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President Faroole in Rako

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Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Farole oo booqasho oo gaarey 19, March 2012 degmada Rako ee gobolka Karkaar sidii uu qayb uga noqon lahaa furitaanka shir nabad lagu dhex dhigayo laba beelood ayaa booqdey xarumo muhiim ah oo ku yaal halkaasi.


Madaxweynaha oo socdaalkan ku weheliyeen wasiiro iyo saraakiil ayaa 20, March 2012 waxa uu soo indha-indheeyey xarumo ku yaal Rako sida Xarunta caafimaadka Rako,iskuulka hoose ee degmada ,saldhiga ,ceelka biyaha ugu danbeyntiina xarunta degmada ayuu kula hadalay shacabka Rako oo isugu soo baxay fagaare aad u balaaran.


Galabkii ayuu Dr.Cabdiraxman waxa uu booqdey sidoo kale xero ay sugan yihiin reer guuraa ay soo barakiciyeen dagaaladii dhexmarey labada beelood,waxana uu ka wareystey qaabka noloshooda isagoona kula balamay maamulka degmada iyo kan gobolkaba inay isku taagaan sidii loo wanaajin lahaa dadweynaha ku sugan halkaasi.


Xaaladihii ugu danbeeyey ee dalka ,qorshaha nabada Somalia ,geedi socodka dimoqraadiyeynta Puntland,amaanka ,arrimaha bulshada iyo taabashada baahiyaha Rako ayay isugu jirtey khudbadii uu Dr,Cabdiraxman Farole u jeediyey dadweynaha Rako ka hor inta uusan ka qaybgalin shirkii nabadeynta furitaankiisa.

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Why is it that Faroole hasn't visited Puntland's second largest city, Galkacyo, since 2009? Why is his administration is ignoring this region? He has time to visit small shabby village but he can't find time to go to Galkacyo? or is there something else in play here? perhaps oil?

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