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Protests in Sool against Puntland interventions

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Banaanbaxyo Ruxay Boocame Iyo Buurawadal oo Ka Dhan ah Maamulka Firdhiye & Shacabka oo muujiyey Rabitaankooda (Daawo Video}


Magaalooyinka Boocame iyo Buurwadal ayaa waxaa ka qarxay dibadbaxyo baaxadwayn oo lagaga soo horjeedo calool ushaqaystaaal laga soo diray magaalada garoowe kuwaas oo si dhuumasho ah kusoo galay deegaanada Maamulka Khaatumo State .


Banaanbaxan maanta kadhacay ayaa waxa uu qayb kanoqonayaa banaan baxyo kale oo kadhacay magaalooyin kale oo katirsan deeganada Maamulka Khaatumo state kuwaas oo shacabku ku muujinaayaan dereenkooda.


Inkastoo shacabka deeganada Khaatumo State ay muujieyeen dareenkooda ayaa hadana waxaa weli iska dhega maraya maamulada hareeraha ee dhibaatada xoogan ku hayey Deegaanada Khaatumo State.


Horufadhi News Online

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The is the weirdest place to take a constitution referendum. it seems the Puntland guys smuggled into a shop, bought some Sprite and Jeema from the keeper, got some photos shots, then job done. Referendum in Boocame.. ;)

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Mukulaalow;809368 wrote:





The is the weirdest place to take a constitution referendum. it seems the Puntland guys smuggled into a shop, bought some Sprite and Jeema from the keeper, got some photos shots, then job done. Referendum in Boocame..




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