AbdilahI yusuf or after who ever they want. Unite the city and call the entire city Cabdilahi Yusuf if you like as long as the city is united and the people of galkacyo are united that's what matters well done president sharif Ahmed for addressing this issue. It doesn't matter whether jfk said it or Ronald Reagan said what matters is that the world saw that Berlin should be united and Somalis today see that galkacyo should be united.

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Sheick Shariif is making history wallahi! Finally a leader taking stand against divisions in Somalialia.


If want to unite greater Somalia and leave division behind us, we cant tolerate divided cities and regions.


For years we have tolerated these increasing divisions of clans, sub-clans, cities and regions. Enough is enough. Tusbaxa dib haloo so xidho.

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Is it me or aren't you guys interested in the unity of a city in Somalia it seems every one is fine with it. How about those related who live in north galkacyo do they need to go through a border if they want to visit their relatives in south galkacyo. And all of that because of clan uff qabyaaladi cudur weye wa waxa halka Somali dhigtay markasay qaar waliba clan federalism u ooyayaan.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;809878 wrote:
Is it me or aren't you guys interested in the unity of a city in Somalia it seems every one is fine with it. How about those related who live in north galkacyo do they need to go through a border if they want to visit their relatives in south galkacyo. And all of that because of clan uff qabyaaladi cudur weye wa waxa halka Somali dhigtay markasay qaar waliba clan federalism u ooyayaan.

We hardly intermarry dude!

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Stop making look like the city is divided in the middle,Galmudug is only the south-eastern part of the city!

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Xaaji Xunjuf;809871 wrote:
if galkacyo is under one administration we can happily say the people of that city can agree to name the airport after AbdilahI yusuf or after who ever they want. Unite the city and call the entire city Cabdilahi Yusuf if you like as long as the city is united and the people of galkacyo are united that's what matters well done president sharif Ahmed for addressing this issue. It doesn't matter whether jfk said it or Ronald Reagan said what matters is that the world saw that Berlin should be united and Somalis today see that galkacyo should be united.

kulaha it doesn't matter who said it, if you are trying to quote someone, yes it does matter. the consequence of taking a quote out of its original context means a change of its initial meaning and significance. therefore, yes it does matter. secondly, Galkacyo is not your city and i failed to understand why all of a sudden it matters to you and your snm enclave as to what happens in other parts of somalia. my advice is kindly limited yourself to your irrelevant triangle.

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^Dont make it personal this was addressed by president sharif you're president i just posted the news gave my opinion take it or leave it its up 2 you no one took it out of context berlin was divided galkacyo is divided and galkacyo is divided because of qabil which is so silly.

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