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Avenging Buuhoodle: Hitting Silaanyo Below the Belt

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A certian LANDER, himself the product of Somaliland's brainwashed social education, with no capacity to see beyond what is immediately close to his mind, was saying I sterotype people. This rumor may yet again be taken as a continuation of that pattern. But we are here not to assuage the petulant egos and pride of secessionists. We tell what we hear.


This creature, LANDER, still believes that Somaliland is not a one-clan entity. How more brainwashed can one be?

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Abtigiis;806978 wrote:
A certian LANDER, himself the product of Somaliland's brainwashed social education, with no capacity to see beyond what is immediately close to his mind, was saying I sterotype people. This rumor may yet again be taken as a continuation of that pattern. But we are here not to assuage the petulant egos and pride of secessionists. We tell what we hear.


This creature, LANDER, still believes that Somaliland is not a one-clan entity. How more brainwashed can one be?

He's right. ;)’s-Woman-Art-and-SNM’s-Pimp-politics?highlight=Somaliland


Have you ever bullied a little kid, Abtigiis? When he can't match your physical power and can't retaliate in kind, the only thing left to him is the eternal "hoyada waxa ku samee". Now I'm not sure who that kid is; you or the Khaatumo guy you're telling about. :D

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Who shall we believe here? Ngonge is saying both of his daughters are married and AT&T is pulling out one of his stories he saves for rainy days.The lightning-quick ways he dropped the love just shows how the dude was not serious.Love bade him welcome; yet his soul drew back because of the guilty of associating with the enemy.People do intermarry according to proximity.I'm not surprised if Khatumos intermarry with Silanyo people, after all my grandmothers and great grandmothers are AT&T folks...I'm basically a quater Original Gangster.....

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The link you posted about SNM not Somaliland people, for your information.



Have you ever bullied a little kid, Abtigiis? When he can't match your physical power and can't retaliate in kind, the only thing left to him is the eternal "hoyada waxa ku samee". Now I'm not sure who that kid is; you or the Khaatumo guy you're telling about.

:D :D :D I think the narrator cannot be held responsible for the actions of the protagonist in a book.


Stoic - I am condemning the boys act, remember. And I am serious.

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*Blessed;807022 wrote:
As usual Abtigiis, siyaasad ku daba dhuumo to insult women. Below the belt and imbecilic, indeed!

Ma caayaa, ayaayo? Ma dila? Just say the word, I know where he lives.

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Adaa af yaqaane maxaad iga waydiin? Kolay anigu wagar baan madaxa kaga qaraaci lahaa but what use would that be?

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Dearest sister blessed,

salaan qaali ah iga gudoon walaal. where is the insult please? You know who is dating Kim Karadshan. what is wrong if i know and share who is divorcing silaanyo's girl? Seriously why do people feel that if they write abtigiis,women,insult in one line, it is a charge which should be confirmed without further investigation? Since when has to be jilted became synonymous with to be insulted? Or more accurately telling a sad heartbreak qualified the teller for a criminal?

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*Blessed;807022 wrote:
As usual Abtigiis, siyaasad ku daba dhuumo to insult women. Below the belt and imbecilic, indeed!

I like Abtigiis, we are comrades and we are close ideolody wise. But his arguments tend to end somewhere between tje legs of women.

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I cannot be held responsibile if excitable boys imagine lewd things at the bare mention of divorce and marriage and start masturbating live online.

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NGONGE;806945 wrote:
^^ Both his daughters are married.

Leave the Odayga gabdhihiisa alone. One of them who is from the Bay is a friend of mine. Indeed, very sweet person she is..


Maaddeey, xagaad ka shaqaysaa? kootarabaan iyo reerkiina loo kala caal waa, waa run oo taan aqaan koleyba mar waa la furay.


Abtigiis, Saaxiibow jacaylka iyo siyaasada ha isku qasin haddii aadan soo asaasiqi rabin. I'm a great proponent of intermarriages, and what not ... such communal rituals make the supply chain stronger. However, one should die with his political believes and convictions.

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Actually, I don't know who Kim is or is not dating and if I did, I wouldn't be using her relationship to challenge American policies. Wax aan is lahayn ayaad isku dhex qastaa, mr mysoginist, taa waa lagugu xantaa, laakin anigu kaama qarinayo. :P

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