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Will you stop or you do the round? What does the rule say?

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Dear Nuur/Rahima,


This gentleman was woken up by his wife so that he gets ready for the Suhuur. He looked at his watch. 4:20am. Normally, the final Azaan is made at 4:30am. Lured by the swagger of the wife who brought milk to him, he saw there was still a time to satisfy an intimate desire.


The question is what does the rule say? Do you stop the act or you finish the round?


[ September 18, 2008, 07:53 AM: Message edited by: Nur ]

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I just edited your post to suit Islam page ethics guidlines.


The anwer to your question is the same for food, you finish what you have started, reasonably!


If you are still in doubt, you can tame your desires by fasting two months as a deterrent against future violation, give sadaqa to sixty poor people, whichever you can.


Your question may have relieved many silent Nomads, thanks for your contribution.




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Johnny B   

Originally posted by Nur:



I just edited your post to suit Islam page ethics guidlines.


The anwer to your question is the same for food, you finish what you have started, reasonably!


Sheikh Nur,

If men (specially like me & AT&T ) finished 'whatever' they start,and reasonably at that,break-ups or/and divorce rates would be low.


Does women still bring 'Milk' to hubbies?.


AT&T, sxb , waa xagee mesha canaha laysu keno ?

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I can speak for myself. Aniga waa la ii keenaa Johnny! Kolkolna wajigaa la igaga daadiyaa!


Some were suggesting an abrupt end. Just think about the long faces! If that happens.

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Johnny B   

^I know about the long faces , but 'waa inagi une', i find you finishing the job reasonably and having the milk on your face a bit contradictory.


I lived under the impression of a cold cup of milk beeing equal to 'reasonably' calm and cool Wifey.

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Johnny B   

Darn you AT&T, show you always work around the logic. :D


Dummy me , i thought you failed to count the number of licks it takes to the belly button of the Cup. icon_razz.gif

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The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When Ramadaan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained up.” Yet I see before me that Shaitan-nimo behaviors still persist, how is this possible? Please clarify this for me


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Its only the Major Sheitan that is chained up, the minor Sheitan and the ( our own evil seeking soul) Nafs-al- ammara-bil-suu are not.


Sheitan also comes in two flavors


1. Jinn


2. Human



The human one kind is never chained in Ramadan



Hope its helped



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First of all, I thought all shaytaan is what is chained. The fishy part is maybe in relation to the question you were asked. "The shaitanimo behaviour" allusion. When combined with that, it seems to confirm something. That is not your fault, though.


Wabilaahi Tawfiik.

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Salaam br. Nur,


since every1 is throwing questions at you can I ask something I have been wondering?


anyway I wanted to know if you knew any guidance about the time to pray magrib after iftar.


I have seen some ppl pray after eating several dates, while others eat to their fill then pray magrib.


Do you know if there are some ahadith concerning this matter?


Don't worry if you don't know inshallah, its not a major issue.


jzk in advance.

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Abtigiis bro.


Our behaviour as humans is influenced from within and from without. Let me clarify things further.


You see Abtigiis, when we are left alone as humans , our nature ( analogous to any man made machine) has initial settings that were set up by Allah upon creation ( first copy, Adam) aka Fitra defauult setting, at which point mankind was honored to be the best of Allah's creations.


Once we were assembled with bodies ( at birth ) the interaction of the programmed "soul" and the hardware we know as "body" began. The interfaces of this set up were secure, up until natural intelliegence was completely installed, at which point the three entities, Body, Soul and Intelligence began to interact inorder to deliver on their covenant to worship Allah ALONE, which is the purpose for the human existence as Allah told us in Quraan.


That purpose was challenged by Sheitan when Allah created mankind and made him the care taker of His dominion on planet earth ( Innii Jaacilun fil ardi khaliifa), Sheitan told Allah that these humans are not worth that lofty place in Allah's dominion, and that he (Sheitan ) will prove it if given an access to mankinds inner self ( Interface of body soul and intelligence).


Allah granted Sheitan his wish, promisisng him and his human followers of a painful punishment in the second phase of existence in the hereafter.


Allah told us that He will send scriptures and Prophets / Messengers to remind mankind about this long standing challenge, between mankind and his arch enemy, Sheitan.


Sheitan was given an advantage that he can see us from a dimension that we can't see him from, to alter our perceptions, judgement and behaviours, but the reverse is not true.


To offset that disadvantage, Allah gave mankind the unique ability of naming actions and things ( Al Asmaa), which led to mankinds inquistive mind and the growth of knowledge which led to mankind's scientific explorations to reach space and to dive to the depth of particle physics ( Higgs Boson). Allah also gave mankind another power, a hotline connection to His omnipresent power through daily prayers, and in this thread, Fasting in the month of Ramadan.


Its in this Month of Ramadan in which we are ordered to fast from Bodily desires such as food and sex in daytime so that Sheitan's influence is immensely minimized once a year, according to the Hadeeth, the Major Sheitan is chained up to give an opportunity to humans to empty their bellies ( and you know what else!) so blood can flow into their right heads were intelligence resides to guide them back after drifting away from their creators path of siraatul mustaqeem for a year.


The Sheitanimo behaviour is not all attributed to the Jinn entity as humans also display Sheitannimo unassisted on their own, Somali warlords, their Ethiopian Regional Clients and their American sponsors are an example( Shayaatina al insi wal Jinn). In Ramadan, only the Big Sheitan of Jinn origin is chained up, which leaves for humans reasonable ability to control the rest, our Nafs (human Sheitan) and the baby Jinn Sheitans.




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