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What could Somaliland learn from the Gashamo debacle?

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The last couple of days Police forces under the authority of the President of the Somali region of Ethiopia Abdi ileey attacked villagers from Gashamo district. Abdi Ileey has his domestic and propably clanish reasons to order his Security forces these attack on citizens. Many from Somalilanders share kinship with those inhabitants in Gashamo and with many other disctricts. Many people even having family in the Somali region feel solidarity with the villagers from Gaashamo. Eventhough Gashaamo is close to the Somaliland border, Somaliland Goverment could do not much to aid their Somali brothers and sisters without risking a conflict with its bigger neighbour Ethiopia.


Therefor the only option the Somaliland goverment had, was to ask Meles Zenawi and his Federal Goverment for these attacks to be stopped. Melez Zenawi has his own domestic issue's and internal reasons to give Abdi Ileey 'carte blanche' in the region and probably domestic interest will weigh higher for Ethiopia than the complaints of a little foreign partner with little to no leverage.


What could Somaliland learn from this debacle? That Somaliland has little leverage against Ethiopia That Ethiopia will always weigh domestic interest higher then foreign interest of little countries. That Abdi Ileey or any other future President of the Somali region with the backing of Ethiopia can go his way with any Somali district. And there seems to be little that small foreign players as Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland, or TFG can do about it.


For me this issue underlines the importance for Somaliland and Somalia to unite, atleast on Foreign Policy the two could make an agreement on the short term, even when other issue's are not resolved yet. This would give Somalia leverage in the region, on the internationa stage, with donors and certainly against the Nairobi based UN agencies. And with a common stance against neighbouring countries and international players one would minimize negative impact of foreign players in Somalia and the interest of Somali's would be guarded by this Somali fist on the international stage.

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Lets unite for 2 decades or 3 and break the back of the Ethiopians they are weak now with ethnic tensions all over Ethiopia border clashes with Eritrea and when that´s done we can relax and go our separate ways.

Than again a recognized Somaliland republic can do more than a unrecognized Somaliland either way we are screwed Somalilanders and koonfurians.As long as Somalia is being invaded by Ethiopia and Kenya there is little Somaliland or Djibouti can do Carafaat and our objective now is to help and try to assist our people in gaashaamo even though it will be hard but we are with them in these hard times.

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Somalis to understand they are being pitted against each other and we are afraid to challenge the big wolf so it's easier to take your frustrations on your Somalis. Zenawi knows the Somali clan system and employ Iley to deadly effect.

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Carafaat;807301 wrote:
Depends if they can see what their external interest is and not blinded by internal little feuds.

What about their internal interest that's more important to them when you look back when the civil started.


Carafaat you have great ideas but its unpractical when you look at the current situation of the Somali people and most likely infeasible to implement in Somaliland or Somalia.

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This was Zenawi's plan all along-to divide Somalis into mini-states and have his way with them.The only way we can get out of this is through unity.

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Carafaat;807301 wrote:
Depends if they can see what their external interest is and not blinded by internal little feuds.


internal feud? ethiopians didn't bomb hargeisa,burao, mogadishu ...Ethiopians didn't plan to exterminate the whole north & take ova their cities & land...that's documented.Sorry my friend the game is ova...let's not waste time on coming under one flag...that' gona be the biggest mistake eva & is not coming...history repeats itself.I see those crying loud about greater somalia as the instigators of the somali disaster in the first place and may be they feeling guilty now and want redemption .

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but legally speaking, is Gaashamo not part of Ethiopia? Why and how can either somaliland or a united somalia woild interfere? I am talking about legality here, not morality.


Carafaat's analysis is wrong. The lesson here is we must understand the perils of clannishness and the cruelty of colonialists. We must support people under attack and oppressio, whether in gaashaamo or guunagado. A weak united somaia would not have done anything about this gaashamo massacre.


I also condemn fikirka extremist ga ah ee ciyaalka SNM ta ee cadaawada soomalida kale loo qabo ku waynaatay eey indhatirtay sida burahaadeer.

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Abtigiis;807396 wrote:
The lesson here is we must understand the perils of clannishness and the cruelty of colonialists. We must support people under attack and oppressio, whether in gaashaamo or guunagado.

I fully agree with you, we must support people under attack and oppressio, whether in Gaashaamo, Buuhoodle, Widhwidh, Laas Caanood, Borame, Dhagaxbuur, Godey, Wardheer, Baladweyn, Baydhabo, etc.

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