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Boosaaso: D.hoose oo Waddo cusub samaynaysa [sawiro]

Updated:- 9 hours ago| 6 Commnets


Dowladda hoose ee degmada Boosaaso ayaa waddo (jid cade) ah ka sameyneysa bariga magaalada Boosaaso, gaar ahaan dhinaca koonfureed ee xarunta madaxtooyada.


Wadadan oo dhererkeedu yahay 2km, ayaa noqonaysa jid cadde isku xira qabuuraha biyo kulule iyo jidka weyn ee sodonka ee aada dhinac suuqa magaalada Boosaaso.


Ku xigeenka duqa degmada Boosaaso Siciid Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed oo isaga oo goobta wadadaas laga samaynayo ku sugan Horseed Media la hadlay ayaa ka warbixiyey waxa xiligan dhismaheeda kusoo beegay.


Wuxuuna sheegay in jihada Bari ee Boosaaso ay tahay mustaqbalka dhow halka uu dhismuhu u fidi doono, sidaas darteedna ay dowlada hoose sii qorsheyneyso jidadkii ay magaaladu yeelan lahayd si qaab dhismeedka magaalada looga dhigo mid la jaanqaada horumarka.


Mr Siciid ayaa dhinaca kale mar ay Horseed Media weydiisey cidda howshan ka caawineysa wuxuu sheegay in dowladda hoose keliya ay fulineyso, islamarkaana ay tahay mid ka turjumeysa sida uu maamulka degmadu u dejiyey qorshe fog oo ku aadan horumarinta magaalada Boosaaso gaar ahaan dhinaca dhismaha.


Maamulka degmada Boosaaso ayaa bilihii u danbeeyey ku mashquulsanaa sidii jidadka magaalada Boosaaso loo hagaajin lahaa si muuqaalka iyo bilicda guud ee magaalada kor loogu qaado, dhowaan ayaana lasoo gaba gabeeyey dayactir balaaran oo lagu sameeyey 4-kamid ah wadooyinka waaweyn ee degamada.


Horseed Media






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Ma dhab baa in Barakacayaasha Boosaaso ku nooli aysan daryeel fiican helin? [sawiro]

Updated:- 12 hours ago| 2 Commnets


Kumanaan qoys oo kasoo barakacay gobolada koonfureed ee dalka ayaa ku dhaqan magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Puntland.


Magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari ayaana ah magaalada ay ku dhaqan yihiin Barakacayaasha ugu badan.


Dhowaan ayaa inta badan kamamkii Barakacayaasha oo ku yaalley bariga magaalada Boosaaso loo raray meel magaalada ka baxsan.


Koox ka tirsan howlwadeenada Horseed Media ayaa saaka booqasho goobtaas ku tegey si ay xaalada nololeed ee dadkaas ugu kuur galaan.


Odayaasha iyo waxgaradka Xeryahaas oo magacyo kala duwan leh ayaa Horseed Media u sheegay in noloshoodu ay tahay mid wanaagsan.


Waxayna intaas ku dareen in dowladda hoose ee degmada Boosaaso, bulshada deegaanka, iyo hay’adaha samafalkuba ay si hagar la’aan ah u caawiyeen.


Barakacayaasha oo xiligan intooda badani ay degen yihiin guryo Teendhooyin iyo Tirniig ka samaysan ayaa hela biyo ku filan iyo gaadiid ay raacaan marka ay magaalada usoo socdaan amase ay kasoo laabtaan.


Qaar kamid ah warbaahinta Soomaalida ayaa dhowaan baahiyey in magaalada Boosaaso ay tahay goob dadka barakacayaasha ah lagu waxyeeleeyo.


Balse sawiradan ayaa ah kuwo muujinaya sida ay Barakacayaasha magaalada Boosaaso ku nooli u helaan daryeel iyo soo dhoweyn wanaagsan.


Horseed Media







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Whats this garbage that IDP are treated badly in Puntland? Infact I'd say it is safe to say IDPS in Puntland enjoy a better living standard then they do in yemen


Yemen Camp



Puntland Camp


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Somalia: Puntland Delivers Second Anti-Piracy Recruiting Force

23 Mar 23, 2012 - 6:17:30 AM



March 4, 2012


Puntland Delivers Second Anti-Piracy Recruiting Force


Bosaso, Puntland State of Somalia – The Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) received a second group of recruits that will be trained to deter, detect and eradicate piracy in the region.


More than 400 volunteers were recruited throughout the Puntland, representing all clans, and assembled over the period 25-29 February 2012 in Puntland's capital city, Garowe. The recruits went through vetting and medical screening and additional intake procedures.


Several senior and junior officers and non-commissioned officers of the Puntland Security Force (PSF) also were selected to accompany the new recruits during their training and will form part of the core leadership for future training and anti-piracy operations.


On March 2nd, a large vehicle convoy arrived with the recruits at the home base facility where Puntland officials and PMPF leadership welcomed them.


Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole) welcomed the recruits with the statement, “I am very proud on the people of Puntland that they could deliver these recruits, who will form the first intake for 2012.”


The PMPF local Commander, Col Abdurizak Dirie Farh. added “This is our second intake since the establishment of the PMPF, and we are able and ready to take the new recruits to even higher levels of operational readiness, after their formal training of approximately six months, to fight the scourge of piracy around our coastal water and on land and protect our marine resources. We learned a lot from our past experience and we are looking forward to developing the PMPF into an effective and efficient counter-piracy police force.”


The new recruits were issued basic gear, eating utensils and sleeping items and will complete their final administrative, medical and physical tests by end of the week. Basic training is scheduled to start on 10 March 2012 and will be completed within six weeks. More recruitment intakes are scheduled during 2012. PMPF Operations Personnel are busy with anti-piracy operations in Eyl and surrounding areas and will in due course expand operations deployments to other areas north and south of Eyl, along the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean.


About the Puntland Maritime Police Force


The PMPF is a professional, locally-recruited coastal police force in the Puntland State of Somalia. The PMPF’s mission is to promote peace and stability in the region by deterring, detecting, and eradicating piracy, illegal fishing and other coastal crimes; protecting marine resources; and delivering much-needed humanitarian relief supplies to Puntland’s citizens.


Media Contact:

Mr. Abdirazak Mohamed Mohamud

Project Coordinator

Presidential Office

Tel: +252-90-79617





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