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Madaxweynaha oo Garowe ku casumey isimada Puntland

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Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdrixman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole ayaa caawa 22,March 2012 casho sharaf ku martiqaadey xarunta madaxtoyada Garowe isimada iyo odayaasha dhaqanka Puntland.


Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire ,gudoomiyaha barlamanka Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xirsi ,gudoomiyaha guddiga doorashooyinka Puntland Maxamed Xasan Barre iyo wasiiro ka tirsan xukuumadda ayaa dhinaca qayb ka ahaa cashadan.


Ujeedka ayaa saraakiil ka tirsan madaxtoyada Garowe Online u sheegey in xog weydaarsi , kala war qaadasho iyo xaaladaha guud in ay tahay martiqaadkan madaxweynuhu u fidiyey isimadda Puntland.

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