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Xaaji Xunjuf

Tribal chiefs from sool reject khaatumo still supporting farooles clan enclave

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Khaatumo has limited, contained the influence of the Garaads. Having a dinner with odayo Soomaaliyeed waxba kama bedeli karto geedi socodka Khaatumo.

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Taleexi;808657 wrote:
Buurmadow iyo kuwa la midka ahi maxay ka qaadayaan your beloved SL?

Good point.

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Buurmadow is opposed to Somalilands president Siilaanyo but he is not against his own country never ever he is against the government of siilaanyo not even the entire goverment he has some personal beef with siilaanyo something related to the garadag conference in 2008. Since buurmadow was a good friend of rayaale and a die hard udubist. Now buurmadow is locked up can you lock up garaad abshir salax when he comes to taleex?

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^It's not about say - it's about appearances. But I guess if you want to put on the rose tinted glasses - it's upto you.

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ElPunto;808783 wrote:
^It's not about say - it's about appearances. But I guess if you want to put on the rose tinted glasses - it's upto you.

Appearance alone is not enough,saaxib.Things have changed alot from the old days.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;808773 wrote:
Buurmadow is opposed to Somalilands president Siilaanyo but he is not against his own country never ever he is against the government of siilaanyo not even the entire goverment he has some personal beef with siilaanyo something related to the garadag conference in 2008. Since buurmadow was a good friend of rayaale and a die hard udubist. Now buurmadow is locked up can you lock up garaad abshir salax when he comes to taleex?

What about the other Hargaysa sultan who said Somalia is ONE country but asked for the presidency for your lot???Why is he on the loose???

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Abdul yes he also supports khaatuuumo and 2 weeks before that he declared a war on khaatuumo as for the Somalia stuff he was talking about the said conspiracy theories he was talking about the possible out come of the future he never said this is what i want or this is what i want for reerkeyga all conspiracy theories bu ka hadlay.I don't see know what this has to do with garaad abshir and ugaaska Boocaame.

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Garaad Abshir Salaax "Kulankaasu Wuxu ahaa Mid Aan Siyaasad Ahayn, Anigu Waxaan U Arkaa Puntland Iyo Khaatumo State Labo Maamul oo Deris Ah oo Walaalo Ah, Waxna Iskama Bedelen Mowqifkeygii Taleex Iyo Taageerada Aaan u Hayo Khaatumo State "{Dhagayso waraysi}.


Friday, March 23rd, 2012


Halkan Ka Dhageyso

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Sii socod soo socod symdrome.


God help them, didn't take long for 'Liibaan' to spam with his useless quotes. If they are two maamulo then why are they in Puntland? Cajiib

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Somalia;808977 wrote:

God help them, didn't take long for 'Liibaan' to spam with his useless quotes.

I posted only one quote in this thread by Garaad Abshir Saalax, anyone can click on the link and listen the Garaad Abshir speaking quote. So stop spamming the thread with your uselss insults and comments. Don't get angry because Garaad Abshir reaffirmed his support and commitment for Khaatumo People and Khaatumo State Of Somalia.


Somalia;808977 wrote:
If they are two maamulo then why are they in Puntland? Cajiib

Remember Somalia is one country, Garaad Abshir can visit any city, town, or region of his country Somalia. Soon Garaad Abshir will visit the our city of Somalia Mogadishu.



Somalia;808977 wrote:
Sii socod soo socod symdrome.

Pirate Syndrome.

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Oh no, pirate syndrome, how that one makes sense I have yet to understand.


I'm just wondering how you don't know you are being hoodwinked, it's so obvious yet to are dreaming, Faroole invites the issims of Puntland, why was he there? :D



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